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Old 11-13-2007, 10:05 AM
Soldier's Girl Soldier's Girl is offline
paris gave me herpes

Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Where the Army tells me.
Posts: 42
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Soldier's Girl is starting to gain some momentum on DSF

Ok, I need to say something. First, very cute girl, nice body. OK....what is with the freaking bathroom mirror shots? Why is it always some chick in the bathroom taking a pic using the mirror??? Put the fucking camera on the counter, a book shelf, a chair, whatever....and use the freaking self-timer! Like anyone wants to see your bathroom, with you holding your camera. I know what every 20-something chick in the free worlds bathroom looks like!! I hate the bathroom mirror "standard"....come on people. Also, clean your freaking room! Jeez, how sexy....pile of laundry and hair care products all over. Oh...wait...hey, maybe thats why none of them can use the self-timer on the camera..there isn't any flat surface that isn't covered in crap.

Sorry, personal pet peeve....I don't mean to ruin the porn value of a hot young girl for any of you. Think of it as me trying to up the production value of home porn shots. Maybe some girl will read this and think "My God!! Self timer!" and you will get even better hands free shots.
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