I'm sure it's not easy being muslim.
I was at this bodega and the owner was having trouble with his laptop. I pretty much could tell what was wrong with it by what he told me so i offered to help.
As i was correcting his problem i noticed his desktop wallpaper and asked him who it was. He said "he is one of the leaders in my religion". This answer was pretty vague so i could tell it was probably something to do with being a muslim but he didn't want to tell me because he probably doesn't receive to many favorable responses to it.
He started telling me about how so many people follow this guy's teachings. So i said "oh you're muslim" in a matter of fact way trying to sound nonchalant about it. He then immediately tells me that there are over 70 different variations of the muslim religion... i guess to be sure that i wasn't making generalizations about all muslims being terrorists. We had a good chat about how differences in religion and the ignorance between people and their beliefs can create so much hate. Nice guy.
...Then i told him i was Satan... well, not really.