As envisaged, the amtronic now converts to 'hover' mode...
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Bouncing Boobie Blvd.
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I'm beginning to think that when I said, "Oh shit, she is the one..." back when I met my wife, that it was actually about the girl standing behind her.
But then that would make her wrong about me, and we both know that she is never wrong about any god-damn thing.
Looking forward to the dropping of the ball on New Year's Eve.
I like to time my J/O to it.
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I asked car people that ripped me off to show me the broken distributor cap they claimed needed to be replaced. They couldn't, said they threw it out already.
When your distributor cap goes, your car won't be turning on so and I drove there so...
If you need me I'll just be circling the maternity ward, listening for screams with my glass ready in hand.
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Cool lets make it at midnighter. Nooners at high time under the sun are no bueno.
__________________ "I was going down on a chick who was 7 months pregnant when unexpectedly her unborn baby's tiny hand reached out and grabbed my face!"