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Fever 09-11-2009 12:40 AM


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Fuckin' makes sense.
Glad I never liked those things, and haven't had one since I was like 10.

rocker182 09-11-2009 01:09 AM

Courtney Love bashes Guitar Hero then blocks Twitter account

Predator24 09-11-2009 05:25 AM


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HAHAHA, the Filet O'Fish is probably the most appealing thing in a McDonald's kitchen.

I used to be a manager in 2 stores in the early 90's. At least the fish is frozen then put into the fry-o-lator. The frozen meat patties would thaw out sometimes, fall on the floor and the hands ading the onions and pickles were not always the cleanest in the world.

Don't even get me started on the Breakfast menu!!

I'm certain that some others on here have (or still do) worked there and can attest to that.

strommsarnac 09-11-2009 07:52 AM


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I'm so confused. They say they only found five skulls and a jaw bone. Then later they say they also found leg bones, etc. Then they start jumping to all these conclusions about the society of the bones they found. Not stuff based on the bones, but stuff assumed.

I love Anthropology and Archeology. I HATE when these scientists jump to conclusions like this. They do it just to make a name for themselves.

Predator24 09-11-2009 05:56 PM

MEGADOUCHE 09-11-2009 10:08 PM

Thank God.
U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert Groves' Letter Announcing Decision to Sever ACORN Ties
by Publius

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Predator24 09-12-2009 05:35 AM


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I saw this story last night and was so happy to know that the country is starting to wake up!!

National Tea Party in DC today 9/12/09!!!!

Liquid 09-13-2009 02:38 PM

British officer wins two gallantry awards for fending off Taliban attack with bayonet

Lieutenant James Adamson was awarded the Military Cross after killing two insurgents during close quarter combat in Helmand's notorious "Green Zone".

The 24-year-old officer, a member of the 5th battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland, revealed that he shouted "have some of this" before shooting dead a gunman who had just emerged from a maize field.

Seconds later and out of ammunition, the lieutenant leapt over a river bank and killed a second insurgent machine-gunner with a single thrust of his bayonet in the man's chest.

The officer was one of 145 members of the armed services who last week received awards in the latest Operational Honours list.

In a graphic description of the intense fighting in Helmand, the officer told of the moment killed the second fighter. He said: "It was a split second decision.

"I either wasted vital seconds changing the magazine on my rifle or went over the top and did it more quickly with the bayonet.

"I took the second option. I jumped up over the bank of the river. He was just over the other side, almost touching distance.

"We caught each other's eye as I went towards him but by then, for him, it was too late. There was no inner monologue going on in my head I was just reacting in the way that I was trained.

"He was alive when it went in ? he wasn't alive when it came out ? it was that simple."

Recalling his feelings in the moments afterwards Lt Adamson, said: "He was young, with dark hair. He only had kind of whispy hair on his chin, not a proper beard, so he wasn't that old, maybe a teenager.

"Afterwards, when he was dead, I picked up his PKM (Russian-made belt-fed machine gun) machine gun and slung it over my back.

"We then had to wait for more of my men to join us. We thought there could be more Taliban about and we were just watching our arcs of fire, waiting for more to come out of a big field of maize which came right up to the river we had been wading through.

"One of my men, Corporal Billy Carnegie, reached us, looked at the two dead Taliban on the ground and then saw the blood on my bayonet and said "boss what the **** have you been doing?"

The firefight, in July 2008, began during the middle an operation to push the Taliban out of an area close to the town of Musa Qala in northern Helmand.

Lt Adamson's platoon of 25-men, which was leading the assault, had just halted their advance when they were attacked.

Lt Adamson, who is single and comes from the Isle of Man, was moving between two eight man sections when a group of Taliban fighters attempted a flanking attack.

He continued: "The Taliban kept on probing us ? sending in fighters to attack, first in twos then in fours.

"There was a gap between the two sections and the Taliban realised this and were sending in men to get between the two groups so they could split us up and isolate us.

"Myself and Corporal Fraser 'Hammy' Hamilton were wading nipple deep down a river which connected the two positions. Hammy was ahead when the Taliban fighter with the PKM (Russian machine gun) appeared from a maize field.

"There was an exchange of fire and 'Hammy' fired off his ammunition and then the weight of fire coming from the Taliban forced him under the water.

"The machine-gunner had also gone to ground but was still firing in our direction periodically. I had just caught up when 'Hammy' came up out of the water like a monster of the deep.

"Then another Taliban man came through the maize carrying an AK47. He was only three to four metres away.

"I immediately shot him with a burst from my rifle which was already set on automatic. He went down straight away and I knew I had hit him.

"Hammy said I shouted: 'have some of this' as I shot him but I can't remember that. I fired another burst at the PKM gunner and then that was me out of ammunition as well.

"That was when I decided to use the bayonet on him. It was a case of one second to bayonet him or two seconds to put on a fresh magazine.

"Nothing was really going through my mind but briefly I did think 'if this works out the boys will love it' ? as in the rest of the platoon that I commanded.

"The undergrowth is so dense in the 'Green zone' that I often ordered bayonets fixed because you knew the distances between you and the Taliban could be very short. It is also good for morale."

His Military Cross citation read: "Adamson's supreme physical courage, combined with the calm leadership he continued to display after a very close encounter with the Taliban, were of the very highest order.

"His actions also neutralised an enemy flanking attack which could have resulted in casualties for his platoon."

Two weeks earlier Lt Adamson had won a Mention in Dispatches (MID) by leading his men in an ambush against the Taliban in the same area.

It is understood that the young lieutenant is the first member of the armed forces to receive two awards for gallantry during the same operational tour.


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Balls of fucking steel!

maxbailey 09-14-2009 07:30 AM

Number of webcam models 'on the rise'
A Newsbeat investigation's found a rising number of British women are working as webcam models on the internet.

Market analysts say the overall webcam market is now worth more than a billion pounds, with online sex shows a big part of it.

Industry insiders say there's been a rise in applications, partly fuelled by the recession, with hundreds of British women signing up to UK websites each month, many more internationally.

They appear live on webcams that can be accessed on computers around the world.

Men usually pay premium rates for the privilege.

Twenty-three-year-old Lauren's been working as a webcam model for a few months.

She works with a few other girls in a basement of a semi-detached house that's been converted into a studio.

It's been furnished to look like two different rooms. On one side there's a bed, on the other a sofa.

The girls wear fancy underwear and headsets to talk to punters on the webcams. Lauren told Newsbeat she can make up to ?30 per hour with bonuses.

"You can imagine, it is talking dirty. You know, if they ask me to take my top off, I will do."

It's a secretive international industry. Women can work from anywhere in the world, posing naked and talking explicitly about sex.

Lauren says she can make up to ?30 per hour as a webcam girl Market analysts say overall the webcam market grew from around ?730m in 2006 to ?1.1bn in 2008.

It's predicted to almost double in worth again by 2015, with pornographic webcam sites driving much of that growth.

They say it's more hidden from analysts than other segments, but is a "lively" part of the market.

The most popular site is huge in size, claiming to have around 27,000 webcam models and 17 million members, with around 12,000 new sign-ups each day.

Brodie Fry set up one of the websites. He told Newsbeat the recession has contributed to more women working as webcam models.

"A lot of women in this sort of economic downturn will move into the adult industry.

"This is a safe alternative to becoming an escort or an adult model. There's total anonymity. Of course, the operators don't use their real names.

One site told Newsbeat in the last year it's put an extra 42 British women on average a month on its books.

Richard Smallbone recently set his own webcam site. He told Newsbeat up to 150 British women are signing up to UK sites a month, with many more joining international sites.

He said: "We started off with 12 profiles and there would be one girl working during the day.

"Eighteen months down the line, we now have 80 different profiles, anything up to 16 girls working during the day."

'Enormous pressure'

But there are concerns. Campaigners say webcam girls could be pressurised into doing things they're not comfortable with.

Mobile adult services are thought to be the next growth area Anna van Heeswijk's from Object, which campaigns against the sexual exploitation of women, said the industry needs to be better regulated.

"It is the man who decides which women he wants to choose, depending on what she looks like and how she's willing to behave sexually.

"This puts enormous pressure on women within the industry to perform more and more extreme versions of pornography in order to attract men, in order to make a living."

Lauren has no such worries. She said her priority is her three-year-old daughter and insists she's not being exploited.

"A lot of my friends are working in clothes shops and stuff, they've got no money.

"I could do two shifts in a week and I'm still earning more money than what they are and I get to spend all day, every day, with my little girl.

"I wouldn't want to be at work all day and have her in nursery. I wouldn't be able to see her."

It's not only on the internet where webcam models are becoming more popular.

Juniper Research anticipates that revenues from mobile adult services will rise from ?1.3 bn in 2008 to ?2.9bn by 2013 - part of that growth is from webcams on mobiles.

maxbailey 09-14-2009 07:32 AM

'Pirates' ship looted in Scotland
A tall ship used in the Pirates of the Caribbean film trilogy has been raided while docked in Scotland.

Thieves targeted HMS Bounty while she was berthed at Custom House Quay in Greenock, Inverclyde, at about 0410 BST on Saturday.

A sum of cash between ?50 and ?100 was taken, along with several items of clothing with the Bounty's insignia.

A survival suit, book, life ring and an American flag were also stolen. These were later recovered nearby.

Police have appealed for anyone with information about the theft to come forward.

HMS Bounty is a replica of the original Bounty, famous for its ill-fated trip to Tahiti and the West Indies in 1789.

A mutiny took place during the expedition, which saw Captain William Bligh and 18 crewmen set adrift.

The replica was built in 1962 for the film Mutiny on the Bounty, starring Marlon Brando.

It has since been used as The Edinburgh Trader in the final two Pirates of the Caribbean movies, which starred Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow.

The ship was berthed in Greenock during a tour of several UK ports.

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