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Old 12-03-2014, 05:54 PM

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Congratulations JesusMartinez, you are December's Member of the Month!

Technically, you are our god and have lead us, your flock of sheep whom once upon a time Maxbaily used to poke in the butt with his penis, for an AMAZING 10 years!!!

That is nothing to snark at. I've personally seen many other forums come and go in much less time than that. But here you are still kicking strong and keeping the machine running full force.

Which I, for one, am grateful for. This will always be my all time favorite forum. Many others make you watch your e-mouth, never bad mouthing a celeb and minding your manners with the members, etc.

Not here. We say fuck that and call a spade a spade and a n00b...well we call them all sorts of shit depending upon how bad they are trolling or fucking up. (and the n00bs that are good know I love them) Those that can take it and dish it back properly without having a drama meltdown, have rose above the ranks to avatardom.

Come to think of it, we are the only forum I know of that makes you earn your avatar. It pisses so many n00bs off, especially since they have to also see themselves as "Gayer Than Bicycle Shorts".

But those that have earned it can wear it pride, for we are the internet elite in this "TITS or GTFO" world!

That's just a small part of what makes this place great. You have given us the gift of getting to know each other. Those that are here now, those that are gone and those yet to come have made this one hell of a party! And we all have you to thank for that!

So JesusMartinez, our lord, our savior, congratulations again. You are FOREVER the ultimate internet bad ass and I know I'm not the only one here looking forward to another 10 years of fuckery!

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