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Cactus Jack 06-04-2008 01:05 AM

ok, we all know it is just a matter of time until the zombie apocalypse... who is ready? what will you do to survive?

please discuss any and all things related to zombies. theories, escape plans, etc.

PANDAmonium 06-04-2008 01:08 AM


I absolutely CANNOT read this thread. I will literally crap my pants in sheer terror.

Zombies are my WORST FEAR EVER.

Also, if the zombie apocalypse ever does happen, I am killing myself immediately, no questions asked.

gallow737 06-04-2008 01:11 AM

I'd also like to add that me and my cronies have been working on putting together an internet series/potential television pilot that revolves around a pair of brothers in a quarantined city in a world overrun by zombies.

idahotransplant 06-04-2008 01:11 AM

I'd be pretty well fucked. I've got 2 dogs that bark at anything that gets within 20 feet of my house. On the positive side, most of my neighbors are old and I think I can take them.

idahotransplant 06-04-2008 01:13 AM

But if it's anything like Dead Rising I'm going to the mall to stab shower heads through their skulls and make it rain their own blood all over them.

PANDAmonium 06-04-2008 01:16 AM


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Well, you'd have to kill your dogs then.

You'd be screwed if they came back as zombies though.

ThreeOnAMeathook 06-04-2008 01:31 AM

I'd go to Africa. Some little impoverished village.

Sure, there'd be zombies, but they'd only weigh like 70 lbs.

The Zombie Survival Guide is good in theory, but you have to have all of that shit planned ahead of time because if you wait until you're in the midst of a zombie siege, you can bet your ass 95% of stores that sell all of the shit will be looted and long-since abandoned.

Nekyo 06-04-2008 01:37 AM

If it eer happes....
I hope i'll be i Mexico :D. My house is ot that big but its like a fortress, the house itself is i the middle surrouded by walls that are probably 20 to 25 ft tall. made of bricks btw so i guess them zombies wot be takig them dow aytime soo. big ass gate which is like 15 ft tall, hae a well that i hope doest ru out of water :D, back up geerator, i'd just hae to worry about the food which i ca get, i would eed guns obiously but i ca maage to get them,i'd just stay i the house, go to the rooftop ad shoot them i the head(seems to work i the moies:D). ad im goig to stop typig because if you're readig this its probably goig to gie you a headache,i eed to get a ew computer but cat afford it right ow so im stuck with this shitty keyboard. Sorry guys

megagreg1 06-04-2008 01:40 AM


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I have this book it's great if you don't know that it's all a joke you might take it seriously.

rankamateur 06-04-2008 01:57 AM


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Honestly, if you have time to copy and paste the sig file, don't you have time to go to Radio Shack or something? And are you the Angry German Kid in the video? The one that hates the Dramatic Chipmunk or whatever it is this week?

Anyway, as far as Zombie Apocalypse goes, I'm pretty damn good with a shotgun - I was at the skeet range day before yesterday - hit about 95%, so I figure if I can hit a six inch target at thirty yards while it's flying, I can probably hit a zombie in the head. And since I live in Texas, ammo is plentiful. I even have a small stash here.

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