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DSF Guest 8 08-31-2008 04:01 PM

Got a tech/software question? Ask A DSFer
OK... I get tons of IM's and PM's asking me questions. I am sure Binary does too. Let's not clutter up the other threads with questions. Just ask them here. I know Binary has his ask Binary thread and I have my reviews thread but Binary probably feels like I do... He wouldn't want to jump in on my thread and I wouldn't want to jump in on his.

So if you got a technical question, a software problem, or something about technology your wondering about ask it here.

-Pen and (assuming he is ok with:)) this Binary

P.S. There are often times more than 1 way to accomplish the same goal. There is no right or wrong way as long as the end result is accomplished.

satan666 08-31-2008 04:12 PM

Great idea. I am sure you guys answer some of the same questions multiple times. If the answers are in this thread it might save you from repeating yourself.

Mr Handlebars 08-31-2008 04:19 PM

Pen .... I think this is a great idea. Just one small suggestion if it can be done. Index it, so you can refer ppl to a posting rather than having to keep repeating yourself. I'm a nobdy when it comes to you guys in tech, so an index would also keep me from asking the same questions, I could just look at the questions and see the responses quicker that way than having to search the whole thread or hopefully reduce the # of lazy ppl of asking the same question over and over again.

Just a thought. Take it for what it's worth. Either way keep up the good work.:)

DSF Guest 8 08-31-2008 04:44 PM

Thanks... I will consider an index... to be honest I am not to good about that :). I also "spoke" with Binary and he is all good but he may be a bit slow in responding for a day or two.

Mr Handlebars 08-31-2008 05:00 PM


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We know binary is a bit slow. After all he works for the post office. Need I say more??:D

Mrs.BlackCrypt 08-31-2008 08:12 PM

Not to be rude, but just a thought, how many times has someone had to say "use the index" or "use the search feature" in one of the apps etc. threads? So does an index work? Further does the built in feature the board provides of searching even work? People will ask because they're lazy. Sorry for my cynicism.

I dont want to add any extra posts to this thread so i will say something within your post if that's ok...

The search feature works well in some instances. Band names, movie names and such work well. Questions will not work well. If your question is "What should I do about my computer that is running slower than normal?"...well the search engine is going to find every instance of all those words which are all very common words. You can limit the search to this thread but as the thread gets longer the more false positives you will get. So basically, the search is not very effective in this situation.


werdna 09-01-2008 02:43 AM


I do have a question. Here is the situation:

I have been uploading video files to Rapidshare to post on this forum. Most of the time I have no problems. However, I come across a file every now and then that won't upload. I will try the same file over and over with no success. I have even sat there and watched the file upload. Everything goes just like normal. The file will finish uploading and then take me to my upload page. The problem is that the file never appears on my upload page. I have tried troubleshooting this one my own by trying to upload the file at different times of the day, uploading the file after not uploading or downloading anything in days. The result is always the same. I have a paid Rapidshare account and contacted them about this problem and received this response:


your system configuration (browser, firewall, cookie-settings, etc.) might be incorrect. We suggest you should just try another browser and if possible even another computer. If no problems occurs compare the configurations of both systems.

Delete your cache and reload the page with the error message. Please check your browser settings if cookies are enabled. If the cookie does exist it could be that your firewall blocks the cookies. You have to configure the firewall settings. A different possibility would be to try another browser. Please note that we can not give you support for your firewall or browser.

Best regards,

RapidShare AG - Support Team

The only thing I have not tried from the above email is uploading a file using a different computer. I can do this I just haven't had the chance to try it.

The other thing I haven't attempted is to upload these files to another via another website like Megaupload. Again, I can do this but haven't had the chance.

My question is, would uploading using a different computer or site make a difference? If it would, then why? Any other suggestions on successfully uploading these files would be helpful.

DSF Guest 8 09-01-2008 08:11 AM

I have had similar problems with Rapidshare. I have compressed the original file again using a different compression factor and then it will work. I have also moved about 90% of everything I upload to megaupload. Jester uses Rapid much more than I so maybe he will have a different tact. Please let me know if the compression factor works for you. I suspect that what happens, when this solution works, is that the file is sitting in the Rapidshare que and is already corrupted.

artaco 09-01-2008 10:03 AM


can one of you two point me in the direction of a virus/malware scan I can do from boot-up. So it will run before the GUI loads.

Geaux Saints 09-01-2008 10:26 AM


I know this has been asked somewhere before, but what is a good DVD BURN program to use? I have a decryptor and have the files from the DVD on my HD, I just don't have a program that will burn the files to DVD well. Thanks!

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