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ThatHaole 08-04-2009 05:35 PM

I haz no skillz for the photoshop:

BTW the idiot who called the posters "dangerous" is a dipshit and about as stupid as all those dittoheads who got bent when W was ridiculed. That poster is just funny. Hello first amendment.

I'm already pretty tired of all the baseless "Us vs Them" BS on the board lately. Perhaps Pred or someone can just start a "I hate Obama the AntiChrist" thread and keep the political shit out of every thread.

MEGADOUCHE 08-04-2009 06:22 PM


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I didn't post these pics to ridicule Obama, you'll notice I left out the Joker pic. But this shit is circulating the web, and I thought the work was pretty damn good. Anyway, let's all be friends again, and leave the politics to the bloggers.

ThatHaole 08-04-2009 06:35 PM


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I agree. And to celebrate; TITS!

Predator24 08-04-2009 08:09 PM


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I would like to be friends with everyone again also.

This is my offering of peace.

Fever 08-04-2009 10:38 PM

I think we need to back off the politics here.
Harshin' the vibe...

Predator24 08-04-2009 10:42 PM


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I agree wholeheartedly.

The shit that has been stirred in the last few days (mostly from me, I admit it) is not what DSF is about and definately "Harshin' the vibe"

Predator24 08-05-2009 10:05 AM

The internet truly is serious business

Chinese teenager beaten to death in internet addiction clinic
Deng Senshan was placed in solitary confinement and beaten
His parents hoped their teenage son would be home in a month, cured of his addiction to the internet. They never thought that within 10 hours of taking him to an addiction clinic they would receive a telephone call notifying them that he was dead.

Deng Senshan, 16, was addicted to playing on the internet, like tens of millions of other young Chinese. He was just the latest teenager to be sent by his parents to one of the clinics being set up across China to cure youngsters of their obsession with online gaming.

His parents took their son to the Guangxi Qihuang Survival Training Camp in southern China on Saturday, paying 7,000 yuan (?605) for a month of treatment. Deng Fei, his father, told supervisors that his son was shy and introverted and they should avoid putting too much pressure on him during the first couple of days. They agreed.

Instead, the boy was placed in solitary confinement shortly after his arrival and then beaten by his trainers who scolded him for running too slowly when he was ordered to go jogging. He was pronounced dead in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Mr Deng said: ?My son was very healthy and was not a criminal. He just had an internet addiction when I left him at the camp. We can't believe our only son was beaten to death."

He had signed an agreement with the camp to help his son ?get away from bad behaviour, regain confidence and establish positive life attitudes?. The contract also states: "The centre can take necessary approaches including punishment to educate the teenager, as long as the approaches will not abuse the child or impair his health."

Police said four people have been arrested in connection with the death of the teenager. One officer said: "We are investigating a case where a high school student was beaten to death by his camp supervisors. The case is still under investigation."

It is the latest controversy concerning the treatment of internet addiction in China. Last month, the Health Ministry banned the use of electroshock therapy as a treatment.

More than 10 million of the country's 100 million teenage web surfers are internet addicts, a survey by the China Youth Internet Association found last year. China has more than 338 million internet users, more than the entire population of the United States. Zhang Zhao , a Beijing-based mental health specialist with 15 years' experience, told the South China Morning Post: "I can tie my patients to the chair in front of me, but I cannot unlock their hearts. Nobody can cure addicts without their co-operation."

Zhan Wenbin, principal of a training centre similar to the camp in Nanning, said that military methods ? such as total immersion and physical training ? and mental consultation were needed to cure internet addiction. He said 80 per cent of about 100 students treated at his centre since early 2007 had been cured.

Predator24 08-05-2009 11:03 AM

I love big boobs!! Lookin at you Amy
This is like sliced bread or the wheel

Strap Perfect Site

Strap Perfect Demo

Five Inch Taint 08-05-2009 03:47 PM


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I know what I want for Christmas. Those pillows match my quilt.

Predator24 08-06-2009 12:07 PM

California never surprizes me anymore

California city shuts down girl's lemonade stand
By Eddie Jimenez | Fresno Bee

Eight-year-old Daniela Earnest has made lemonade out of lemons in more ways than one this week. Hoping to raise money for a family trip to Disneyland, the Tulare girl opened a lemonade stand Monday. But because Daniela didn't have a business license, the city of Tulare shut it down the same day.

From that came a radio station's offer of Disneyland tickets to Daniela's family ? in exchange for 30 cups of lemonade ? and an appearance in front of the Tulare City Council on Tuesday night that will likely lead to a compromise allowing her lemonade stand and other pint-sized business ventures to operate legally.

The story began Monday morning when Daniela and her stepmother, Marisa Earnest, set up shop at Cartmill Avenue and Hillman Street in north Tulare. The lemonade was freshly squeezed and priced at $2 for a 32-ounce plastic cup.

Richard Garcia, a Tulare code enforcement officer, happened to be at the same intersection to remove illegal signs left behind by someone selling tetherball poles.

Garcia told Daniela and her stepmother that their lemonade stand ? on the northwest corner of the busy intersection ? was not safe, and also that they needed a business license to sell lemonade.

Read the full story at

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