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Old 09-23-2011, 07:49 AM

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Default How long would you want to live?

Hypothetical Scenario:

Your god comes to you when you are 18 years old and gives you 2 choices for your life - Which one do you choose?

1. Live a long, uneventful life. You live to at least 80 years old with normal health and no major problems and you get to see your children and grandchildren grow up. You get no other promises from God other than the age of your lifespan i.e. you may still die a painful death or whatever but you'll be guaranteed to at least hit 80. Whatever you try to succeed at in life will only yield mediocre results - you'll be normal no matter how hard you try and even if you try to commit suicide before 80, you will fail at it.

2. Live a short but amazing life. You only live to be 35 years old max but you will live an extraordinary life. God makes no promises how it will be extraordinary i.e. you might be a world class athlete, a prolific inventor, or celeb of some sort but God promises a short life full of experiences that 99% of others never get to have. Whatever you do in life will yield amazing results. You will die in some way before your 35th b-day - it might be painful or it might not be but if you decide to have kids you die before they even graduate.

This is all God tells you. You can't ask him any other probing questions. Make your choice based on only the above info.

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