Thread: Florida Sports
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Old 10-29-2008, 10:07 AM
BarryMcCockiner BarryMcCockiner is offline
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BarryMcCockiner is starting to gain some momentum on DSF

I'm not big on any Florida teams. I could give a rats ass about pro sports, but I'm a Hokie, so naturally I hate Miami. I hate Florida State just because Beamer has this fucking stigma where he can't beat Bowden, I really respect their program, I just hate playing them because no matter how much better we should be, we have too good a chance to lose. Florida never bothered me until recently. You need to talk to your fellow fans that move up north because they're obnoxious as hell. I worked with a guy who called himself Gator and went on and on about how they were going to have the most proficient offense in college football history this year and were going to crush every team by at least 2 touchdowns, then after that Ol' Miss game, was ready to fire Meyer and said he was never that big a fan. Up here in NC, you never saw anything related to Florida until after they won their championships, now you have the decals that cover up the entire rear window on cars and license plate covers that disappeared after their loss this year. My Hokies may upset me, but I'm always proud to be one, win or lose, and all of the UF fans I've met up here can't say that.
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