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Polite depravity is a wonderful thing!
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Now this gives me hope for those times I wonder if we're being too lenient about some things. We also slip into jokes that are less than nice at times. Mainly about what I refer to as "gimpy people" simply because I prefer that term over "handicapped" or "disabled". Although both of those are so much better than the oh so PC "handicapable". I truly despise that term. Another one not far behind is "disABLED". For some reason the PC-ness of both of those just grate on my nerves.
This world definitely needs more manners. For some reason many people my age and those in the younger generations do not seem to have been taught manners. Was it because parents felt schools should do it and schools felt it was the parents job? So no one did it? I don't know the answer to that but I know even though he is not perfect, my kid has been taught. I am actually embarrassed when he has a lapse of manners in front of others because I don't want people thinking I am not doing my job.