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TommyJ 09-16-2008 10:17 AM

best worst facebook applications
I know most apps on facebook are a huge waste, but some are gold and deserve a little discussion.

Blabble is a new application that is quite cool. Not alot of people use it though. Thought bubbles in your pictures...this can get fun. its simple and worthy.

Hobo wars is alot like dope wars. Both are awesome applications.

Cat vs. Dog is stupid. i dont understand why people try to compare us to our favourite animals.

Which spicegirl are you? screw that.

virtual rock paper scissors? Or virtual kegstands? A serious waste of time.

Scrabbulous is awesome. The day i stumbled on it, i was hooked.

and for the people is dumb. 09-16-2008 10:18 AM

hey, who the hell are you?

BlackCrypt 09-16-2008 10:20 AM

I am thinking a spambot. Hover over the link an look at were it takes you.

amylikewhoa 09-16-2008 10:20 AM

i know this thread is gonna go no where but i like bumber stickers, and i loved scrabulous but its gone now.

DSF Guest 6 09-16-2008 10:22 AM

im thinking spam too but now that we're on the subject---i do love the facebook bumper stickers! haha

Tablefor5 09-16-2008 10:24 AM


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I see you are part of the welcome committee


DSF Guest 6 09-16-2008 10:24 AM


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its come a long way since the days of a fruit baskets....

Tablefor5 09-16-2008 11:08 AM


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You guys use to hand out fruit baskets???


I never get anything good!!!!!!

DSF Guest 6 09-16-2008 11:09 AM


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yea we use to until BC started nabbing all of them in transit to swipe the bananas out of them. So we stopped.

beastley 09-16-2008 11:42 AM

fbook apps suck, they ruin peoples profiles with unnecessary bullshit

satan666 09-16-2008 01:48 PM


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And Facebook ruins people's lives with unnecessary bullshit...

Grandizer 09-16-2008 02:05 PM

I do a LOT of Word Twist...
And I have a bunch of crappy apps as well...
I am nice and don't ignore some that my family / friends send me...
So I have a garden, a puppy and a lot of other things...

BlackCrypt 09-16-2008 02:30 PM


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Well, to tell you to truth, it wasn't only because I was snatching the bananas. BigMac was replacing them with banana shaped dildos.

beastley 09-16-2008 02:37 PM


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couldn't we just expand that to...the internet? or..."and ____________ ruins people's lives with unnecessary bullshit"?

and put anything in the blank 09-16-2008 02:40 PM

maybe it's my age, but i don't get why facebook and myspace are so popular. people always say it's so they can keep in touch and let everyone know what's happening, but i use a phone for that.

Candi Apples 09-17-2008 05:03 AM

I love Facebook,but there are way too many applications,and
most of them are fuckin

I do like the Fluff Friends application though,virtual pets are surprisingly addictive.

The Honesty Box is a bad one,cause even though it's meant to be anonymous,you can easily pin point who wrote what.

Cause only ppl with the Honesty Box application can comment,and since most ppl do not have it,it narrows it down.

Plus,I do not want to know what my friends on Facebook think of me,cause I just don't care that

I'm used to deleting a bunch of application invites that friends send me on Facebook,but I am really disliking the new layout on Facebook.

I guess I will get used to it over time.

Mr Handlebars 09-17-2008 05:23 AM


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tats ..... I don't know how old you are, but I said the same thing the other day about facebook and myspace. I'm not into either and don't see their purpose. I agree with you.

Frothy Afterbirth 09-17-2008 11:30 AM


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I think n2 said he is 40. I like both social networks only for the fact their free and in many cases anonymous. But guess what, forums "are" social networks by themselves too. So if anyone has a dislike for facebook, myspace, etc. then why be a part of any forum? People still spend the same amount of productive or unproductive time online.

rdc2007 09-17-2008 12:36 PM

I didn't like Facebook so I deleted the account after about 20 minutes but my friends and I have been on myspace since before the kids discovered it. Some of us, myself included, don't really like being on the phone and we like the convenience of contacting everyone through myspace to be a good thing. I remember asking some teens I know about myspace and they had no idea what I was talking about. Those days are long gone, though. :rolleyes: 09-17-2008 12:40 PM


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i am 40. i think the difference is i'm not on the forum to keep in touch with my "real life" friends. this is where i go to get away from real life.

Tablefor5 09-18-2008 06:46 AM


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I agree...everyone on my facebook & myspace I have known for quite some time. Either grew up with them or went to school with them. Of course I am on facebook about as much as I am on here a dsf....I like the forum b/c it allows you to be a lot more free in who you are. I can put stuff on here that I would not dare put on my facebook or myspace.

I think I just rambled for a bit...I need another coffee.

Candi Apples 09-18-2008 08:40 AM


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Facebook is addictive,isn't it?

I know more of y'all must have Facebook,but don't want to admit

I've seen at least 6 regulars from DSF with Facebook accounts,but I'm sure there are a lot more.

Tablefor5 09-18-2008 10:05 AM


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are you a facebook stalker???

Candi Apples 09-18-2008 11:28 AM


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No,should I become one?? lol

2 people from DSF are on my Facebook,and the rest are people I have seen on there.

Not so unusual,since most ppl seem to have Facebook/and or Myspace.

Mr Handlebars 09-19-2008 05:53 AM


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Tats ..... again, I gots to agree with you. It's an excape. I can be an asshole, like you and I do at each other from time to time and other times I can have an intellectual conversation or just learn things that I never knew from different sources. There is alot to be said to anonymity which you lose on facebook and myspace.

towdog 08-27-2009 04:34 PM

My new schtick

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