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think about it all, i've listen to music on every format available. even a Victrola, not Edison cylinder grammaphone, lets not be silly. but kids today will only ever experience digital compressed music, not tapes, 8-track, reel to reel, or vinyl. 3 channels on tv and that was it. not such thing as video games. just think about all that has come and gone in your life time. depressing
"i don't wanna serve no warm banana cream pie"
The whole world is against us dude, i swear to God. - Jay
good for you Lady FrillyBottom - SaucyBastard
Originally Posted by pisceschef
Last edited by Magnusrex : 08-09-2011 at 01:14 AM.
TOGIH is great. A little patience is required sometimes but they always come back. The rest kick us out and delete our shit. Imagesocket is an option but if you don't have a premium account ($24/yr), they will delete at unpublished times to make room for new content.
Is this the END? ... or are we starting over?
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Man the smell of those mimeograph tests was awesome... and the paper was always a little damp. Purple ink... shit. And those driver's ed films were great, so were the simulators we used when they would show stuff like the hood popping up while at speed. Damn.