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Kyle E. Coyote 07-26-2008 04:07 PM


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Sure, he intends to change them, but he lacks a vital piece of the puzzle... a PLAN! His supposed healthcare solution, along with his half-assed attempt at energy independence will DESTROY the economy. The war in Iraq is ANYTHING but senseless unless you ask CNN (see the I am- Fuck Bush of the day thread for inneumerable reasons why), socializing healthcare is ridiculous (My mother and fiancee are both nurses, trust me, I know how this will play out. 100,000,000 people with a 'strange colored pimple' will flood into hospitals the day that healthcare becomes free, costing thousands of lives and billions of YOUR taxpayer dollars), and I'd like to see you do a better job presidentially than Bush. Betcha can't. Tell ya what; next time you feel the need to say something without any factual basis behind it... don't.

binary_jester 07-26-2008 04:16 PM


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Plus I'd like to see a president improve or ruin the economy.

jizzay 07-26-2008 05:09 PM


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The war in Iraq we are currently engaged in is senseless. Hussein was removed, we give these people a somewhat free society and they spit in our soldier's faces, shoot at them and simply don't want us there, ask a soldier who has been there. We are still there only because Bush and his cronies are not done draining the military of any funds they may have left. Granted universal health care is a pipe dream but tort reform is what needs to happen in order to make health care more affordable. When we open the flood gates to allow any nut with a difference of opinion to sue doctor's over what they perceive as malpractice that forces the health care industry to overcharge. If I thought I could do a better job than he, I would have entered politics. next time you want to shoot someone's opinion, make sure you open the other side of your brain, the side that says "Hmm maybe I am not right all the time". I wasn't asked to give factual basis, we were asked who were we gonna vote for. And I chose to give MY reasons behind my choice. Turn your soapbox over and crawl inside now.

jizzay 07-26-2008 05:10 PM


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As much as I hate to admit, the economy was pretty improved during Clinton's 8 years compared to Bush's.

binary_jester 07-26-2008 05:34 PM


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Let me rephrase. WHAT can a president do to improve the economy?

jizzay 07-26-2008 06:18 PM


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Well, first they can reform NAFTA. Suspend taxes for lower income families and raise taxes on the Upper class. Cut needless spending in programs like NASA and work to privatize some of the lesser needed government jobs. Maybe work to create new jobs by expanding tax breaks for small businesses who are being eaten alive by taxes and forcing them to close or reduce their staff.

binary_jester 07-26-2008 06:21 PM


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Gosh...the President can do all that?

You may need a refresher on the constitution.

jizzay 07-26-2008 06:34 PM


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No I realize he can't do it alone. But you would like to think that the man we elect to run our country has the power to get the ball rolling.

As for a refresher on the constitution, are so all knowing that you have it memorized? Don't be a dick. If you don't want to have a debate the stop responding to it. Like I said, it's my opinion. It doesn't matter to anyone but me. I chose a side, and I have my ideals. Don't like it, then listen to yourself talk for a while so you can find someone who shares yours.

Trips 07-26-2008 06:47 PM


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Amen brother. During the last two elections I disliked both candidates. On this one I figure we need a good figure head and just that. I think congress and the senate need to stop being bitches and stand up. So if I had to vote I'd go obama. But I'll probably do what I've done for the last eight years and write myself in. :D

Striker 07-26-2008 06:53 PM


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You, like so many, many others, are confusing the President with Congress. The election of senators and representatives is what really matters the most... For fucks sake, Congress has a single digit approval rating, yet all the focus is on the Presidential election.

And taxing the wealthy isn't going to solve problems. It's their billions sitting in banks that are the backbone of the economy.

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