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Choppie 08-26-2008 07:49 AM

Personally I agree that if you can join the military and die for your country you should have the right to drink as well.

As for those that actually join the military, they should be able to snort coke off of $10,000 call-girls while discharging firearms into the roof. If they are gonna risk their lives for our sakes let's make it worth it.

abitskrewd 09-02-2008 03:31 PM

if your in the military, you can drink at 18. and who didnt drink before the age of 21 anyways......all thats needed now is a high school senior drunk in school 09-02-2008 03:54 PM

not only should the drinking age stay 21, but everything else should be 21, too. driving, voting, joining the military.

oh, and smoking should be banned.

abitskrewd 09-02-2008 04:00 PM

actually i agree with most of what you say, except voting....make it mandatory that you do vote, and keep it at 18.

its bad enough that people here in a free country people dont use their right to vote. there are places in this world where people would die to vote, literally. there is a problem with voting here tho, and it all starts with the whole political system. why are we forced to choose between 2 parties. i know that you can go and write someone in, but that would never work on a large scale. and i know that other parties get a shot at the ballot, but why not let them speak during the debates?

Striker 09-02-2008 07:10 PM


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Are you kidding? It's bad enough that we have people voting that don't have a fucking clue what's going on in the world and you want make stupid people voting mandatory? That would just make the following quote happen even faster.


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"Hey you know, I HAVE to vote because it's the law, so I might as well vote for the candidate promising the most shit."

Randal Graves 09-02-2008 07:14 PM


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I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was a joke.

Striker 09-02-2008 07:30 PM


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Well, he's only got 21 posts, I don't know if he's joking or not. Let's hope you are right, then again, when have you been wrong? :D

The Godfather 09-02-2008 10:52 PM

I was caught on the right side of transitioning the drinking age to 21. When I was 18 it was legal to drink. When I was 19, they raised it to 19 ....

Regardless, if you can be trusted with a SAW, then you should have the legal right to drink after mowing all those Hajees in half. Sorry, too much Generation Kill.

chilansl 09-03-2008 02:29 PM

I vote 18. The whole "old enough to serve is the military" is part of a larger argument: At what age do we define adulthood?

At 18, you can enter into contracts, own firearms, vote, serve on a jury, etc, etc, but cannot legally purchase alcohol? This seems to say that 18 year olds are mostly adults, but cannot be trusted with Budweiser or Coors.

mr.brownfella 10-15-2008 02:32 AM

I was a kid when the drinking age was changed. All I could remember is that the months before the law pass. Some 18 yr old was always in an accident somewhere being drunk. Drunk driving was killing people and the 18 yr old kids was the many cause. As for not look at the drivers who are 16, can we trust them to drink and drive when they turn 8?

I really do not know...we all have stories to tell.

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