Xenophobia is a hardwired cognitive disposition that is impervious to empirical modification
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Honestly, don't think I need to add anything to your reply to let my point stand. Generalize much?
Whatever. I just get tired of disagreeing with someone automatically being an assumption of dislike or an assault on someone's heritage. Yes, I agree that there are a lot of assholes who don't like President Obama because he is black (I'm from Florida, remember? So I must be ignorant and racist). But just because someone doesn't agree with his policies, that person must be a racist. Grow up, Fever. You're becoming a part of what you apparently don't agree with.
Failed my microsoft certification test hard today... first Microsoft test I've taken, and it was from a class I took on a subject that I don't work with regularly and some subjects we don't use at my work (RRAS/RADIUS/NPS/NAP). Still waiting on my manager to answer my email, hope I don't get shitcanned. Fucking day.
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Hope you don't either. Did they at least send you to a class for it first? My uncle used to be in a similar field for NCR and he would have to go once or twice a year for refresher courses.
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I went to a week-long class and had access to practice tests. Neither the class nor the tests covered the depth and breadth of this exam. This is the kind of exam that someone who regularly works with Windows Server 2008 Networking would have to study for and still try to break 800. I think my 505 is pretty good considering I'm not allowed to touch DNS/DHCP here and we don't do RRAS/RADIUS/NPS/NAP (and no one in their right mind uses Servers as routers).
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It could just as easily be said you're a tool if you think race IS the basis for a shitload of criticism heaped on Barry. (not saying you are, just saying)
But which is the bigger racist? The one who doesn't vote for him solely because he is black, or the one that does vote for him solely because he is black? They're both equally racist in my mind. Skin color isn't a valid qualifier or dis-qualifier for President.
70% of the voting bloc was white and 39% of those voted for Barry. Down some from 2008 but still he got over 50% of the white vote. Drop it down to anything 50% or lower and he loses.
If this country was as racist as some would want us to be, he would have never gotten reelected, much less elected in the first place.
Super excited. Signed my lease for my first Big Truck today. I got tired of driving someone else's truck for them. Not the best time to become a small business owner in this line of work, but better late than ever. If you see a JaMack Transportation truck on the Interstate, that's me. Try not to cut me off.
The older I get, the more of an asshole I become
Patriotism is as fierce as a fever, pitiless as the grave, blind as a stone, and irrational as a headless hen.
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Though I still find it curious the singular issue of race was carved out of my initial diatribe, and none of the other substantive points addressed... so I assume it hits a nerve with some. And besides, I find it ironic that anyone of us 'deviants' inclined to DSF would support a Mormon or any of the others with a religious agenda clearly tainting their view of governance.
that all said, there's a reason there once was a no politics rule around here, I just couldn't help when Mega went all Pred
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lol. well you saw it took me a while to respond. fear of jail and surprise buttsex
i saw your points and agree somewhat.....but I didn't vote against him because of guns, vaginas, or wars. I voted because of his rampant deficit spending, the future cost of that spending, the debt, and the thought of higher taxes to try to lower the debt while still printing money, borrowing money, and not having the guts to make the hard decisions on how to lower the debt. True, the GOP stonewalled and I fault them for that. But to allow his own party controlled senate to never submit a budget for 4 years, and not even squeaking one vote from his party to get his own budget approved shows (to me) he is not a leader. At least Mitt has a business mind and can balance a check book and that was enough to get past his cult and my morals (lack of). The rest of that stuff (marriage and vaginas) that pulled him the votes he needed to win, should be and are states rights anyway. His only control of that are SCOTUS appointments (which is another scarey tangent that I wish to avoid today)
But hey, I don't hate the guy. He's cool, smoked a shit load of weed back in the day, and his wife has a big ass. The thought that he's plugging that jiggly thing in the White House is a lot better picture than Bill shoving a cigar up the hairy snatch of some gal in a bouffant hairdo.