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Expletive 09-08-2011 02:30 PM

Millions For Reals
I'm fucking irritated, and accomplishing nothing fast, therefore the lot of you could join in, and let's spam the fuck outta this thread. A million post here we the fuck comes. No thoughts, no fancy spancy fucking post, just type a bunch of words and post the fucker. I gives a fuck, let's make this mutha fucker hyped by being the only people on the planet with a million post. Sure it'll take years. but seeing as how i'm fucking nothing, going no where, at least, I could be remembered for this. Post away you fucking bleeding Cunts!

Eccles 09-08-2011 02:32 PM

I'm not getting involved

Eccles 09-08-2011 02:33 PM


Expletive 09-08-2011 02:47 PM

I'm doing the fucking dishes, what are you doing? Nevermind, I no longer give a fuck. Just pay me fucker, pay me now!

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:48 PM


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998,000 more from You Mr Eccles, and a god you would be.

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:49 PM

Trying to learn programming, and it sucks, it's too hard, or maybe I"m too black. Haven't decided which, but I'm sure it has something to do with ADHD and masturbation.

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:50 PM

If I were a rapist do you know who I would call, Amber Heard, she's so sexy. Hayzeus was right for highlighting her; a sexy broad she is. I said call, not fuck, call.

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:52 PM

It's not easy studying boring shit when you can't get past the first page or two. It's like all the words change shape, and I'm suddenly daft. Fuck that shit, maybe I should be a porn star, but I'm a bit too fat, or maybe I'm too ugly, or too black, or perhaps, my dick is only six inches, and that's too short, but that's probably just the fat.

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:57 PM

Dengue has taken over Nassau, five people in my house hold had it, thank God I don't have it, but five people had it. And I'm not worried because at the moment, I haven't a salary or a job, and maybe it is all George Bush's fault. But if it's really Bush's fault, then it must be also Clinton's fault for allowing those ass wipes to deregulate everything. But it all started with Regan. But fuck that, Ronald Regan is America's first King, and if you didn't know, then you weren't paying attention. And the King is always right.

Expletive 09-08-2011 02:59 PM

I'm going to listen to some music, cause fuck me this is boring, and dull, and uninteresting, and dull, and I don't want to post pictures, nor music, nor interesting anything, I just want to watch porn and masturbate. But I'm trying to quit that shit. And they're days, I'm too bored to watch porn, or masturbate, or do anything other than look into the distance and go blank. This isn't one of those times.

Expletive 09-08-2011 03:07 PM

Porn has become so dull and uninteresting, that I'd watch some of the best of the nastiest and not feel anything anymore. I blame commercialism. If porn was treated like art, rather than a product. maybe people would get excited about it again. Now adays it's all about cock in cunny bleed, cock in ass, tongue in cunny bleed, cock in mouth, and blah blah boring. They say the devil is in the details, so show us the gritty shit we don't see with the finished product. If it's art, then let us see the grime of the production, or the many takes, and show us the work involved. Porn is unique, then make it unique. If I were George, I'd forget about all these kids, and start producing starwars themed porn. Dude would be ten times richer. Imagine humans shoving their heads in a Hutts cunt, chewing on the green curds dribbling down the chute, now I'd pay to see that shit.

Eccles 09-08-2011 03:13 PM


Eccles 09-08-2011 03:13 PM


Eccles 09-08-2011 03:13 PM


Eccles 09-08-2011 03:13 PM


Expletive 09-08-2011 03:24 PM

We're all fucked, unemployment will get worse, and those who didn't get it before, won't be able to anymore. You're fucked, I'm fucked, everyone's fucked.

Expletive 09-08-2011 03:26 PM


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yes, but if you were paying attention, I'm a fucking failure at everything I start.

Expletive 09-08-2011 03:26 PM


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And if you were really paying attention, I've done dumb shit like this before.

Expletive 09-08-2011 03:28 PM


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You're awesome, looky you with all the game stuff, and post stuff, and stuff. Yea. I'm not like that. I'm more like the fart at the wrong time. Or the shit, that burns. Or the vomit that stings the eyes. Sure I could bitch about it, but then, I'd lose the franchise.

Expletive 09-08-2011 03:33 PM


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And if you were really watching sir, You'd see, that eventually, I'll get bored, or simply stop, or suffer from self doubt, loss, or some form of mental epic sadness that I experience from time to time, wherein I gives a fuck about nothing, and everything of value is loss, or forgotten.

I'm the rare thing that comes every so often, makes people life hell, and then leave as quickly as I began. Because that's what epic fuck ups do. They fuck you up, and then move on, until the next time.

This thread is about getting in the Guinness book of world records for having a million post.

I'm failing and falling fast, therefore, one shouldn't worry about content, when they're about to die, or if they're about to get bored, or lose their internet, electricity, or sanity.

Eccles 09-08-2011 03:42 PM


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If you want to reach a million then you need to be more systematic.

Just post random crap don't spend time actually thinking about stuff

Eccles 09-08-2011 03:42 PM

For example

Eccles 09-08-2011 03:43 PM


Expletive 09-08-2011 03:49 PM


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I agree, but then, imagine a thousand years from now when they're going over the stuff we post now. Imagine how hungry their minds would be for a peek into what we thought, or felt; our dreams, our fears, our failures, our random nothings.

When humanity has finally achieved greatness, and become the universal rapist they're meant to be, and when the rookies among them are doubtful that raping whole civilizations is what it truly means to be human, they'd be able to look back at us, and say: "Those sick fucks dreamed of what we have, so let's make 'em proud." They'd read our post, see our documents, pictures, files, and skull fuck some alien some where because secretly that's what all DSF members dream of; school fucking aliens.

Eccles 09-08-2011 03:55 PM


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It is the dream

Expletive 09-08-2011 05:41 PM


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We need to work on a drug that kills depression, and encourages enthusiasm. Drugs that kills boredom, and increase productivity. We can do it too, because we're smarter than we were as a species, and within enough time, and thought experiments, I foresee us becoming the dominate species in existence; all across the endless space.

Expletive 09-10-2011 07:34 PM

Endless space my fucking ass. I've come to the realization that whenever the time comes to ditch this fucking hot country, I'd have to carry the household family with me. Not a daunting prospect, since they're that rusty nail that scraps my ribcage daily, fucking good times with this lot.

Expletive 09-10-2011 07:37 PM

Could it be considered stealing if I amalgamated a lot of different source codes together, then compiled them all, then, decompiled it, converting all of it to Assembly. Convert it to another language, recompile and sell the final product? Is that stealing?

josehl 09-20-2011 09:35 AM

C'mon. Keep posting Expl.

KrakeN 09-21-2011 11:19 PM

Wow...a thread this long and no tits?!? Let me help you...sheesh!

josehl 10-08-2011 10:38 AM


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I support you.

Expletive 10-11-2011 09:06 AM


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What Song the Syrens sang, or what name Achilles assumed when he hid himself among women, although puzzling questions, are not beyond all conjecture.

Expletive 10-11-2011 09:39 AM

Stay away from Nassau Bahamas, the power company BEC guestimates your bill, your usage may be 115 and your surcharge will be 300 or more. My light is always going off because of this, our bill is now 1400, and by the time you pay this month's bill, BEC comes along and shuts off your power again.

We have/had Dengue for a time, and this government is better spending tens of millions on road works. Stay from Nassau, the Deputy Prime Minister, Brent Symonette, is disregarding the constitution, and is making tens of millions of dollars off of the road works, and the Prime is as complacent.

Every major road work imaginable is being done, in every area here, and none of these projects are any where near completion. We're doomed financially, but at least Brent Symonette, whose dad made tens of millions off of bootlegging, and his irreverent family is a hundred plus million dollars richer.

Crime is at a record high, 105 murders for a populace of only 300 thousand, and part of the reason is due to partisan politics; when the FNM took the government, the Prime Minister's boss hog, the deputy Prime Minister (the money man), saw to it that every Urban Renewal Office located in every troubled area of Nassau was shut down (their claim was that it was too expensive), and the monies were siphoned from there to aide in the road works. Major road works in a time of recession. Thousands on temporary work units fired, to aide in paying Brent, and his Argentinian cohorts millions.

Our phone company sold to a failing UK company illegally (Cable and Wurtless, I mean Wireless), illegal in the sense that Cable and Wurtless conveniently 'fired' or 'retired' agents in their company, who became Chief members of Urka or Orka. It's as if Pfizer fired their people who took over the FDA, and then approved all of Pfizer's products whilst blocking everyone elses.

Urka, Orka, approved Cable and Wurtless purchase of BTC, blocking out all other bidders, who were there from the beginning. The government sold BTC for 230 million, Cable and Wurtless gets back 30 million for just signing the contract, even though, the Submersible Cable between Haiti, and America is worth 92 million each, and even though our Cell network is worth hundreds of millions, and even though our government got hundreds of millions of dollars a year from BTC to aide the treasury; the go and sell a company worth a billion dollars for 200 million.

Expletive 10-16-2011 09:26 PM

Another day in paradise, pressure was out of control earlier, but I'm still here, my Frankenstein mix match computer isn't doing what I want it to do, but at least the sound is back and that's fine.

some one said I should post pictures, and that's fucking awesome, go with that good sir, post pictures until you turn blue in the fucking face, because you're the man with the chicks, and I'm a fat, black fucking loser who still lives with his mom and is relatively unhealthy. So your plan's better.

Expletive 10-16-2011 09:31 PM

Spock is gay! Well, Zachary Quinto is...

read that some where, is he or isn't he. Well, I'm hoping he isn't because he's a swell chap, but if he is, then he fucking is. On to a fucking million.

Expletive 10-16-2011 09:32 PM

Like the chap said I should post fucking boobs, and I agree, but in the end who gives a fuck about boos; this fucking site is surrounded by boobs, why the fuck should I post more. Well I will, but not here, not anymore, or at least, not fucking now, I'm fucking tired and this is me reaching for a fucking billion words or some shit, so fuck off.

Expletive 10-16-2011 09:34 PM

I thought to create a brand, but then, to fulfill that brand, I'd have to do a lot more work; AWESOME MUTHA FUCKERS!l Except I suffer from ADHD.

Expletive 10-16-2011 09:50 PM

More writing, more to do. ADHD will hit me again sooner or later, so let's do this. What did I do today? Started off today going to the hospital checking on my pressure which was a bit lower, 154 over 88, down from 160 over 110, life is good, yea.

Know I said earlier to never come her to Nassau Bahamas, I meant it, but we have 699 other Islands and Cays.

Expletive 10-16-2011 09:52 PM

I'd post pics and links to whatever, but I'm using my sister computer, and it takes forever to get to use this computer, and as I type this, other people can't wait to use it, so I have to be to the point and quick. We're aiming for a million fucking post aren't we?

Expletive 10-16-2011 09:57 PM

I wish I lived in Canada, Vancouver or Quebec, anywhere but here and all this bloody heat. BEC extortions aside, and regardless of our crime which was well over 100, the only thing I truly hate is the heat.

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