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MrGoutHimself 05-22-2010 12:38 PM

HAE been denied the right to donate blood?
So there was a blood drive at work over a year ago (been two or three since, but I've learned not to bother). I signed up, I had given blood in High School and once when in the Corps. Anyhow, part of the process is you sit down at a computer and answer questions about who you've fucked/been fucked by, places you've been, drug methods you use. I think there's no problem passing it since I'd given before. Well apparently because I was in Spain over 6 months during the 80s, I was told to sit back down. The Red Cross lady gave me a nice letter I've since copied and had posted at my desk at work that says that I'm indefinitely denied the right to donate blood due to my time overseas.

So, anyone else that can't give blood? Permanently or temporarily? Why?

Mr Handlebars 05-22-2010 05:01 PM

SRD ...... I was denied 3 times in my life and I have donated over 50 pints of blood recorder with one facility, 5 pints with another and did Pheresis donations for almost 2 years, twice a week , back in the early 80's, when they used to pay you for it.

In the late 80's, just after blood started getting tested for AIDS, I got rejected for almost 2 yrs. Back then, if you had a high level of a certain liver enzyme, which was associated with Hepatitis and AIDS, you were automatically furloughed from giving blood. Another condition which caused the high enzyme was morbid obesity. After I got my letter, I got checked out by my Doctor and the latter was my issue. I had to wait almost 3 years before the CDC and the FDA lifted that restriction.

Just last week I got rejected again. It was the second time in 2 weeks. They bounced me the first time because my iron was just below the acceptable level. Last Wed. I tried again, and now they rejected me because my pulse was over 100 (104 to be exact). I never have had a pulse under a 100. It seems like every week they are coming up with newer and newer rulez.

Pobs 05-22-2010 05:46 PM

I've never been refused, however I haven't donated for a while after one time were i nearly collapsed after donating.

My wife was refused as she was, and currently still is, below the minimum weight.

FortySuz&Two 05-22-2010 05:53 PM

i tried to give blood once and i think the lady just got aggravated she was having trouble finding a vein so she told me that i had tiny little stingbean veins that wouldn't even fill half a bag and would really just be wasting their time. :wtf: haven't tried since.

MrGoutHimself 05-22-2010 08:12 PM


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Now you're just bragging because both of my wives have been known to accidentally eat the entire

mg321 05-22-2010 08:45 PM

SRD - same situation as you. They tell met I've spent too much time in Europe. I try every couple years, thinking the rules might change. So luck!

DarthRonin 05-27-2010 12:35 PM

I can never donate blood again in my life. The guideline is if you have ever once had sexual contact with another man (with or without a condom doesn't matter) after 1978 then you can't donate. I am bi, I have been married for 12 years and haven't been with a man in those 12 years or the year before that when I was engaged but still I might somehow have AIDS and I guess not know it. My old room mate who spent a decade bringing home random bar skanks 2-4 times a week while he was a bar tender and wouldn't know a condom if you put it over his head can donate when he wants but not me. I can't even donate to my own kids if they need blood. Somehow this is not discrimination. I don't understand it.

Shaharazaad 05-27-2010 02:37 PM

I've been rejected a couple of times. When I turned 18, I started giving blood regularly, gave while in the AF and after moving to Virginia, kept on.

I've been rejected for having too low a body temperature (it was under 96), that runs in the family, my dad's been rejected for that several times. Also, going to certain states in Mexico for a couple of weeks kept me from donating for about 6 months.

Anytime you have surgery, they don't like it if you give blood, even if you didn't get a transfusion.

BTW - DarthRonin, that was one hell of a first post.

Xenophile 05-27-2010 04:21 PM

Guilty as charged...
Lived in the U.K. for 2 years, and I guess they figure I have Mad Cow Disease coursing through my veins...

Fuck it, I hate getting stuck with needles anyway! I usually make jokes about sharing needles and gay sex, but I guess DarthRonin took the wind out of the sails of that kind of humor...

quinn 05-27-2010 05:19 PM

Blah blah blah its not a right.

/had to be said.

I wasnt able to give blood for a 3 year period due to surgery and visiting central american countries at the wrong times.

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