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Striker 01-03-2009 02:31 AM


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Yes because you are leading him on in hopes that you will get a "nice dinner" out of it. You have expressed no intention of ever taking it any further.


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It's not so much that you have a hidden agenda, it's your whole attitude. Yeah, there are a lot of guys out there that prefer to think with their dicks, but there are also a lot of guys out there that are looking for a meaningful relationship. You gave this guy your number knowingly leading him on so you could at least try and get a free dinner out of it. Then come on here and whine about the way he texted you not living up to your high standards.


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Yeah, that doesn't make you sound stuck up at all.


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YOU don't like that? Half your posts on this forum are in someway related to sex. You posted about how you hook up with your neighbor and it makes you feel like a slut because your roommates can't get guys. You whine in another thread about how your FUCK BUDDY didn't drop everything and drive 60 miles because your cat wondered off. Yet you don't like guys seeing you as a sexual object? Is this a fucking prank?

DSF Guest 7 01-03-2009 02:43 AM

I think Striker's blood sugar just bottomed out.

velvet_skin 01-03-2009 02:53 AM


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ok see... most would be bugged by that...
but why? its a perfect opportunity to fuck with their heads and have some fun :D
the best answer "i'm a little sad cause i just got my period and i didnt have any tampons so i stained myself" :)

serafina 01-03-2009 02:56 AM


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I love that!

scampr 01-03-2009 05:31 AM

This cracks me the fuck up...

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I'll leave the content and motivation discussions to Striker since he has that handled. What I REALLY love in this first post is that you use such poor English and manners while putting down someone else.

Helloooooooo kettle... 01-03-2009 05:48 AM

aside from the "sexy" part, it's a text. i do the same thing so i don't have hit so many little keys. so yeah, that's a bit judgmental.

as for the sexy were at a bar. did you think he was there to learn knitting?

georgetenfour 01-03-2009 08:23 AM


what i get is, a date happened, and it wasn't the best one. everything else is judgements and games that went wrong. but let me say!! this idea of women being upset over being seen as "sexual objects"? well our object is always to have sex with you, sometimes we're patient enough to be cool and wait for signs, sometimes idiots text the wrong thing and fall on their face.

try having a penis. yea we can pee standing up, but if you need sex you can microwave a bratwurst for twenty seconds and go to town. just like the real deal. guys, are screwed. we end up in the course of a life, buying many, many wasted dinners.

maxbailey 01-03-2009 08:54 AM

I'm with striker on this one.

Tablefor5 01-03-2009 08:55 AM

I can't believe anyone has asked this yet...or maybe they did but I didn't take much effort in reading this thread...just skimmed over it briefly.

Are you even hot?

velvet_skin 01-03-2009 09:00 AM


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oh..we venturing in something big here.
i agree with most of what u said.
we still expect old fashion courting but expect to be treated like equal human yes men are left depending on the woman's willingness and perceptiveness, or just time of the month.
but dont take all blame on men for the sex object thing.
i mean i'm a woman (i swear to god i am :p )... the smallest gestures and action all go towards presenting myself better..and we all do it. we just selling different stuff.
now i personally dont go around jumping men or stuff and am immune to most successful mating stereotypes but i don't let myself be less than i am just because i don't look for someone.
honest, i just needed a man to fucking wow me. and i got him. i ignored every fucking prick that crossed my path before that.
and yes i am close to howling like a horny wolf and saying stupider stuff then "hey sexy what u up 2"
it is a game...and not everyone wins all the time.
we just shouldn't make more of a deal when it's really just everyone trying their best to satisfy basic urges.

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