You little son of a bitch ball! Why you don't you just go HOME? That's your HOME! Are you too good for your HOME? ANSWER ME! SUCK MY WHITE ASS, BALL!
In an effort to prevent passers-by from peering into his workshop — which happens to be located “in an old storefront with a big window facing towards the street” — Niklas Roy installed a curtain. Unfortunately, the curtain was too small to provide a real solution, so he built a motorized surveillance system that repositions the curtain based on the movements of lookie loos.
Ultimately, this proved counterproductive:
[i]n the end, it doesn’t protect my privacy at all. It seems that the existence of my little curtain is leading itself ad absurdum, simply by doing its job very well. My moving curtain attracts the looks of people which usually would never care about my window. It is even the star of the street, now! My curtain is just engaged. And because of that, it fails.
Originally Posted by MrGoutHimself
You're a douche. But you're our douche, so fuck 'em.
You little son of a bitch ball! Why you don't you just go HOME? That's your HOME! Are you too good for your HOME? ANSWER ME! SUCK MY WHITE ASS, BALL!