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Old 02-16-2011, 11:23 AM
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Cluster-Bomb this MothaFucka!

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Expletive has a spectacular auraExpletive has a spectacular auraExpletive has a spectacular auraExpletive has a spectacular aura

(They had a fire on bay street yesterday, which is equivalent, I guess, of a fire happening near the capitol building. But seeing as how Nassau is an old town that only became modern, and kept everything as it was since it's inception almost a century ago, I'd say we're fortunate all of Bay Street wasn't destroyed. At least, they're fortunate because I don't care one way or the other; I'm still broke, and I still don't have much of anything, so them having Bay street or not is big for them and the thousands of tourist that's in port right now.
(I heard on the news that the authorities were guaranteeing tourist that the fire which began at Kelly Dock wasn't terrorist related, wait, What ---seriously, I'm not making that shit up, I couldn't make that shit up, even if I tried. They were telling Tourist. "Yo, you can rest easy, that fire that happened in a noncritical relatively unimportant part of Nassau in an area where no one was at, and even if someone was there they'd have more than enough time to leave, call the proper authories and piss on the fire before being in any serious trouble, yeah, that fire, it wasn't terror related. So you and everyone else on your several crew ships which are in port right now, that are essentially packed like sardine cans with humans (ten thousand reports said), are safe of that fire, that occurred hundreds of yards from the closest ship---and it's not terrorist related."
(Well hell, thank you for that you authoritative figure, now why don't you shove a carrot up your ass and dance a sambo jig like a proper ****** for the whiteys. I hear they love that shit, asshole. I'd like to post pictures of the fire (no I don't), but if you care enough to see them you'll have to use google, because I don't care enough to show them, I'm just pissed at the guy who tried to explain to tourist that terrorist who doesn't, and hasn't (And hopefully they never will) target the ships in port or the Atlantis resort---even though they have tons of guys seen and unseen protecting these places---but will set fire to a building owned by the very people that pissed in my kool-aid and shat in my cornflakes. Good Job You Authorative person you, Good JOB!
(How did the fire began you ask; old building, lots of flammable debris, owners more concerned with making millions than making sure their shit's straight. But then, if I was making millions monthly, do you think, I'd spend hundreds of thousands to make a very old building fire proof, and loose millions more in business? I think not, let the bitch burn, Besides Kelly's may suck when it comes to treating their staff, even those dog-like-loyal (yes, I'm an idiot), but they plan for rainy days, and fire days. So they insure everything. But a five million dollar insurance pay off in the coming months is nothing compared to the millions they'll lose in the coming months from sales; at any given time they'd have more than a million dollars worth of stuff in the warehouse. I wish them all the best though, even though a few who worked for them did me wrong, I wish them the best, if for no other reason, I do so for the old man who passed year before Last; Dack. )

Master Sargent Ronald Greer, has had his share of scary moments, which he always did his best to brush off and charge head first into the situation regardless of the danger. Which always made observers conclude that perhaps Master Sargent Greer was a mental case like his father (for those that knew of his father, which was all the Senior staff, especially Camilla Wray), and for others especially Scott (despite being Senior staff), to conclude that he's incapable of feeling fear (Young Knew better and admired Greer's strength despite his mortal limitations). When in actuality, he did his best to be courageous regardless of the hidden layer of fear he'd always had, and perhaps would always have thanks to his father, Reginald Greer. So naturally, Greer over reached himself and tried his best to be called the mascot of courage and it's cousin, bravery, since; without fear, one cannot be courageous, and without blind audacity, it would be impossible to be brave. And Ronald Greer was always fearful; of becoming his father, and audacious; to never become his father. But as courageous or as brave as Master Sargent Greer is, he only uses these forms of being within reason.
Before Greer, stood a swirling black smoke of death, that he'd seen on a kino display pad moments before, swallowing up several crew members. And where they once stood was no debris, not even bits of flesh or clothing. But, though the Kino display pad, he did see human gore within the swirling mass being dissolved into the black smoke. The creature was moving at an inhuman purposeful speed attacking everything and anything that lived or moved (except for the kino), and would be upon the Master Sargent eventually. Thus Greer, knowing that the end was inevitable, decides that if it consumes human flesh, then maybe it has a biological component that could be damaged as well, so if it wanted to eat him, it had to work for it's food. Using the Kino to see it's distance from him, Master Sargent Greer said a prayer, thanking God for life, and hoping he warranted salvation (for he has sinned a great many times, but always in shame, and sadness), and ended his prayer with a verbal, "Amen." Just around the bend, he hears cries of horror and fear and a sound that was a composite of rushing wind, and grinding metal; almost to deafening levels. Master Sargent Greer knew almost immediately that his facing this thing, was far beyond reason, and could only have a terrifying and painful end. But, as his courage waned, his audacious proclivities knew, that Greer wouldn't have it any other way.

( It's Wednesday, a day later since I started the above since yesterday I had so much to do, and then after all of that, I watched a movie called Sunset Limited with Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel Jackson; a tour de force of brilliance I'll tell you what. And after watching that and All-Star Superman, I went to sleep. Though Monday I felt sick, and yesterday I felt a bit off, with my heart beating irregular, but, regardless, yesterday felt charmed, even if it wasn't. I liked Hayzeus Martinez twitter tweet twang about helping him choose our favorite quote of his on twitter. But choosing one of Hayzeus' twits is like choosing a good shit; they're so many good shits in our life time, it's hard to choose which is one of the greatest shits ever.)

Blow torch in hand, Greer careened around the bend, and fired a burst into the oncoming swirling darkness---his life wasn't flashing before his eyes as many would claim happened to them before an inevitable death (that wasn't apparently inevitable enough since, they always survived to speak of it). Greer at the apparent end of his life, still hoped that even if his final actions on board Destiny was futile, it would hopefully warrant a memorandum of his final acts, to be written in the book of life, that is, if the Lord were to use the ''time of Ronald Greer' as a what to do in-spite of death, to inspire men of the faithful in the face of annihilation. Opening his mind and heart, trying to invoke the great Spirit beyond the universe, Greer wanted to strengthen his faith, to make his last moments superlative, to perhaps garner the courage of future humanity if his life were recorded by a servant of God: To hopefully inspire some one as lost as he once was, to reach through the darkness for the inevitable light, that Ronald Greer always believed existed, regardless of the gloomy plateau of existence. 'As it was with Daniel in the lions den,' thought Greer.
But seeing the swirling shade of nothingness, made Greer pause, not that he wasn't going to go ahead with his plan since, it was far too late for retreat, but, that he wanted to do so with strength and courage granted by the Lord, and not so much by his own measly mortality. Firing the blow torch at the oncoming maelstrom seemingly stopped it, but, as the jets of fire pierced the cloud, Greer heard moaning and giggling as if the thing before him was experiencing pleasure from the fire. His first thought was of the devil and it's creations and minions from hell, not that Greer believed in hell for the wicked, but instead believed that if we die, we're judged and if we're not worthy we're cast out, to wander forever without form or purpose. But, the concept of hell for humanity, never touched Greer's heart because after reading the bible, he always felt that the Lord he read about wouldn't create a hell for anyone, except for his enemy the devil. Interestingly, for a long time, Greer thought his father was the devil, until he was old enough to realize that his father was simply sad and defeated; and being thus, Ronald's father simply decided to take out his rage on others, until, Reginald Greer died of a brain infection. Yet, in the darkness of Destiny's corridor, slightly illuminated by emergency glow rods speckled throughout destiny, there was something before him, that made him think that he had the wrong impressions of hell, and maybe, things that were locked in hell could escape. Perhaps humanity was never meant to come out this far because maybe, just maybe, out here, was a short cut, or a back door to hell, and Destiny had unwittingly driven close enough to be attacked by a spawn of the devil.
"What the fuck are you!" Shouted Greer, immediately cursing his fear that caused him to blurt out such an expletive, especially at the end of his mortal existence. The creature, swirling with apparent pleasure, started cooing as if a lover feeling the touch of her partners fingers edging towards her hidden joy. Greer thought of the devil himself and realized that perhaps this was in fact Satan, in his true form since his fall from heaven. But how could that be?
"O my Lord what is this thing before me?" Cries out Greer, hoping that some where in the darkness of space, the Lord sees him and would help him to not 'carry beyond what he could bare.' But then Suddenly, almost immediately, the creature stopped cooing and shrilling in pleasure, and starts to back pedal, as if withdrawing from Greer. As it does this, the front side of it's body pauses, but the rest of it, from a few yards back, tries to pull away from the front section. Greer was planning to retreat since his weaponry proved ineffective, and perhaps the Lord was chasing the demon from his servant, but, regardless of the reason, Greer would make good with the opportunity he had: He'd get in a space suit, grab enough supplies and head for the shuttle to see if he could fly around to the bridge and attempt to contact anyone there, if anyone was alive.
A voice boomed from the cloud which Greer knew, but wasn't sure it was really the person or the devil trying to fool him. "It's me Rebeca Gleason, Sargent Greer, and I promise you, no harm will come to you or anyone else on board Destiny." Rebeca? Couldn't be. The scriptures always said that the enemy could change himself into an angel of light to mislead many. And Greer thought it was a trick of the devil. So inching back steadily, Master Sargent Greer thought to retrace his steps, until he made it to the bulk head door, less than fifteen feet away. He'd toss the blow torch gun at it, and leave on the torch and open the fuel supply nozzle, hoping the devil would feed on the fire and enable him to get away. A loud demonic, unearthly, horrible gut curdling scream emitted from the cloud, which mingled with a desperate wail, caused Master Sargent Ronald Greer to stop suddenly. His body tensed with terror; never before had he heard such a thing at such decibels; the adulation alone pitched from high to low and all in between with echoes and screams, all merged and repetitive, overlapping, conjoining, terrifying. Through the screams and wails a woman's voice sprang forth.
"Hold on Master Sargent, I'm almost done, I'm trying to pull enough of what's me back from this thing, damn it, it's got bits of me spread everywhere, wow, this is new." Said the Voice that sounded like Rebeca Gleason, only with a slight echo as she spoke.
"Wait? What?" Gasped Greer.
"You're planning to run around the corner, hence the back back motion, but this thing can move at up to the speed of light, and at least several times the speed of sound; It'd catch you before you even knew it was ripping your butt through your asshole." Rebeca Gleason snorted with laughter, and for a moment, Greer remembered the geeky looking, nerdy Rebeca snorting and drooling whenever she laughed, 'the devil transforms himself into an angel of light' said the voice of Reginald Greer that Ronald heard from time to time, even though he was always audacious enough to ignore it.

(It's almost 11:30, and I'm tired, and want to listen to a bit of music, and write on my other project, so I leave this with you, and the pictures from the fire day before yesterday, courtey of and Rob Lowe, or was it Rick Lowe---who gives a shit, here's the pictures)

Originally Posted by MEGADOUCHE View Post
How about the part where "Old Ben" assfucks Leia, and blows it on her fucking cheek? He knew damn well who she was, but seemingly ignores it.:
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