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Expletive 09-08-2011 02:30 PM

Millions For Reals
I'm fucking irritated, and accomplishing nothing fast, therefore the lot of you could join in, and let's spam the fuck outta this thread. A million post here we the fuck comes. No thoughts, no fancy spancy fucking post, just type a bunch of words and post the fucker. I gives a fuck, let's make this mutha fucker hyped by being the only people on the planet with a million post. Sure it'll take years. but seeing as how i'm fucking nothing, going no where, at least, I could be remembered for this. Post away you fucking bleeding Cunts!

Eccles 09-08-2011 02:32 PM

I'm not getting involved

Eccles 09-08-2011 02:33 PM


Expletive 09-08-2011 02:47 PM

I'm doing the fucking dishes, what are you doing? Nevermind, I no longer give a fuck. Just pay me fucker, pay me now!

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:48 PM


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998,000 more from You Mr Eccles, and a god you would be.

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:49 PM

Trying to learn programming, and it sucks, it's too hard, or maybe I"m too black. Haven't decided which, but I'm sure it has something to do with ADHD and masturbation.

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:50 PM

If I were a rapist do you know who I would call, Amber Heard, she's so sexy. Hayzeus was right for highlighting her; a sexy broad she is. I said call, not fuck, call.

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:52 PM

It's not easy studying boring shit when you can't get past the first page or two. It's like all the words change shape, and I'm suddenly daft. Fuck that shit, maybe I should be a porn star, but I'm a bit too fat, or maybe I'm too ugly, or too black, or perhaps, my dick is only six inches, and that's too short, but that's probably just the fat.

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:57 PM

Dengue has taken over Nassau, five people in my house hold had it, thank God I don't have it, but five people had it. And I'm not worried because at the moment, I haven't a salary or a job, and maybe it is all George Bush's fault. But if it's really Bush's fault, then it must be also Clinton's fault for allowing those ass wipes to deregulate everything. But it all started with Regan. But fuck that, Ronald Regan is America's first King, and if you didn't know, then you weren't paying attention. And the King is always right.

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:59 PM

I'm going to listen to some music, cause fuck me this is boring, and dull, and uninteresting, and dull, and I don't want to post pictures, nor music, nor interesting anything, I just want to watch porn and masturbate. But I'm trying to quit that shit. And they're days, I'm too bored to watch porn, or masturbate, or do anything other than look into the distance and go blank. This isn't one of those times.

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