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dusio22 07-23-2008 11:58 AM

I vote we all move to amsterdam.

bexxx 07-23-2008 01:43 PM


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Choppie 07-23-2008 01:53 PM

Voting huh...Obama or McCain...

....we. are. so. fucked.

Kyle E. Coyote 07-23-2008 02:25 PM

Obama is charismatic, cool and JFK-esque. I'd love to vote for him... too bad I don't agree with a damn word he says.

McCain isn't the ideal candidate for a long shot, but he deserves the presidency more than any other candidate in my lifetime. He's fought for his country, killed for his country. After being covered in third degree burns and having two arms and a leg shattered upon being shot down over North Vietnam, he had his shoulder blade beaten to pieces before being stabbed in the chest by a NV soldier's bayonet (that's 7.5" of steel plunged through his ribs into his lung) and was then transported to Hanoi without medical care. He then endured years of torture even after he was offered no-strings-attached release, just because he wanted to make sure that his fellow Navymen would make it home safely. He was either beaten, stung by scorpions, imbedded with bamboo splinters, hogtied and hung from the celling and drowned near to death on a daily basis. At one point he was rope-bound and beaten every two hours, 24/7. His shoulders were broken so badly he still to this day can't raise his arms above his head. He spent two years of his life in solitary confinement. He suffered from dysintery which turned his hair white at the age of 31, and caused him to lose over 60 pounds. This went on for nearly three years. Despite all of this, he gave medical care to his fellow soldiers, knitted american flags on the inside of his shirt to salute daily (and was beaten for it, naturally) and more. He never wavers on his opinions and views, he knows what he's doing, and he's not one of those asshats so obsessed with winning the presidency they act like they're royalty already..

Striker 07-23-2008 04:59 PM

I don't like either of the two main ones but I dislike McCain a lot less then Obama so it'll be McCain. Obama scares me and if you look at some of the shit he says, he makes no sense. For example:


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I certainly hope so.

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Really? 8 to 10 years?
Oh and the best yet, video of him claiming to have visited 57 states, with one to go, not including Alaska or Hawaii.

If Bush said half that shit, people would never stop bashing him for it.

Edit Ah and here is one where he just flat out lies:

Marie-Eve Martinez 07-23-2008 05:15 PM

I have a good friend working in DC right now, (who is extremely liberal) and he seems to say word on the street there, and from his own detective work down there that Obama isn't really how he is presenting himself to the media and public, and actually has alot of left wing, conservation agenda in store if he gets into office. That's fine, if that's what you're into, but the public is perceiving him as anything but that. And I think that is a problem.

Though McCain is much more experienced and I think Obama is REALLY lacking in that area, I still think he is a better candidate then McCain, who is a tad too on the right for my liking.That just a personal opinion obviously) but I have a strong feeling Obama is not going to be quite the savior a lot of people think he is.

Wise man say:

The only difference between Democrats and Republicans is the Color of their ties.

Ralph Nader is the only one who could really clean up the US right now, I think.

Striker 07-23-2008 05:29 PM


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A Democrat politician lying? :eek:That can't be.

Obama is baaaad news.

I think the main thing that has me going for McCain is that I know he'll be good to the military.

BlackCrypt 07-23-2008 05:30 PM

TheDrunkElf 07-23-2008 08:23 PM


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Obama scares the crap out of me....

I'll leave it at that.. politics and religion discussions never end well... Look at the crusades..

tlock 07-25-2008 12:03 PM

I'm voting McCain

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