Thread: Geek talk
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Old 05-07-2008, 08:01 PM
bobbbb bobbbb is offline
the burning and itching has stopped

Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 61
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bobbbb is starting to gain some momentum on DSF
Default thumb drive background

I have not done this myself but here it is if someone wants to try it

Step 1:
Copy this code into notepad (copy and paste), then save it as "desktop.ini"

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Step 2:
Put "desktop.ini" file onto your flash drive and replace "your_picture" with the
name of the picture you want to use leaving the .jpg extention the same.

Step 3:
Now copy the picture that you want to use onto your flash drive.

Step 4:
Refresh (F5) or Go back to My Computer and open your flash drive again ..and enjoy with new background