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Predator24 08-16-2009 11:34 AM

Obama Retreats
Obama Retreats

White House appears ready to drop 'public option'
By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer Philip Elliott, Associated Press Writer ? 51 mins ago
WASHINGTON ? Apparently ready to abandon the idea, President Barack Obama's health secretary said Sunday a government alternative to private health insurance is "not the essential element" of the administration's health care overhaul.

The White House indicated it could jettison the contentious public option and settle on insurance cooperatives as an acceptable alternative, a move embraced by some Republicans lawmakers who have strongly opposed the administration's approach so far.

Officials from both political parties reached across the aisle in an effort to find compromises on proposals they left behind when they returned to their districts for an August recess. Obama has been pressing for the government to run a health insurance organization to help cover the nation's almost 50 million uninsured.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the White House would be open to co-ops instead of a government-run public option, a sign Democrats want a compromise so they can declare a victory on the must-win showdown.

"I think there will be a competitor to private insurers," she said. "That's really the essential part, is you don't turn over the whole new marketplace to private insurance companies and trust them to do the right thing. We need some choices, we need some competition."

Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., said co-ops might be a politically acceptable alternative as "a step away from the government takeover of the health care system" that the GOP has assailed.

Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., chairman of the Senate's budget committee, pushed the co-op model as an alternative, saying it has worked in other business models.

As proposed by Conrad, the co-ops would receive federal startup money, but then would operate independently of the government. They would have to maintain the same financial reserves that private companies are required to keep to handle unexpectedly high claims.

Republicans say a public option would have unfair advantages that would drive private insurers out of business. Critics say co-ops would not be genuine public options for health insurance.

Meanwhile, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said he would return to the bargaining sessions to find a bipartisan solution to a health care problem that has long vexed Washington.

"I'm always ready to go back to the bargaining table," Hatch said. "Heck, I've probably helped pass more bipartisan health care legislation than anybody I know."

That legislation, however, seemed likely to strike end-of-life counseling sessions. Former Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin has called the session "death panels," a label that has drawn rebuke from her fellow Republicans as well as Democrats.

Even so, Sebelius said the proposal was likely to be dropped from the final bill.

"We wanted to make sure doctors were reimbursed for that very important consultation if family members chose to make it, and instead it's been turned into this scare tactic and probably will be off the table," she said. "And that's not good news for the American public and not good news for family members."

Sebelius spoke on CNN's "State of the Union" and ABC's "This Week." Shelby and Conrad appeared on "Fox News Sunday." Hatch was interviewed on "This Week."

Predator24 08-23-2009 09:21 PM


Murder fugitive found dead in B.C. hotel room
Updated Sun. Aug. 23 2009 10:15 PM ET News Staff

A former reality TV contestant wanted in the brutal murder of his ex-wife has been found dead, the RCMP said Sunday evening, ending an intense manhunt that spanned both sides of the border.

Ryan Jenkins' body was found in a hotel room in Hope, B.C., which is about 100 kilometres northeast of Vancouver. Police say the death is the result of an apparent suicide.

"At this time, the investigation into the circumstances of his death is continuing, but preliminary evidence suggests that he took his own life," said RCMP Sgt. Duncan Pound in Vancouver.

Meanwhile, sources told CTV's Alberta Bureau Chief Janet Dirks that Jenkins, a former real estate developer, hanged himself in his motel room.

Jenkins, 32, had been charged by U.S. authorities with first-degree murder in the death Jasmine Fiore, a 28-year-old former swimsuit model.

Fiore's mutilated body was discovered last weekend stuffed into a suitcase in a Los Angeles-area dumpster.

Investigators on both sides of the border had asked for assistance from the public in their search for Jenkins, who is suspected of strangling Fiore and reporting her missing the evening of Aug. 15, then fleeing.

Police suspected that Jenkins had likely snuck back into his home country by car, boat and on foot.

Police didn't say how long Jenkins' body had been in the motel room. There had also been a $25,000 reward for information leading to his arrest.

Jenkins and Fiore met in Las Vegas in March and married soon afterwards.

Fiore's mother said her daughter had the marriage annulled, but no court documents have been found to prove that claim. The couple, who had a rocky relationship, had reportedly reconciled recently.

Disturbing details

Fiore's body was discovered in Buena Park, a city about 32 kilometres southeast of Los Angeles. Her teeth and fingers had been removed, apparently in an effort to keep authorities from identifying her.

Investigators used the serial numbers on her breast implants to identify Fiore, said Farrah Emami, a spokesperson for the Orange County district attorney's office.

Fiore was a model who worked in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, working gigs such as being bodypainted at parties.

Jenkins had been a contestant on VH1's recent reality show "Megan Wants a Millionaire," which the network cancelled on Friday.

In Calgary, Jenkins' former fiancee Paulina Chmielecka said she never saw a violent side of him.

"The guy was a great guy, as far as I knew he was very happy," she told CTV. "In our relationship, we had our fights -- everyone does -- but I would never say, 'Well, he could have murdered someone.' There's no way."

maxbailey 08-25-2009 10:27 AM

Anger at UK file-sharing policy
Internet service providers (ISPs) have reacted with anger to new proposals on how to tackle internet piracy.

The government is proposing a tougher stance which would include cutting off repeat offenders from the net.

UK ISP Talk Talk said the recommendations were likely to "breach fundamental rights" and would not work.

Virgin said that "persuasion not coercion" was key in the fight to crack down on the estimated six million file-sharers in the UK.

TalkTalk's director of regulation Andrew Heaney told the BBC News the ISP was as keen as anyone to clamp down on illegal file-sharers.

"This is best done by making sure there are legal alternatives and educating people, writing letters to alleged file-sharers and, if necessary, taking them to court.

But introducing measures to simply cut people off will not work, he said.

"Disconnecting alleged offenders will be futile given that it is relatively easy for determined file-sharers to mask their identity or their activity to avoid detection," he added.

There are also concerns that the method of identifying offenders using the IP address of a specific machine may punish those who share a web connection.

A spokeswoman for Virgin Media was concerned that a "heavy-handed, punitive regime will simply alienate consumers".

It was also concerned about the costs of implementing such a system.

Listening carefully

Originally the Digital Britain report, published in June, gave Ofcom until 2012 to consider whether technical measures to catch pirates were necessary.

However, according to a statement from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills released on Tuesday, that timeframe is now considered "too long to wait".

Stephen Timms, minister for Digital Britain, explained the change of heart.

"We've been listening carefully to responses to the consultation this far, and it's become clear there are widespread concerns that the plans as they stand could delay action, impacting unfairly upon rights holders," he said.

It proposes that internet service providers (ISPs) are obliged to take action against repeat infringers and suggests that the cost of tracking down persistent pirates be shared 50:50 between ISPs and rights holders.

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills denied that it had changed its position since the publication of Digital Britain and said that the recommendations were open to consultation.

"We are simply adding new ideas to the table that could potentially make the whole system more flexible and provide a quicker way to bring in technical measures," it said in a statement.


ISPs have repeatedly argued that it is not their job to police the web.

The Internet Service Providers' Association (ISPA) said it was "disappointed by the proposal to force ISPs to suspend users' accounts".

"ISPA and consumer groups consider disconnection of users to be a disproportionate response, a view that was recently supported by the European Parliament," it said in a statement.

Global issue

However, the u-turn has been welcomed by some.

BPI, which represents the recorded music industry in Britain, welcomed the government's decision.

"'Digital piracy is a serious problem and a real threat to the UK's creative industries," it said in a statement.

"The solution to the piracy problem must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive."

Countries around the world are grappling with how to control internet piracy. In the US, student Joel Tenebaum was last month ordered to pay $675,000 (?412,000) to various record labels after admitting downloading 800 songs.

In May, the French parliament passed legislation which would see a new state-agency sending warning letters to file sharers. If they are caught three times, they will be cut off.

There have been protests against similar proposed legislation in Australia and New Zealand.

It is estimated that half of all the traffic on the net in the UK being content that is shared illegally.

The UK government has set a target of reducing the problem by at least 70% in the next few years.

The games industry has already begun a clampdown of those illegally sharing videogames and the methods it uses would broadly be similar to those the music and film industry would rely on.

It uses a third body anti-piracy firm to identify alleged file-sharers and a court order is sent to the relevant internet service provider, forcing it to reveal the identity of the person behind the IP address.

Some 6,000 letters have been sent out by law firm ACS Law on behalf of firms such as Reality Pump and Topware Interactive who own video games Two Worlds and Dream Pinball respectively.

Some 20 users have come forward to say they have been wrongly accused. All face fines of up to ?665 or threat of court action.

Fever 08-25-2009 02:40 PM

Police Brutality?
Police brutality? or just the greatest fucking brutal take down slam in history?

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$25M claim filed over King Co. deputy's tackle

Posted by The Oregonian August 25, 2009 10:29AM

$25 million dollars. That's the price tag on a civil claim filed by the family of an innocent man who has been in a coma since being tackled by a deputy in May.
The's Seattle 911 blog has news of the suit on behalf of the Edmonds man, who hasn't woken up since he was slammed into a tile wall by a 26-year-old sheriff's deputy who thought he was chasing an assault suspect through downtown Seattle.
Christopher Harris, 29, was knocked into a coma at the end of a May 10 pursuit in Belltown. Harris had inexplicably run from two Metro Transit police officers who were incorrectly told that Harris was involved in a robbery at a convenience store at Second Avenue and Bell Street. He was overtaken and shoved headfirst into a wall. Sim Osborn, the family's attorney, and Harris' wife, Sarah Jorgenson, held a news conference Tuesday. They allege that the officer, Deputy Matt Paul, used excessive and unnecessary force when he shoved Harris headfirst into a wall at the Seattle Cinerama Theater at Fourth Avenue and Lenora Street.
They seek money to pay for Harris' hospital care and for emotional damages suffered by his wife.

strommsarnac 08-25-2009 10:42 PM


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You know, people used to be taught by their parents that you DON'T FUCKING RUN FROM THE COPS!!!!

Seriously. That's like running from a bear. It just draws their attention and makes them think that you're running for good reason.

That said, this is sad. The cop did what he was trained to do and that's take down a fleeing suspect ensuring the safety of himself and bystanders. The guy just had the misfortune of hitting the wall at that billion to one angle which snapped his head and neck in that way it just isn't meant to go.

But $25 million is ridiculous.

Predator24 08-27-2009 06:28 AM

Coming to America soon????
Britain taking away the internet

Illegal downloaders in Britain may lose Web access
(AP) ? 1 day ago

LONDON ? The British government says people who illegally download music and films could have their Internet connections cut off.

Treasury Minister Stephen Timms says the move would allow "swifter and more flexible measures" to clamp down on piracy.

The plans announced Tuesday include blocking access to download sites and temporarily suspending users' internet accounts.

The announcement drew criticism from some groups, but those representing the music industry were pleased.

The Open Rights Group ? which aims to raise awareness of digital rights ? said any suspension would "restrict people's fundamental right to freedom of expression."

But the British Phonographic Industry called it helpful in the fight against piracy.

Predator24 08-28-2009 05:14 PM

Hidden side of "Cash for Clunkers"
Hidden side of "Cash for Clunkers"

08/24/2009 9:41 PM
Some Surprised By 'Clunker' Tax

Posts The Cash For Clunkers program is adding to the activity at treasurers' offices all around South Dakota. First, people were asking for proof of ownership, so they could show they owned their vehicle for a full year, allowing them to cash it in. Now, they'll be returning to register their new vehicle. And when they do, new owners need to bring every bit of paperwork provided to them by their dealer.

"That means they need their title, their damage disclosure, their bill of sale and the dealers have 30 days to get that to them," Minnehaha County Treasurer Pam Nelson said.

But many of those cashing in on the clunkers program are surprised when they get to the treasurer's office windows. That's because the government's rebate of up to $4500 dollars for every clunker is taxable.

"They didn't realize that would be taxable. A lot of people don't realize that. So they're not happy and kind of surprised when they find that out," Nelson said.

For now, the biggest impact of the program hasn't hit this office yet, as most of the paperwork is still in the hands of the dealers. But Nelson expects to see move activity in her office in the next month.

"I'm anxious to see what it's going to be like. I have no idea how many people we're going to see. Hopefully the dealers can process their paperwork in 30 days," Nelson said.

And that's when the line at this office will give some indication of how many cars the government program moved off of local lots.

Nelson adds that if you did recently purchase a vehicle, ensure your dealer gets you the paperwork in time because if they don't you could pay extra interest and penalties.

Shawn Neisteadt

Liquid 08-28-2009 05:28 PM


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I can't see how that would work. Firstly a lot of trackers are inserting their peer lists with fake ip addresses, wireless connections are unsecure all over the place (I have 2 cable lines to steal from if my net ever goes down), some complexes/apartments/dorms/and others have a single network so they can't tell who did it so they'll shut down the entire network and of course you have people who are always wrongly accused or accused in general that won't get a judge or jury but the word of a fucking greedy megacorp that will shut them down with little they can do about it.

Justice? Tax payers cash at work protecting the civil interests of a private company. Fucking madness. ISP's shouldn't be the cops of the net. The net is suppose to be a free moving access for all, not a 1984 Orwell's net or the great firewall of China's net. Last time I checked we were in the free West. :mad:


Predator24 08-28-2009 05:41 PM


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Snake is in China right now experiencing it. It's coming here to the US next.

Look at it as the "carrot and stick" approach. First you are given the capability to speak out and then once you are lulled into a sense of security the government comes for you since they have been tracking you all along.


Fever 08-28-2009 05:45 PM


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I'll just leave this here...

Questions About the Cash for Clunkers Tax Rules

There seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding the taxability of the cash for clunkers credit. The Drudge Report today reported, ?Surprise, Tax on ?Cash for Clunkers? Rebate? while linking to an article from South Dakota referencing the sales tax rules specific to that State.
So what?s the answer? Is there really a tax on the Cash for Clunkers credit? It really depends on what you mean by tax and where you live.
Federal Income Tax

If you?re talking about federal income taxes, then the answer is no. As a consumer, you won?t owe taxes to the Federal government for the credit you received as a result of the Cash for Clunkers trade-in. The official program website, is very specific about this. See this excerpt from their FAQs:
?Is the credit subject to being taxed as income to the consumers that participate in the program? NO. The CARS Act expressly provides that the credit is not income for the consumer.?
There are some complex rules on how a business must treat the sale of the clunker. For more on those rules, visit Cash for Clunkers Business Tax Rules.
State Sales Tax

But what about individual state sales tax rules? Yes, some States are including the Cash for Clunkers credit in the price of the vehicle when they are calculating the State?s sales tax due on the purchase of the vehicle. Therefore, in effect, there is a tax levied on the $4,500 Cash for Clunkers credit. It?s just not an income tax. It?s a state sales tax. Got it? Here?s more from the official website,
?Do I have to pay State or local sales tax on the amount of the CARS program credit? MAYBE. The question of whether a consumer must pay State or local sales tax on the amount of the CARS program credit depends on the sales tax law of each State or locality. Consumers should review the law of their respective States or consult a tax advisor to answer this question.?
With that in mind, I?ve put together two lists: (1) States that charge tax on the Cash for Clunkers credit, and (2) States that do NOT charge a sales tax on the credit.
States Charging Tax on the Clunkers Credit
  • Arizona
  • Idaho
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Virginia
  • Washington
Remember, this is not an income tax. It?s a State sales tax. The Cash for Clunkers credit is included in the price of the vehicle when the State calculates the sales tax.
States Charging NO Tax on the Clunkers Credit
  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Mississippi
  • Minnesota
  • Texas
  • Wisconsin
For more details on these State?s tax rules and links to their authorities? websites, see Cash for Clunkers: Taxable or Not? If your State isn?t included above, it?s likely they haven?t communicated their approach online. Be sure and call your State authorities for the facts.


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moral: consider your sources

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