Though i've watched this film repeatedly, and each and every time I've done so I feel even greater sorrow for all those who suffered great loss, but I must say; the entire atmosphere of greed and speculations and imaginary profits makes me wanna dance a jig to just be allowed among such people. Yeah they're scum and evil and ultimately responsible for screwing over California with the rolling black outs just to tease 30 BILLION DOLLARS to keep that sinking ship going (Enron), or the fact that the traders made fun (fuckers had it recorded) of the millions of Californians who couldn't pay the ridiculous fees for electricity (and i don't give much of a fuck because the Bahamas Electricity Corporation, B.E.C, rapes us on the regular and they don't raise no pretense of 'it's not our fault', they just speculate how much you pay and you pay it or get fucked in darkness, so I feel their pain, and has felt it for years, along with everyone else; rich poor black or white who happen to live in this back water fucking country).
Or how several invest banks, Accounting firms, law firms and business analytical agents, along with several other unfortunates (or not so much since many benefited financially) assisted in the fabulists mirage.
For the life of me however, i'm suddenly excited about business and speculations and mark-to-mark trading, and futures exchange, and unicorns and fairies and actually sampling cunny one day---perhaps even getting me a wife/girlfriend---is actually possible. This movie left me with a hard on for the future; i can actually make a lot of money some how. But now, how exactly can i do it? Perhaps I can locate the great and all powerful Lou Pai (the only fucker who didn't receive butt-hurt and actually walked away with hundreds of millions) and ask him how it's done.
Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.: