Sadly, crap like this happens all the time nowadays. Usually though, it's not older aged teachers, it's the younger ones who can't step away from the "student" mentality. Too many 20 something teachers can't see that they aren't there to "Buddy-Buddy" with the kids, they're there to be role models.
The HS I was at for the past 4 years had some HOT teachers. It was scary that many looked as young as the students. Worse, some of the women dressed to the point that if they were female students, they would have been sent home for violating dress code. TWO reasons they got away with it. 1. Administration never caught them. 2. Male instructors are too afraid of sexual harassment charges to say anything.
Being a teacher I know how hard it is to always stay focused on the curriculum, but stuff like this is beyond that line you shouldn't be allowed to cross and come back.