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saigo 02-04-2009 04:17 PM

Would you fuck someone who's been in a mental hospital?
This is kinda important to me. Basically, the scenario is you meet someone, and they seem cute or whatever and then you discover that they've been committed at a point.

What changes if anything?

thermos 02-04-2009 04:30 PM


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Wait, you're the gay one, right?

I'd totally, totally bang a crazy chick but I would NOT bang a mental dude.

I'd wrap her up in tinfoil, smear crisco on my feet, stick my dick in her ear and talk about the socioeconomic divisions of our society whilst listening to Rick James. Sure, why not?

Trips 02-04-2009 04:49 PM


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We're talking about you, aren't we?

Carlos Spicy Wiener 02-04-2009 04:53 PM

It' would depend on what the hell she was in for. If it was something really then no, because you'll never know what could happen. I have dated 2 women who eventually told me they were Bi Polar, that explained a shit load of crazy ass arguments that I have no idea what I did, but when they drank the sex was crazy.

thermos 02-04-2009 05:01 PM


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A gigantic fucking LOL at that one.

BleacherCreature420 02-04-2009 05:09 PM


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yeah dude I hear ya........the ex- i posted nudes in the private section when i first joined was def bi-polar....and ur right the sex was damn good but after some time its just NOT fucking worth it bro.........bitch would get crazy sometimes the headache ahh the headache

MrGoutHimself 02-04-2009 05:12 PM

I don't know about "has been in" but if she's in the loony bin at the time, you could strap her into one of those backwards coats with no sleeveholes and fuck her silly... oh wait, she'd already be silly... you could strap her into one of those coats and fuck her sane. They might even pay you... you could have your own TV show and call it "Dr. Fill." Ha ha.

EvilTart 02-04-2009 05:14 PM

It doesn't take much to go to the psych ward. I've been there. I have depression and no insurance. When that shit gets seriously bad (No i dont' have bi polar) and I know that I need medication. But, I can't get a damn Dr that accepts someone without insurance...well then you scam the system.

which is kinda what I did. Sucks though because psych wards for no insured people are possibly the most fucked places on earth. I'm so not kidding. There is zero saftey. But, if you go into the ER...tell em' you want to die (yep gotta say it) they HAVE to commit you to the psych ward for 5 days. Which means, bypass the wait and searching out for a dr. And paying 110 per dr visit PLUS 100 for meds. Get free mental health care for life, discounted depression and anxiety medication for live. You just have to survive the 5 days.

Now, I'd hope to hell someone would still wanna fuck me. But, yeah I'd have to be like "Um no I"m not maniac...I don't have bi polar. I'm simply a sad panda who requires Zoloft" Just make sure the person that was in the psych ward wasn't there for murdering people, eating their own feces or talkign to the wall about aliens.

saigo 02-04-2009 05:57 PM

p.s. yeah we're talking bout me.

I'm depressed; lately suicidal. Luckily, our mental hospitals are nowhere near what Tart describes. It will basically be sleeping all day for 2 weeks while I adjust to some stronger meds.

EvilTart 02-04-2009 06:15 PM

Your location states you are in Serbia is that factual? I'm not asking to be rude, just out of interest.

How are the hospitals there different then the ones here? I'm sorry that you are having a rough time right now. It's absolutely no fun to be depressed let a lone suicidal, while questioning your self worth concerning finding a mate.

Just remember this, while it's important that your loved ones are aware of your depression it's truly no ones personal business what your medical situations are AS LONG as it doesn't put their life at risk. IE homicidal thoughts, disease etc.

Our health care system here is not a mystery on how poorly it's ran. For the avg American to get help be it for physical sickness or mental/emotional it's expensive and time consuming.

For me to get a simple rx for Zoloft (an SSRI that's commonly given) I had to go to the ER and be admitted for 24 hours of psych evaluation, be transferred to the State mental health facility that houses not only people with depression but rapists, child molestors and criminals that are spending their life sentences in psychiatric care. I was housed along with these people with NO safety. A girl that was in my room was raped by a male patient the first night I was there! And they did NOTHING at all. In fact she was yelled at and refused medical care.

My ER visit was billed to me. 3200 total. But my mental health care is free by the state.

It's the lowest of low. They are poorly staffed due to tax cuts. But, I'll say this much. They keep you so high on sedatives (ativan) that you could careless while you are there. If you go into a decent hospital seeking care you may be disappointed here in the US. However, if you are seeking medication and continue with follow up care when you get out you'll do well.

Just remember to not let it get to the point that you have a plan to end your life. Regardless, of timing or money please get help. Take care of yourself, things will get better.

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