The Drunken stepFORUM - A place to discuss your worthless opinions

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Nigel_Stompbottom 01-11-2009 11:53 PM

How can I help?
That is all. 01-11-2009 11:55 PM

by never ever...ever ever ever....ever...posting again. ever.


TheSNakE 01-12-2009 12:03 AM

Send me money.

nachos1345 01-12-2009 12:04 AM

Get down on your knees and start sucking.

Nigel_Stompbottom 01-12-2009 12:09 AM

haha I love you guys.
You guys are great.
Really make a fellar feel welcome.

velvet_skin 01-12-2009 05:19 AM

yea..much on the same line as snake...
empty your bank account and send it to me.
i'd even settle for a back rub.

TheSNakE 01-12-2009 05:46 AM


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I'm assuming Nigel is a dude so I will skip the back rub. Just send the cash.

Nigel_Stompbottom 07-12-2009 03:10 PM

I dont even remember posting this.
God bless Vodka.

Pobs 07-12-2009 03:42 PM


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Nice to see you're wasting your time bumping your drunken mistakes.

Nigel_Stompbottom 07-12-2009 03:54 PM

Nice to see that you are taking the time to tell me that.
This place is called Drunken Stepfather, right? "Mistakes" are going to happen or am I understanding that too literally?

Also, nice to see you are a fan of American Psycho.
I saw that Patrick Bateman was a new member, so that must be a treat.
You guys can like have a convention about a sub-par, overrated movie.

Pobs 07-12-2009 04:04 PM


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Nigel_Stompbottom 07-12-2009 04:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Pobs 07-12-2009 04:24 PM


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Thanks! I really LOVE the first pair of tits you pulled from your spank bank on your shitty drive hard.

Now go find a REAL woman, get her to put DSF on her tits, take pics and don't come back until then!

Nigel_Stompbottom 07-12-2009 04:29 PM

First off, what the fucks a drive hard?

Second, that wasnt even from the spank bank, check the huge areola thread for shit I dig, the file will be the one with decent sized nips. That is spank bank. This was just a quick, lets get this poser distracted with what they want and move on with life.

I'll get right to work on the whole REAL woman task...

Btw, glad to see we are continuing to escelate my drunken mistake to two random strangers making dumb remarks back and forth to one and another. God bless the internet.

Pobs 07-12-2009 04:33 PM

Drive Hard is a typo.

If you don't want strangers to be making remarks at each other, STFU.

Nigel_Stompbottom 07-12-2009 04:35 PM

Thought I was supposed to GTFO?
Now its STFU?
Hmm :/

Pobs 07-12-2009 04:37 PM


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You can STFU and GTFO at the same time. It is possible. If you concentrate real hard.

Nigel_Stompbottom 07-12-2009 04:43 PM

Ok, I'll work on that too.
Thanks for the pep talk, chief.

MEGADOUCHE 07-12-2009 05:29 PM

Just thought I would add my two cents here.

Boon 07-12-2009 09:19 PM


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The only mistake is that you were a load that should have been swallowed. And Pobs ain't American. Try and make it through the book, if you can read.

Predator24 07-13-2009 08:45 AM you need the American's to come save your ass AGAIN!!!


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Pobs 07-13-2009 01:45 PM


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No. I got bored with this guy real fucking quick.

DontSnatch 07-14-2009 09:59 PM

did you scare him off?

Pobs 07-15-2009 04:29 PM


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You know me. I make the n00bs feel special :)

Nigel_Stompbottom 07-17-2009 09:39 PM

Nope. I just got bored of this guy really fucking quick, too.

Pobs 07-18-2009 10:03 AM


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When I want your opinion, I will give it to you bitch.

Nigel_Stompbottom 07-18-2009 12:12 PM

And here is me giving a shit what you want, brother.

Pobs 07-18-2009 12:18 PM


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I am not your "brother" and you're not Hulk Hogan fag.

Nigel_Stompbottom 07-18-2009 12:21 PM

Agreed, furthest things from being brother.
And I thought you were English? I mean you did point out how you "ain't American"
Shouldn't you have a grasp of how to speak it?
I not impressed by your flaming ability.
And yes, you are a flamer.

Pobs 07-18-2009 12:25 PM


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Being English doesn't automatically mean you can speak it, or type it for that matter. Plenty of people over here do not have a firm grasp on the language.

That aside, I'm sure in your perfect fucking existence you never made a simple mistake like a typo!

And no, I'm not a flamer. The flamers on this site can't even be bother to come and flame you. I only do it if I'm bored.

Nigel_Stompbottom 07-18-2009 12:31 PM

Kudos for the edit. Tops, guv!

I have made lots of typos.
I am going to make one now...

Pobs is a hetorosexual.

Frick, I always seem to miss the homo row when I type out my hate towards others.

Pobs 07-18-2009 12:37 PM


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Ok now I'm bored. I'm gonna list my last points out for you, real simple so you can understand:

1) Yes, I edited my post. So it made sense. If you weren't meant to do this, you wouldn't be able to!

2) It wasn't me who said that I "ain't american", it was Boon. However, he is correct, I am not american.

3) My pregnant wife is proof I'm hetrosexual. Not that I need to prove myself to you.

4) You are clearly a very boring, cunt n00b with fuck all to offer this site. So I'm done with you.

Nigel_Stompbottom 07-18-2009 12:44 PM

Before you are "done with me", I just wish you would have added this to your list:

5) My mullet-hawk ownz you!

Predator24 07-19-2009 09:33 AM

Nigel, how can I put this to you so you can understand.

1. Please contribute something to this forum instead of whatever it is you're doing now because it's getting old and tired.

2. Do some fucking research as a n00b first before you attempt to flame another member. The vets here know each others styles a little more than you do at this point right now.

3. Please contribute something to this forum.

4. Give me a world class rimjob and eat my shit via dirrahea milkshake (See my kinky vid thread).

5. Pobs is British (through no fault of his own) but more than a man than you could ever be since he has inserted his penis into a womans vagina.

7. I want to have a 5-way with Amy, Jo, Cellany and Suz!!! :cool:


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Nigel_Stompbottom 07-19-2009 10:00 AM

I'd love to be able to contribute. I am offering up my opinion and am getting pretty much told STFU at every avenue. Granted, my opinions are apparently shite, but at least I am making an effort.

I only flame those that flame me.
I'll go back to lurking and try and understand the ways of the DSF handjobs that appear to be going on around here.
Thanks for the tidbits.

Predator24 07-19-2009 10:07 AM

Running away is exactly the reason why you are getting the reception you are presently getting. Post some pics or a video or some games/software.

Trolls/leaches are despised where ever you go.
Stand out from the crowd!!


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Nigel_Stompbottom 07-19-2009 11:43 AM

I aint running away. And considering I have been flamed 3 times now by different "vets" this weekend alone, I think I am standing out pretty well so far.
And not sure what more I can contribute, I spose I could kick down my neighbors door and fuck his wife whilst filming the mother fucker, but I am not sure a felony works for me.

Predator24 07-19-2009 12:12 PM

Well you'd have my vote for n00b of the year that's for sure!!!:D


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Nigel_Stompbottom 07-19-2009 12:21 PM

Thanks. The depraved porn vote was difficult for me, but I am glad that I have your vote.

satan666 07-19-2009 01:52 PM

Nigel, nice to see you are holding your own around here.

i don't want to get yet another "please delete my account... DSFers are too mean to me, wah wah" PM!

Stick around. That's the best way to anger everyone :D :D

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