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Old 11-01-2007, 02:52 PM
Soldier's Girl Soldier's Girl is offline
paris gave me herpes

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Location: Where the Army tells me.
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Talking intersting.....

I think what is considered cheating is something that changes from couple to couple. There is the obvious cheating: if I have physical contact with a penis not connected to my husband I promise my husband is going to have an issue. But what about him hitting up paltalk and watching random chicks' webcams? He doesn't communicate with them, so is that cheating? I think what is considered cheating varies from couple to couple, and each person should be really honest with themselves and the person they are with, and figure out what cheating means to them. My husband has a more liberal view of cheating than I do (shocking, hu? hehe). So we have a litmus test for what we call cheating...Would he be happy if I was doing the same thing with another guy? It usually clears up any questions pretty quick
PS - It doesn't hurt to have an understand of the way your partner thinks. Like the webcam thing, it had my panties all in a knot. Then he explained to me that it was basically live porn, he didn't want to talk to the girls. So, he sat me down and showed me what was going on, and I had no problem with it. In fact now, I like watching with him.
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