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Shasturbator 03-12-2008 01:49 PM

good news for all you peeping Toms
OKLAHOMA CITY — A man accused of using a camera to take pictures under the skirt of an unsuspecting 16-year-old girl at a Tulsa store did not commit a crime, a state appeals court has ruled.

The state Court of Criminal Appeals voted 4-1 in favor of Riccardo Gino Ferrante, who was arrested in 2006 for situating a camera underneath the girl's skirt at a Target store and taking photographs.

Ferrante, now 34, was charged under a "Peeping Tom" statute that requires the victim to be "in a place where there is a right to a reasonable expectation of privacy." Testimony indicated he followed the girl, knelt down behind her and placed the camera under her skirt.

In January 2007, Tulsa County District Judge Tom Gillert ordered Ferrante's felony charge dismissed. That was based upon a determination that "the person photographed was not in a place where she had a reasonable expectation of privacy," according to the appellate ruling issued last week.

The District Attorney's Office had appealed Gillert's ruling to the Court of Criminal Appeals.

"We agree with the district court's analysis," stated the opinion written by Appeals Judge Charles Johnson, with Judges Charles Chapel, David Lewis and Arlene Johnson concurring.

In a dissent, Appeals Judge Gary Lumpkin wrote that "what this decision does is state to women who desire to wear dresses that there is no expectation of privacy as to what they have covered with their dress."

"In other words, it is open season for peeping Toms in public places who want to look under a woman's dress," Lumpkin wrote.

He said he found the majority's finding of no reasonable expectation of privacy "interesting and disturbing."

Assistant District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler said he will explore the possibility of getting the Legislature to change the law.

"We certainly are going to seek to amend this statute to criminalize what we consider to be outrageous conduct," he said.

Ferrante's attorney, Kevin Adams, said Tuesday that Gillert "made the right decision" and that "it is really up to the Legislature to make this against the law if they want to do so.

"I think it is a scenario where the law has not caught up with technology," Adams said.

Randal Graves 03-12-2008 07:03 PM

I don't get some people. Trying to get an upskirt pic of some chicks panties is way more work than just downloading porn here to beat off to.

goonarms 03-12-2008 08:11 PM

Just go to the GYM.. even today i saw so much ass it was mind boggling

Randal Graves 03-12-2008 10:35 PM


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NO shit. What is that machine where you squeeze your legs together or spread them apart? I can barely bench press if a girl in a pair of short shorts is on that thing.

goonarms 03-12-2008 10:55 PM

Yeah don't really think I could lift there either... Always fun when you notice something when you shouldn't!

towdog 03-13-2008 07:29 AM

We have this in Oklahoma too.......

Oklahoma Lawmaker: Gays More Dangerous Than Terrorists

Posted: March 10, 2008 - 1:00 pm ET

(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) An Oklahoma lawmaker is warning her constituents that gays are taking over and have become more dangerous to the American way of life than terrorists.

State Rep. Sally Kern (R) made the remarks in a speech to a small gathering but did not know they were being recorded. The tape fell into the hands of The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund which then posted it on YouTube on Friday. It has now been viewed by more than 250,000 people.

"The homosexual agenda is destroying this nation; it's just a fact," Kern declares.

"I'm not gay bashing, but according to God's word that is not the right kind of lifestyle," she said. "It has deadly consequences."

Kern goes on to declare that "Studies show that no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than a few decades."

Kern confirmed to Oklahoma City TV station KWTV that the woman on the tape is her and she stands by the comments.

"What is wrong with me as an American exercising my free speech rights on a topic that is a very big issue today?" she said.

Kern told the station that she doesn't know who taped the speech and when it was recorded.

"Shame on the person who didn't have the courage to come and say, 'I'm going to tape you and put it out on YouTube,'" she said.

The Victory Fund, which helps LGBT politicians gain office, said that "while this speech is remarkable in its statements, it’s not unique.

"For every bit of hateful rhetoric we hear, scores of other anti-gay statements go unchallenged," the Victory Fund said on its Web site.

"It is not our intention to make this individual the target of animosity and hostility. It is, however, our intention to let her know that we heard what she said, we do not approve and that we support public officials who recognize people in the LGBT community as equal, ordinary citizens."

Local LGBT activists also slammed Kern.

Oklahoma City gay leader Karen Parsons said that the speech encourages bullying and other attacks on members of the LGBT community.

"Hate speech has such negative consequences. The words really mean something." Parsons told KWTV. "She's a legislative leader and people pick up on her words and they take them to be the truth."

Another gay activist, Matt Smith, told KSWO-television that Kern is an embarrassment to the state.

"Somebody in power like that, that actually represents Oklahoma, I wonder how bad we look compared to the other states," Smith told the station. "Or to the other countries that are watching that, and seeing that on the internet or on TV or whatever. It's sad. I mean, we're like back in the stone age now."

RvP 03-13-2008 11:48 AM


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yea know what your saying man, i got caught beating off in the toilets once after seeing some girl on that machine, i could see her cunt flaps and everything... it just pushed me over the edge.

binary_jester 03-13-2008 11:51 AM


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I love the "Yes No" machine. I hate going to gyms that are basically meat markets...where women get off the elliptical looking the exact same as the way they got on.

goonarms 03-13-2008 07:06 PM


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Do you expect them to drop like 10 lbs everytime the step on the eliptical?

binary_jester 03-13-2008 07:25 PM


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Sorry. Not in the way of losing weight. I mean they get on and their hair and make up are perfect...and they get off and not even a bead of sweat is on them and their make up and hair are untouched.

I respect the folks who get off and are soaked in sweat.

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