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Old 04-28-2008, 10:57 PM
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Randal Graves Randal Graves is offline
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So now that you have enough reading to keep you busy I will give you a few quick tips.

1. Flexibility is probably the most important part of conditioning for MMA. If you want to be any good you might need to spend as much as an hour a day stretching. While watching TV is a good time. Give Yoga a shot. It's fucking hard so it will work your cardio, it teaches you how to breath, and it is great for flexibility.

2. When weight training stick to the basics. Squat, bench press, incline bench press, shoulder press, and deadlifts are the most important. Try to do compound lifts, i.e. they work more than one body part. As far as MMA training goes your time could be better served focusing on things other than isolation lifts like bicep curls. And whatever you do, don't neglect your legs. Some the biggest muscles in your body are in your legs, so working legs actually helps you produce more testosterone which helps the rest of you grow too.

You want to do a shit ton of reps. I like to start off with high weight, do as many as I can then lower the weight while taking a short rest and do as many as possible with the lower weight. Keep pulling off weight until you're down to the bar and can't do anymore. Those are called drop sets if you want to Google it.

3. Balance is huge too, so work on that too. I like to stand on one foot while raising one knee as high as possible. Do it both fast & slow. It will help your balance and your hip flexibility which is also very important.
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