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howardstern 07-22-2008 11:22 PM

Who are you going to vote for?
Come November its going to be election time and i was wondering who you guys/girls would/will vote for and why?!

mrdavis 07-23-2008 07:18 AM

this is the year i vote communist since they are the lesser evil

MickC 07-23-2008 07:22 AM

Not that I can vote from the other side of the world, but i'd vote for Obama.
He comes across differently the all the other candidates.

Badcat 07-23-2008 08:11 AM

I don't like either of them. McCain is a left leaning conservative but he does still hold onto some conservative values. He will be a good leader in terms of security weak in immagration and middle of the road on economy. Obama makes my skin crawl. He has very little experience and is as far left as they come. We'll get fucked by every terrorist organization in the world under his presidency and will also have to engage them here on US soil, our economy will tank under the self restrictions that come with liberalism and the borders will be nice and open so that all of the world can enjoy our benefits without the hassle of paying income taxes or becoming nationalized.

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ’liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." Norman Thomas, former U.S. Socialist Presidential Candidate

BleacherCreature420 07-23-2008 09:15 AM

I hate them ALL........I am still going to pencil in Ron Paul......I am so sad he had to drop out of the race.....How someone who speaks so true could be ignored for so long by the media and other outlets baffles me......yes he got some coverage but in comparison, it was really a disgusting display.

Shasturbator 07-23-2008 09:27 AM

I'm voting for Randal Graves....

mrdavis 07-23-2008 09:37 AM


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Hell Yeah Ron Paul!!!

Badcat 07-23-2008 11:11 AM

Ron Paul would be great if he softened up a little. I agree with a lot of what he has to say. His difficulty lies in the delivery. I hear a lot from him since he is my local rep.

BleacherCreature420 07-23-2008 11:22 AM


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First, I am very jealous that you could have Dr. Paul represent you in the area where you live......we get the shaft here in New York.........I agree with you that his delivery comes off a little whacked to those who don't know the platform, but with so little coverage, and people constantly mocking what he is running for, I just think he has to pack as much punch as he can into every statement he makes....who knows which soundbite Fox News will edit to make him look like a crazed fool haha ya know. If people spent a solid hour looking into who he was, and what his message is, I think that this election could have been a lot different. I still have a Ron Paul bumper sticker on my car, and just last week someone asked me who he was. Very dark times.......

Badcat 07-23-2008 11:36 AM

He does get a lot of flack from the media. What's sad is if you took Ron's message and had someone like Romney preach it he'd get elected. Folks just have it out for him. Our best hope is to teach others strong conservative values and hope they can run with them and turn this place around.

dusio22 07-23-2008 11:58 AM

I vote we all move to amsterdam.

bexxx 07-23-2008 01:43 PM


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Only if U pay

Choppie 07-23-2008 01:53 PM

Voting huh...Obama or McCain...

....we. are. so. fucked.

Kyle E. Coyote 07-23-2008 02:25 PM

Obama is charismatic, cool and JFK-esque. I'd love to vote for him... too bad I don't agree with a damn word he says.

McCain isn't the ideal candidate for a long shot, but he deserves the presidency more than any other candidate in my lifetime. He's fought for his country, killed for his country. After being covered in third degree burns and having two arms and a leg shattered upon being shot down over North Vietnam, he had his shoulder blade beaten to pieces before being stabbed in the chest by a NV soldier's bayonet (that's 7.5" of steel plunged through his ribs into his lung) and was then transported to Hanoi without medical care. He then endured years of torture even after he was offered no-strings-attached release, just because he wanted to make sure that his fellow Navymen would make it home safely. He was either beaten, stung by scorpions, imbedded with bamboo splinters, hogtied and hung from the celling and drowned near to death on a daily basis. At one point he was rope-bound and beaten every two hours, 24/7. His shoulders were broken so badly he still to this day can't raise his arms above his head. He spent two years of his life in solitary confinement. He suffered from dysintery which turned his hair white at the age of 31, and caused him to lose over 60 pounds. This went on for nearly three years. Despite all of this, he gave medical care to his fellow soldiers, knitted american flags on the inside of his shirt to salute daily (and was beaten for it, naturally) and more. He never wavers on his opinions and views, he knows what he's doing, and he's not one of those asshats so obsessed with winning the presidency they act like they're royalty already..

Striker 07-23-2008 04:59 PM

I don't like either of the two main ones but I dislike McCain a lot less then Obama so it'll be McCain. Obama scares me and if you look at some of the shit he says, he makes no sense. For example:


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I certainly hope so.

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Really? 8 to 10 years?
Oh and the best yet, video of him claiming to have visited 57 states, with one to go, not including Alaska or Hawaii.

If Bush said half that shit, people would never stop bashing him for it.

Edit Ah and here is one where he just flat out lies:

Marie-Eve Martinez 07-23-2008 05:15 PM

I have a good friend working in DC right now, (who is extremely liberal) and he seems to say word on the street there, and from his own detective work down there that Obama isn't really how he is presenting himself to the media and public, and actually has alot of left wing, conservation agenda in store if he gets into office. That's fine, if that's what you're into, but the public is perceiving him as anything but that. And I think that is a problem.

Though McCain is much more experienced and I think Obama is REALLY lacking in that area, I still think he is a better candidate then McCain, who is a tad too on the right for my liking.That just a personal opinion obviously) but I have a strong feeling Obama is not going to be quite the savior a lot of people think he is.

Wise man say:

The only difference between Democrats and Republicans is the Color of their ties.

Ralph Nader is the only one who could really clean up the US right now, I think.

Striker 07-23-2008 05:29 PM


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A Democrat politician lying? :eek:That can't be.

Obama is baaaad news.

I think the main thing that has me going for McCain is that I know he'll be good to the military.

BlackCrypt 07-23-2008 05:30 PM

TheDrunkElf 07-23-2008 08:23 PM


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Obama scares the crap out of me....

I'll leave it at that.. politics and religion discussions never end well... Look at the crusades..

tlock 07-25-2008 12:03 PM

I'm voting McCain

binary_jester 07-26-2008 02:13 AM

I loved Ron Paul, but being a libertarian, that's no surprise. Unfortunately, I think he would have been completely ineffectual. Not because he couldn't lead, but because no one on congress would have supported him. Ron would have used his veto pen and used it often. Congress would have been able to agree on something, and that would have been overriding Ron's veto. I loved having him in the race (and Huckabee to some extent) because they were proof McCain is no conservative. Ron Paul will bee appreciated much later down the line. Look at it this way. Look how the press vilified Patrick Buchanan. They called him an isolationist and a xenophobe. Now what he was stating seems like common sense. So either Ron will be harbinger of future politics or we will give over to socialism, so lobotomies for all.

McLame is no conservative. He has flopped on Bush's tax cut (I was aginst them, now I am for them), completely wrong on immigration (permanent visas), lost his mind on global warming, endorses teaching "intelligent" design in science classes, and is endorsed by the NY Times. Plus he has inhibited free speech, which is the absolute worst of his grievances. He stated Alito is too conservative. His maverick image simply means he is willing to throw in with liberals.

Obama is just your typical politician, ironically parading himself as not-typical. He makes vague promises (vote for change, WTF is that? Vote for changing the time zones? change what? he could change things and make the a hell of a lot worse). He is making his move from extreme left (which is what got him out of the primary) to centrist. He has modified his stance on getting the troops out in 16 months (when the military has stated that if we set that deadline, we'd leave most of our equipment over there), flopped on the 2nd amendment, was all for public finance until he realized he can raise a lot more money than using a "flawed" system, was opposed to cracking down on illegal immigration, now says he would crack down, states he was going to repeal the Patriot Act and then voted to keep it, etc.

So basically we have 2 politicians where we have no clue what they stand for. Both willing to do and say anything to get into office.

So who am I going to vote for? Most likely the Libertian candidate because, in good conscience, I cannot vote for either of these candidates.

jizzay 07-26-2008 02:34 AM

I am definitely voting for Obama. This country needs change and McCain is not the answer. Given the fact that there is a large population of young voters eligible for this election age will be a very key factor in who wins. McCain comes across as the crotchety old man, in the same mold as Dole, and Obama is a junior senator who appears to not yet been corrupted by the political machine in this country. Sadly, being from the "south", alot of people will not vote for him due to his race. That being said, the smart thing for Obama to ensure no attempts at assassination I think he should choose Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton as a running mate. Who in their right minds would shot him knowing one of them would be President?

binary_jester 07-26-2008 02:40 AM


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What does he plan to "change"?

DAS 07-26-2008 08:37 AM

Awe Cool, a political discussion... Quick someone post a Poll about Religion, and then one about the right to bare arms. So the rest of the populace who doesn't get annoyed by political discussions, can be annoyed as well...:D

BigMac63 07-26-2008 08:43 AM


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tokerjoe 07-26-2008 09:44 AM

i'd like to agree with Jester that my man was Ron Paul, kind of knew his presidency was doomed from the start. unfortunately, i'm registered to vote in Massachusetts so my vote never matters (seriously has a democrat every not won our electoral votes).

states like mine just further illustrate why we need to ditch the electoral college and go with popular elections. theres no point in there being notorious red and blue states and then a handful of "swing states" ie penn, ohio etc get to determine the president for the rest of us.

gentlemen and ladies, lets start a revolution!

Geaux Saints 07-26-2008 11:21 AM


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Whoever is next in line under vice-president would take control of office, because I'm pretty sure if someone was crazy enough to assassinate Obama, they would not think twice about taking out Jesse or Al as well. Hell, might even shoot them first.

Kyle E. Coyote 07-26-2008 12:30 PM


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That'd be no sweat for me, I'd just have to copy and paste my signature into the message box. :D

jizzay 07-26-2008 12:44 PM


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The economy, the senseless war in Iraq, health care, anything else Bush fucked up the past 8 years.

Randal Graves 07-26-2008 12:53 PM


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I never would have thought Shasta was the smartest person in this forum. Voting is a waste of time, so at least have some fun if you're going to do it.

Kyle E. Coyote 07-26-2008 04:07 PM


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Sure, he intends to change them, but he lacks a vital piece of the puzzle... a PLAN! His supposed healthcare solution, along with his half-assed attempt at energy independence will DESTROY the economy. The war in Iraq is ANYTHING but senseless unless you ask CNN (see the I am- Fuck Bush of the day thread for inneumerable reasons why), socializing healthcare is ridiculous (My mother and fiancee are both nurses, trust me, I know how this will play out. 100,000,000 people with a 'strange colored pimple' will flood into hospitals the day that healthcare becomes free, costing thousands of lives and billions of YOUR taxpayer dollars), and I'd like to see you do a better job presidentially than Bush. Betcha can't. Tell ya what; next time you feel the need to say something without any factual basis behind it... don't.

binary_jester 07-26-2008 04:16 PM


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Plus I'd like to see a president improve or ruin the economy.

jizzay 07-26-2008 05:09 PM


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The war in Iraq we are currently engaged in is senseless. Hussein was removed, we give these people a somewhat free society and they spit in our soldier's faces, shoot at them and simply don't want us there, ask a soldier who has been there. We are still there only because Bush and his cronies are not done draining the military of any funds they may have left. Granted universal health care is a pipe dream but tort reform is what needs to happen in order to make health care more affordable. When we open the flood gates to allow any nut with a difference of opinion to sue doctor's over what they perceive as malpractice that forces the health care industry to overcharge. If I thought I could do a better job than he, I would have entered politics. next time you want to shoot someone's opinion, make sure you open the other side of your brain, the side that says "Hmm maybe I am not right all the time". I wasn't asked to give factual basis, we were asked who were we gonna vote for. And I chose to give MY reasons behind my choice. Turn your soapbox over and crawl inside now.

jizzay 07-26-2008 05:10 PM


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As much as I hate to admit, the economy was pretty improved during Clinton's 8 years compared to Bush's.

binary_jester 07-26-2008 05:34 PM


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Let me rephrase. WHAT can a president do to improve the economy?

jizzay 07-26-2008 06:18 PM


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Well, first they can reform NAFTA. Suspend taxes for lower income families and raise taxes on the Upper class. Cut needless spending in programs like NASA and work to privatize some of the lesser needed government jobs. Maybe work to create new jobs by expanding tax breaks for small businesses who are being eaten alive by taxes and forcing them to close or reduce their staff.

binary_jester 07-26-2008 06:21 PM


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Gosh...the President can do all that?

You may need a refresher on the constitution.

jizzay 07-26-2008 06:34 PM


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No I realize he can't do it alone. But you would like to think that the man we elect to run our country has the power to get the ball rolling.

As for a refresher on the constitution, are so all knowing that you have it memorized? Don't be a dick. If you don't want to have a debate the stop responding to it. Like I said, it's my opinion. It doesn't matter to anyone but me. I chose a side, and I have my ideals. Don't like it, then listen to yourself talk for a while so you can find someone who shares yours.

Trips 07-26-2008 06:47 PM


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Amen brother. During the last two elections I disliked both candidates. On this one I figure we need a good figure head and just that. I think congress and the senate need to stop being bitches and stand up. So if I had to vote I'd go obama. But I'll probably do what I've done for the last eight years and write myself in. :D

Striker 07-26-2008 06:53 PM


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You, like so many, many others, are confusing the President with Congress. The election of senators and representatives is what really matters the most... For fucks sake, Congress has a single digit approval rating, yet all the focus is on the Presidential election.

And taxing the wealthy isn't going to solve problems. It's their billions sitting in banks that are the backbone of the economy.

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