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People read books and then leave them in public places (mall, plane, park, etc..). There's a tag/serial # in them that askes you to log on and tell people where you found the book, review, and where you plan on leaving the book next.
A massive underground sensation, The Big Lebowski has been hailed as the first cult film of the internet age. In this book, 21 fans and scholars address the film's influences -- westerns, noir, grail legends, the 1960s, and Fluxus -- and its historical connections to the first Iraq war, boomers, slackerdom, surrealism, college culture, and of course bowling. The Year's Work in Lebowski Studies contains neither arid analyses nor lectures for the late-night crowd, but new ways of thinking and writing about film culture.
Cooler than a polar bear's toenails
Originally Posted by badmedicine09
I've been avoiding results all day. tlock, you are a God amongst men, thank you.
One of my very favorite series. I was lucky to email Jordan back and forth quite a few times, actually on stuff not related to the books. An amazing guy and it was a sad day when he passed.
I'm about 3/4's of the way through and Brandon Sanderson is doing a great job taking over for Jordan. You can barely tell it's a different writer.