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Expletive 04-02-2010 07:05 PM

Hollywood Cock-Up

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Fuck You Hollywood, wasn't Chun-Li and Dragon Ball enough, you fucking Cock-Ups

I'm a fan of Bleach, and if you lot don't know what that is, or feels that it's a chlorine based product, then you can just fuck off :D, but if you're curious, or simply too stoned to give a fuck, continue reading my super new thread; Hollywood Cock-up--- now you can go fuck yourself. Still here, good, good, let's continue, Bleach is an awesome fucking Manga written by a Japanese guy named Tite Kubo, and it's about a group of Samurai human looking grim reapers whose soul purpose is to help recently deceased people and to kill them before they become white ghost eating mutha fuckas that eat other souls and become more powerful fuckers. And if by chance they eat enough other ghostly fuckers, or recently deceased fuckers, or any fucker they can get their mouths on, they become Arrancar; faggoty Spanish looking, dressed, and speaking mutha fuckers, how or why this happens is never explained, but it's fucking cool. But to think this awesome bit of cherry blossom goodness has fallen into the hands of snobby Hollywood makes my head hurt and my dick limp. So fuck you Warner Bros, and Fuck you Steven Segal for plotting on what would have been an otherwise happy blissful ambiguously gay series of weirdness. Not that any of the characters are gay, other than Gin and the Arrancars. And if you don't know who they are, then your mother is a fucking whore!

edit: I used microsoft word to write this thinking i'd make mistakes, but surprisingly, i didn't make any, didn't need the sentence structure green line at all. or maybe word isn't working, in any event, go fuck yourself :D.

edit edit: And why the fuck (') becomes (?) when i copy it from word?

Expletive 04-02-2010 07:29 PM

Stargate Universe episode Space, airs tonight
Stargate Universe is a new hip series written by the village people to make the Stargate franchise more edgier and gay, but instead it's filled with more fucking fail than this fucking thread, and ladies and fuck-tards, that, is a bad thing.

I would link you fuckers to cool, hip, and supposedly edgier SGU shit, exclusively from tonight's new episode Space, but if I did that, your mother would be a whore, and i'd be uber gay, therefore, I'll just link you to a site that explains it.


And no, the link has nothing to do with tonight's episode, but it would help you understand what SGU is, and aide you in becoming a fan, or to just simply fuck off. Surprisingly, Universe isn't as cool as Atlantis, and by Surprisingly, I mean of course it isn't, because Scifi or SycFuk wannabes, decided to cancel Stargate SG1 for two new shows they felt, and by they, I mean Mark Stern; the dumb fuck, felt would be better than a ten year old show, therefore, he canceled SG1 for Flash Gordon and Payne Killer Jane, which made as much sense as a man cutting off his dick to become a woman instead of just being a fucking shemale. But, let's just say Flash Gordon and Payne Killer Jayne was a bunch of stupid fucking shit, which made getting one's dick cut off to become a cunt, child's play in comparison, or maybe not, but it was just a terrible decision. And on the heels of one bad decision, Mark Stern made another and canceled Atlantis because it didn't want to pay for both Atlantis and Universe. And fuck you too Mark Stern.

So now we have SGU, for better or for worse, which will only get better because the lesbian character will be cured for a time when a cripple bitch switches bodies with her and uses her body to cluster fuck every male member on Destiny. But that may not happen anymore because the village people secretly may be gay.

edit: Stay tuned for more Hollywood Cock-up

edit: There was a huge debate about the entire lesbian getting shit by a disabled woman bit, but fuck, what about the disabled; it was about the disabled actually getting laid and enjoying a regular body, fuck lesbian rights, what about the rights of the disabled? That's typical Hollywood.

Expletive 04-02-2010 08:17 PM

Hollywood hard for Asians, says Zhang Ziyi

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I'm not sure what Zhang Ziyi is talking about, it isn't as if Hollywood under uses Asians in any way whatsoever, or would willingly use Asians in any cliched, or otherwise improper way. Fuck, Hollywood treats Asians like the oriental kung-fu masters they are, who gives a fuck if they're more Asian scientist than any where else, or that most Asians idea of Kung-fu is the back-shot; what you non west indies call doggy style. Or that Asians has the richest cultural history known to man. Who the fuck wants to see Zhang Ziyi talking when she could jump and kick.

Expletive 04-02-2010 09:57 PM

Remakes sucks ass!
I'd like to think I have tons of cool fucking ideas that Hollywood would whore out their mothers for, but I've since come to appreciate that living in the Bahamas and not having any financial means, it is doubtful, that any of my fucking ideas will ever grace the eyes of the majority of the village people that makes up Hollywood. With that being said, I'm sure there are thousands of others who had not only the means, but also the opportunity to have their bits of fancy accepted by the muck a mucks of Hollywood. Unfortunately, many of these screenplays have been locked away to rot while Hollywood not having the balls do take risk anymore, fuck about and remake something that was a success some time ago.

So we're now graced with more remakes than original material, and our satisfaction meters has fallen ever further into apotheosis (a place set aside for failures, fags, and fuck-tards), which wouldn't be that bad except for Hollywood slamming our television sets with more incredulous bullshit claiming it'll be the movie of the century, or the remake of the millennium or other such bullshit, and like proper temporary memory entertainment-whores, we quickly dash to theaters to be had, again and again.

Clash of the Titans came out today, and far beyond the reviews, or the endless line of people online complaining of how much it sucks, we're reminded that this movie may break even, or even worse, become a hit, and Hollywood, not having learned anything, would continue to remake this trivial bullshit. Now, I haven't watched it as yet, and would like to hold my opinion until I've actually seen it, so if any of you fuck whats sees it, let me know what do you think.

Not all remakes are utter and complete bullshit, some of them are actually good, for instance---fuck you, your mother's a whore!

TheSNakE 04-02-2010 10:53 PM


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She's a Chinese citizen. Whether she feels that way or not, she couldn't say anything else.
She barely speaks English, how could she become a big Hollywood star? She's better off in Asia anyway. She's probably treated like royalty there.

Expletive 04-03-2010 07:52 AM


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The thing about Zhang Ziyi and many other Asians are the ways they're continually type-cast in this roll or that, whereas, most, if not all of them, are just regular folks, and they could be lawyers, teachers, students, foreign exchange students, hell, they could even be FBI agents, but Hollywood, and the narrow minded writers, continually show these neighbors of ours, as either ancient fighting people, or modern triad thugs, it's fucking sick.

edit: That is, when they're not type-cast as slave labour.

Expletive 04-03-2010 09:55 AM

From Porn to Hollywood?
Since time immemorial, Cock in Cunny action has been an awesome way to pass the time, relieve stress, seek enlightenment, or to have offspring to make sure your genetic memory continues---unless you're gay; then you can just fuck off!

All of us, if not most of us, has enjoyed the act of Cock in Cunny, but again, if you're gay, you may enjoy Cock in Ass or Tongue in Snatch (though these practices are not necessarily gay since straight people call these various acts fore-play, unless of course you're into fucking shemales, and technically they're neither nor, so you're not gay, just subsidized), which is okay if you're one of the village people that makes up Hollywood, or into art since, most artist, designers, and poets are fags. But among this clamor of professional arts, comes a practice that isn't all that new since, the Egyptians did it, and the Greeks made it a professional pass time, but for all intents and purposes, it's; fucking before an audience for Entertainment. And I'm sure, among the many audience members in Ancient Egypt or Greece, there were the many watchers who had their hands beneath their robes enjoying the vision of the moment, by whacking off, completing the awesome union of Entertainment fucking, and personal satisfaction.

Unlike our supposed time of enlightenment, in those times, actors involved in stage sex would also take part in regular plays, and no distinction could or would be seen by anyone living at that time. Fast forward a few thousand years and you have modern societies moral fuck-whats. These Fuck-Whats continually sneer at sex, even though most of them are fags, and are especially judgmental of public promotional segments of sex to be had or bought, and in a way, they're correct, because I feel every time I see a bit of naughty bits on posters or for sale at shops in plain view of public places, that it should be hidden, or the promoters should be more discreet. Since fucking and shitting are one in the same; every one does it, but publicly, you shouldn't be promoting shit coming out of ass unless of course we're at a sex convention and all of us being sick fucks are subjects of fuck-yeah nirvana with a hand in our pants enjoying the moments. But for some reason, the village people, or Hollywood, refuses to use porn actresses, or actors, beyond cliched rolls which is unbecoming for these laboured professionals, or give them demeaning rolls which is beneath their wide range of acting capabilities. Because porn actors and actresses are fucking awesome in their own right, and far out shine their mainstream counterparts, with deeds and acts that would make most actors and actresses of tinsel town fold up and cry like the attention whores they are. Few has broken the fourth wall (why is it called a 'fourth wall'? fucking idiocy) beyond Ron Jeremy and Tracy Lords (have you seen her vids when she was 16? I may have seen them as well, but you lot may be feds, so fuck off you moral fags!), and even these two has to endure endless cliched rolls. But in my humblest opinion (or the only opinion that matters, so fuck off!), any one who for sixteen hours endures the smells, gas passes, ins and outs, flu colds and germs, or the glare of dozens of other people, or even further, the public ridicule and chastisement, not to mention built in god-given conscience that condemns us repeatedly, are not only super awesome, but most capable of enduring the harshest, and thankless mainstream rolls known.

But saying that the unfair judgment of porn stars are solely the fault of Hollywood is fucking stupid since most, if not every one publicly, crucifies them daily. One of the moral fuck-whats that cause lasers to shoot out of my eyes, is the thought that some one marrying or getting involved with a porn actress or actor is not only immoral but it taints the person getting involved with them. Which is fucking ridiculous since the same crowd that once hated and persecuted faggots are now supporting the act of faggotry, which is okay if you're a fag or supporter, but what moral right have any to condemn a porn actress or actor when you're a supporter of unnatural sex acts, which an entire city got Death Cluster-Fucked Fire-Lava Rocks Fucked from the sky for. And if you don't believe in that bit of actual history then look no further that gay acts was illegal punishable by jail time and at one time, death. And still is punishable by jail time and death in some countries, which makes you supporters and practitioners all sweaty and angry and shit. But, you'd still hold false to the idea that though you're a free moral human engaging in you right to fuck whatever or support a fucker of all things unnatural, that you'd now condemn Porn people for being immoral participants. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? You fucking trolls are hilarious! And you fucking unnatural fucking fags are not the only ones to blame, because some of the blame fall onto you moral-fags. Oh, You, Fucking, Moral, Fags! When you're not trolling fags, and having your harems on the side with your several mistresses and butt-boys, you're mocking about making life difficult and shit, calling attention to Rapelay, an awesome bit of intuitive Japanese gold meant to weed out the hardliners from the wannabes, having the audacity to call rapelay a game that should be banned and any one who plays it should go to jail, when you fuckers are sending our kids to war to get killed and to kill a bunch of sand-savages just because they engage in a bit of thighing, as the honorable prophet Mohammad did to his nine year old wife A'isha. So forget you Moral-fags, as the honorable book of Mohammad said, while you lot are in the fires of hell, these sand-savage will be in their hill-billy or camel-spitting heaven engaging in busy acts of deflowering virgins; Indeed today the inhabitants of Paradise are busy (read fī shughlin or fī
shughulin), [oblivious] to what the inhabitants of the Fire are suffering,
[busy] delighting in pleasures such as deflowering virgins - not busy
with anything wearisome, as there is no toil in Paradise - rejoicing, blissful
(fākihūna is a second predicate of inna, the first being fī shugulin,
'busy'); source: al jalalalyn 36.55

Though admittedly i've some what strayed from the topic of my previous concern, i'd like to say fuck you, and your mother's a fucking whore, except of course if she's passed, and in that regard, my apologies since, de mortious nil nisi bonum, until all are one, or some shit there of, and tampico tropical punch and barcardi razz is awesome, but it took me too long to write this post. And give porn people a chance, if any one can suck dick and get fucked up the ass on screen, they have unique talents that could only get better with time and effort. Just look at Shauna Sand, she's almost as awesome as Vanessa Del Rio.

Expletive 04-03-2010 03:05 PM

Duel on Mustafar
Duel on Mustafar remains one of the greatest light saber fighting scenes ever, though it isn't necessarily the greatest sword fighting scene ever since our Asian cousins has outdone Hollywood's Cock-up saber fights by leaps and bounds. And if you didn't know, Mustafar is a planet of lava in the Star-wars universe, and If you hadn't known that from the beginning, you're most likely a troll-fag and needs to fuck-off!

Word from the set is that Kyle what's his fuck good day mate, Ewan the haggis eater, and Hayden the maple-leaf, had a brilliant well thought out super fight for Anakin Vs Obi-Wan, but George Lucas being the adorable fat fucking loser he is, decided that Star-wars is his path to whoredom having space for only one attention whore, so he told the two actors and the fight coordinator/stuntman to go fuck themselves. And reportedly, after several rim-jobs, Steven Spielberg was finally able to convince George to allow him to work on the Mustafar duel.

But what a fucking awesome duel it was, and it would have been even more fucking awesome, if George Lucas didn't write the dialogue for it. But seeing as how George writes dialogue like inbred crack whores spouts poetry with a dick in their mouth, the actors and the audience was shat upon once again---to say the least. And what an awesome group of actors they were, Hayden had the angry looks but sounded retarded, and Ewan was noticeably underwhelmed with the boring dialogue and looked about ready to weep in almost every scene. But if you have the ability to see pass the fucking idiotic dialogue, the actual saber scene is fucking fantastic. And the constant revolving scenery was magnificent as well--- nothing short of Cock in Ass is as moving.

And though the Maul Vs Ben-Kenobi bit was supposed to be the untouchable star-wars duel, I'd have to disagree, since the brilliant speed and accuracy and sheer time of the Hayden and Ewan bout, was ever ready, like a professional male porn star on Viagra having a three way with two cougar cum stars from way back when; something to beheld.

But if there were a way to rip the cum of star-wars out of my fucking brain I'd gladly do it, because it's fucking stupid to be a fan, or even a remote fan of a fucking idiotic bit of science fiction written by a lazy fat fucker who acts as if he's unsure of what should be cool or isn't, and what should be allowed or wouldn't, or even what the fuck he's going for, an attention whore of the highest order who'd sell his birth right to be male for another billion, so from the bottom of my jaded heart I say, FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS, you and Hollywood for fucking up my childhood with your fucking half assed attempt at something awesome. That's why home-made porn is more awesome than all you fuckers; at least it plays to it's source and accomplishes genuine greatness.

And it would have been cool to have Hayden at least once rub Padme's clit with the force, or at least hint at it, c'mon George, you know you wanted to.

Though admittedly; Barcardi Razz and Cranberry is a lot better, and buying two for one from Butler and Sands is an awesome easter special, and for only ten fucking dollars, put that mutha fucka in your fucking pipe and smoke that fuckers.

Expletive 04-03-2010 07:30 PM

Can't be viewed in your COUNTRY?
The fuck-what faggotry that is the RIAA, or whatever the fuck they call themselves, has led a great many websites into banning people outside their area code, or country of origin, in an attempt to stop us from viewing their Entertainment material. Well, tonight, I wanted to watch the premier of Doctor Who, so going to BBC One, I attempted to view it, but was blocked, I therefore went to BBC America and found out that Doctor Who's new season isn't until April 17, but, I'm presently downloading the latest Doctor Who series now. So what have we learned today Hollywood's step aunt twice removed otherwise known as BBC One, how the fuck can you stop the internets mutha fucka?

But, here's what makes me giggle, they block you from watching content on their official website thinking they're actually putting a stop to you viewing their material, whereas all they've accomplished is you getting the shit by other means. While you're on their sight, you can be spammed to shit, or showed a million and one ads, much like youtube does, but not this fucking lot, they're all, ban your country and shit. Well fuckers, consider me banned, and i'll download every episode here on out for you being stupid fucking idiots.

Expletive 04-03-2010 10:30 PM

All the rum is gone, but tomorrow, we're having a bit of white wine, so no biggie. But I've since come to the realization that drinking and writing is a definitive no no.

Expletive 04-09-2010 03:50 PM


Clash of the Titans hasn't released a screener copy online, so I've been unable to watch it at DVD quality, but according to the gay fuckers at chud.cum, they re-shot most of that fucking movie because they thought the original version was too village people and not enough bruno; though technically they're both fucking fags and the differences aren't that substantial (and if you feel I shouldn't have used 'aren't that' but instead should have used 'isn't that' then your mother should have dropped you on your fucking head when you were a little rat in her arms sucking on her tit!).

Though I hate Chud because they caused me major butt hurt when the 'fag forever' loving slime apes, told me in so many words that not only is the bible shit, but fags are awesome, and according to one stupid fucking cunt from chud's forum; allowing her daughter and son's to fuck everything that has a pulse is okay, as long as they respected other people. Well fuck, all of this happened before DSF so being the pre-DSF bitch that I was, I cried to the head of the fucking forum, the gay fist lord of that faggoty site, Mr Bearded Fuck, and due to my mental damage and penchant for all things ADHD, I got banned and they called me the crazy Bahamian, so trying to be a fucking Ogre troll, I acted the part and posted as much crazy random shit as I possibly could, well, the shit did hit the fan and the fag fucks banned me. Stupid fag fucks. But alas, had I known of the awesome that was DSF, I would have told that stupid fucking cunt to post pics of her teen daughter's snatch so I could see if she'd fuck me; seeing as how the girl's mommy dearest felt nothing wrong with her daughter fucking the family dog, me, though blacker than most and reminiscent of Frankenstein, can't be that bad, or much better---so, Why Not.

But this isn't about the fucking faggots of Chud.cum or their fucking leader His Bearded Fuck, no, this is about his Bearded Fuck's rant about Clash of the Titans. And though I care as much as the rest of you, seeing as how I've started this Hollywood-cock up bullshit, and how I've never finished anything I've started; I'll start here, and continue with this bullshit, even though I'm bored and semi-depressed and hate everything. Wait, my sis called me for some rum, fuck, she got some money today. Fuck you lot, I'll post his Bearded Gayness bullshit and maybe post some shemale porn later on, or maybe not; since one pred is fucking awesome enough and two of em may just equal to homosexuality.


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Expletive 05-01-2010 08:11 PM

Friday the Doctor and Matt Smith
Fuck, another remake, Friday the 13 Nightmare on elmo fucking a tranny. Though I haven't watched and probably won't because I'm no longer excited about anything anymore, even the fight scene of this movie episode 3 the fucking menace revenge of the shit fuck. Shitty fucking George Lucas vomit bulls bullocks sickly gangrene cunny pus shit, fuck him. And fuck the lot of you fucking wankers, but with carrots instead of zombie dick, the zombie dick is reserved for george lucas, may his daughters take his many and donate it to make more interracial japanese porn, and by interracial i mean bbc in dem japanese twats. speaking of bbc, i fucking watched the doctor who the latest of flesh and stone of a two part piece, and no i'm not fucking waiting on bbc america to catch up, so fuck you, and even if it was up to date, my sound on my telly is gone, and i don't have the money to fix it, so fuck you again you fucking dog wanker.

but seriously Dr Who's episode flesh and stone was perhaps the most brilliant Dr Who episode ever watched, Steven Moffat has outdone himself, but seriously, looking at episode 3 without sound is even more upsetting than watching it with sound, Fuck George Lucas for fucking up Starwars. And fuck Hollywood for remaking shit. Fuck those ignorant assholes, grow a pair you fucking faggots and write something else, or fucking hire some one who can, you fucking wankers.

Expletive 07-04-2010 06:56 PM

Exactly three months ago since my last post ^^^ or so, I took it upon myself to do the national census of which, I'm a supervisor---since then I've come to the appreciation that I was a fucking idiot for getting involved, and this is not only beyond hard, but it's incredibly unfullfilling since we're not being paid until September October. But onto the review.

I've come to the appreciation that Hollywood isn't only the minority fags but are also the dimwitted populace who spends oodles of fucking dollars on stupid fucking movies like Eclipse part who gives a fuck; I haven't watched the first one, and I'm not going to watch this one, because when I wanna watch gay shit, I watch shemale porn, which is only pseudo-gay, but is actually gayer than Elton John blowing bubbles in boy George's loosey goosey ass.

And Avator, Haven't watched that one either, but I suspect it sucks ass, which means that you Americans need to stop rushing your fucking products to market just to make a gazillion fucking dollars. But my point is moot since the fucking ignorant populace continue to buy into this dumb shit, aw fuck em all!

Expletive 07-12-2010 05:38 PM

Predator 3
Predator 3 was surprisingly predictable and fucking boring.

How the fuck is it that the Preds knew Topher Grace was a serial killer; what was their first clue, and why would they have singled him out and not some one else, and even if they would have the means to follow him: again, and with much gusto; how the fuck is it that they singled him out? The other fucking losers were easy enough to trace because they're always out there killing fuckers, and Adrien Brody's character was fucking awesome, he made me almost want to become a merc myself---Almost! This fucker oozed coolness, and though the movie was predictable, it was sort of sweet that he got the Black fucker killed trying to find out who is who, I had to go over in my mind when Adrien's character disappeared from sight, which appeared to be around the time the butt-hurt classic pred was on the monolith making the lot of em piss em pants, Brody's character went MIA for a better vantage point, that was fucking awesome.

But seriously, how the fuck did they pick Topher Grace out of a classic line up of meh white mutha fuckas, and don't tell me they're ambient light hiding ghosting mutha fuckers since, It isn't as if no one would not notice an invisible ten feet tall obstacle in the public library accessing the internet, or in Topher Grace's private residence observing him while he's skull fucking his latest victim to death. And even if hypothetically they could access all that shit from their ships, how the fuck did they know that Topher Grace was a fucking serial killer who regularly pretends to be another boring white mutha-fucka out of tens of millions of white nerdy looking mutha-fuckas? And do these preds use teleportation technology, it isn't as if a mutha fucka like Topher Grace on his way to work and driving could be apprehended by a ten foot tall mirage and no one would go ape shit and make enough noise that the next time out, the Preds have more of a tedious time when they're harvesting killers.

And Law Fishbourne though boring and predictable (I watched Pandorum mutha fuckas so I'm a bit weary when you come across a semi-crazy survivor who has all the fucking answers) was adequately utilitized to explain what I didn't give a fuck about, good job mutha-fucka, but I forgive you son, You're as big as me now, so it's probably hard with all that extra weight on you, if you need tips, pm me.

I could give a fuck about every one else, the dame was okay, but any one could have played her role. The scene with Hanzo was sweet, though predictable. But Adrien Brody owned this mutha fucka, besides, he's an infinitely better actor than this lot, including Fishbourne because the Piano was the fucking saddest movie I've ever seen, and Brody---Mutha fucka i cried for that guy when he suffered in that movie; he was so fucking pitiful and sad, it was incredibly moving, and may very well be the greatest movie of all time, which would make him one of the greatest actors, loved him in the Jacket too, and if you didn't like the Jacket---FUCK YOU YOUR MOTHER'S A WHORE!

The Preds were predictable, which was sad because these fuckers got lazy and just did anything which only makes sense they got fucked over by a group of fucking humans, namely Brody's character. I sure as hell wish there's extras on the DVD which takes this coherent pile of shit into a proper direction.

But, if you ask the scientific part of my mind, it only makes sense that the Preds would be over whelmed so easily, because it appears hunting is the reasn for their existence, so their idea of greatness is to hunt or to die trying, which means they have to believe in an after life with the single mindedness of an Islamic Extremist, so anything and everything else only lends to their fame after this life, which would make a lot of sense, thus, in that regard, all of them died with honor, even if they died foolishly.

Over all Predator 3 gets a 2 out of 5 runny cunnys

Expletive 07-18-2010 07:30 PM

Inception was a brilliantly made movie. It didn't suck, it was well written, and every body fucking acted brilliantly, not to fucking mention that the cheography, editing, and the directing was fucking wicked.

But, after reading every fucking review of them saying how this movie went far beyond what the Matrix did for entertainment, I'd have to say; not really you fucking dopes. Sure every one acted like they should've, and the movie was written by a fucking genius, it doesn't mean that this mutha-fucka is the second coming of the Neo, or the 'One' if you're a fucking lover of Larry's sexual reassignment what the fuck--- FAGGOT, and by faggot I mean you lover of the "one" and shit, not Larry since he's becoming a shemale, which is amusing to me for some reason, and begs the question, was neo being rid of the matrix, or Larry his fucking man-hood? None of the above since Neo accepted both the Matrix and reality in the end, which means Larry is going to stay a bonafied shemale, fucking brilliant! Sure Leo Dicarpio is one of the greatest actors this side of forever, and that short Canadian chick from Hard Candy is as tempting as ever (and I still wanna chew on her hair, and not even her pubic hair, her fucking hair on her head, what the fuck, okay I'm fucking wit you, I wanna chew on her pubes till I taste Bacon, fucking A!), and the dude from third rock is a good actor even though he still looks like a fifteen year old kid, and every one else including Picard's clone, Tom Cruise's Samurai buddy and the fucking Indian dude fucking rocked their part and conceivably no one else could've played their parts. Even after all of that flossing and blo-flakking, The dude from sunshine was awesome too, good job you fucking cool dude, and it's cool you got to see your experiment up close in sunshine, it gave me a tear.

This fucking movie still isn't as good as the Matrix was as to how it changed every one's perception of everything. Sure Inception was deep and complicated, and fucking made me smile; that mutha-fucka was really well written. But, it still doesn't deserve to be given blow jobs ten times a day and thrice that amount on Sunday. Don't think I'm being difficult, It's a fucking off the ja hizzy fucking attempt at the second coming of the Matrix, none the less, it isn't. It's an awesome bit of fiction too:

Of how in your dreams an hour is actually five minutes in the real world, and a dream within a dream is a week to that one hour, and how a dream of a dream within a dream is ten years, and a dream within that fucking dream is near infinity, fuck me that's stupid since the brain power needed to slow down time, or the apparent slow down of time and speeding up of perception, or vice-versa is probably possible, but would require your head placed into a bucket of crushed ice and water since you'd probably over heat and have a fucking stroke.

But I'm a firm believer in the power of the brain to do everything and anything, and no I'm not one of those fucking idiots who says dumb shit like using 99 percent of your brain since if you did that you'd be having a fit or seizure you dumb-fuck! The reason why I say such is that Christ came to earth with his full heavenly knowledge downloaded to him when he got baptized with the dove from heaven, and all those pre-human memories flooded into his mind concerning his billions of years of existence not to mention taking part in creating the universe and everything in it, which is probably why he needed forty days to meditate---his brain simply grew knew path ways to assimilate all that extra stuff, which means we're capable of anything, and if you don't believe that, then you can go fuck yourself, and your mother's a fucking whore, and you and schrodinger's fucking cat needs to be both alive and dead in that fucking box with arsenic; stupid mutha-fucka!

Go watch Inception, I just did, but I still hate going to theatres, since people are always there, and at times, I hate being around fucking people, too many fakey mutha-fuckas playing sophisticated and cute and shit, and really, all we are, are bags of shit waiting to get fucked---until the end, then we'd better be saints, because, otherwise, we're fucked.

Expletive 11-14-2010 08:08 PM

Tron Legacy 2.0 a pile of Donkey Shit
Tron Legacy 2.0 will be a pile of Donkey Shit. Why will Tron 2.0 be a bunch of donkey shit? Well true believers, the first Tron was a pile of Donkey shit. I'm 34 years old December 5, and around the age of eight or nine, I learned of the existence of Tron. All thanks to some show or the other hosted by Leonard Nimoy or something similar, which ever the case, I was able to gleam a behind the scenes of Tron's making, or a report on it's existence, and shortly thereafter, I forgot it ever existed. Now, in those days, I was a scifi asshole; I loved the shit. I read every starwars mag that I could find, or heavy metal magazine that I "borrowed" from my uncle's, so trust me, science fiction was in my blood; I watched lost in space, star trek, buck rogers (though I can't remember a diddly fuck about it), six million dollar man, Dr Who---though ZNS only ever aired the Tom Baker serials, which I loved (it's pronounced ZED N S fuckers, we used the Canadian term back then, and still do)---Jason of star command, Battle Star Galactica (I hated the original BSG, and I watched it before I knew what Star Wars was), The Ark Show and Invaders. The first actual science fiction movie I ever watched was demon seed and Critters, followed by Return of the Jedi (which blew me the fuck away) and Invaders from Mars. And after that, I saw Dune (which become my favorite science fiction movie of all time, and the books are to die for). All this was around 1985-1987
Tron was of no interest then, and all the talk of a video game dimensions seemed no more complicated than an episode of Spiderman and his amazing friends with Video game man. In the late 80's I watched Empire, and had to borrow Return again to enjoy the movie in sequence. Until that time, I'd only saw portions of Empire and Star wars a new hope, so I didn't appreciate any of it until, I watched Empire and Return together. I also watched Predator around this time, and that shit was one of my favorites, and remains my most favorite action movie. Before Predator came along, I thought Chuck Norris was the greatest action star of all time, and this was after seeing Commando and Rambo. In 1990, I watched a lot of B movie science fiction, but among the many, the most memorable, was the A-list Blade Runner, and Aliens, not to mention, 2001 a space odyssey (I rubbed out a few to Sigourney Weaver during that time, and also once or twice to Chani, the beautiful lady opposite Harrison Ford in Blade Runner, and Kyle Mcnugget in Dune). Juggies video provided all sorts of B movie cheese tastic films, a great many of them I can't remember, but they were entertaining. Among these, I Come In Peace and Hardware, not to mention an Alien rip off staring Jan Michael Vincent. In those days, I couldn't afford a disc or tape player, and the only thing we ever seemed to have was a VCR, so my two dollars a day for lunch was always saved to rent video tapes; three bucks for seven days our two bucks if you brought them back in four days. If you paid five dollars for two, you could rent a third one for a dollar. So I got to watch a lot of science fiction movies, and it still hadn't occurred to me to watch Tron. Not even the Lawn Mower man pushed me into cyber technology. Fuck, I watched the three aquas, in those days, the brilliant movie the abyss, the fantastic leviathan, and the watchable, deep star six.

The coming of the internet caught everyone in the Bahamas that I knew of, or heard from by surprise. So any concept of a virtual nexus in cyberspace was never considered. We thought the next big thing would be the transfer of electricity through gold lines instead of copper, to make the transfer of power more efficient. We understood naught fuck about gold's melting point, or the concept of use it or lose it power distribution. I hadn't watched Weird Science until 1995, and around the same time, Hackers. So the concept of a phone line interactive communication was culpable, but I still remained ignorant to it's potential, and so did a lot of other people here. Of course others new of the net, but fuck me if they shared that with the public. Watching Ghost in the shell and others revealed the concept of a virtual existence, but I still thought it was more fiction than science. It wasn't until 1996, that I was exposed to the internet, and it wasn't until January 1997 that I discovered cyber porn, which eventually led to me talking with some folks on Broad Cast Chat 1 and 2, and in our discussions, the concept of a virtual cyber world was touched upon, and again, some one said to watch Tron. So, I didn't, and time flew by like wayward skeet. Recently, G4 had Tron on, and I decided, I'd sit down, and watch it. And boy did it suck. Not to long ago, I watched Starman, and it was a powerful, and beautiful bit of film making. Tron was just a pile of Donkey shit. I watched a powerful movie called Duck You Sucka, a spaghetti western it was, absolutely beautiful, the ending was sad and awesome. Tron was just a pile of Donkey Shit. I watched it again on G4, and it still was a pile of Donkey shit. When I was younger, and I'd seen images of Tron, I always thought it was animated using black cray paper and chalk, for the life of me I can't say why I thought that way, but that was my reaction. And thankfully I didn't watch it then, unfortunately, I watched it, and it was a pile of Donkey shit. I'll give Tron the original disaster a C-

Tron Legacy 2.0 is due in theaters soon.

Some horses died before the race began, only their legs didn't realize it until they stunk to high heaven. Tron Legacy 2.0 looks cheesier than the original and it's going to stink. Do yourselves a favor, and watch re-runs of Stargate Universe, followed by porn, that's all I ever do. Hey, if I'm wrong, I'll suck on Olivia Wilde's poop holder before and after she shat, I'd even sniff her fart smells.

Expletive 12-19-2010 10:22 PM

Stargate Univers got canceled!
Didn't see Tron Legacy 2.0, even though I read and watched reviews about it, which were all negative. But despite the reviews I refused to watch it, and that's not because I was right about it being donkey shit, it's because I don't like the look of it. So I'm not wasting my seven dollars on that pile of bullocks. And I could watch an actual movie now if I so chose, because for little over a week I've had a job which is paying me good money, even though i have to work long painful hours seven plus days now. But funk that crap, I'm being paid, so Thank God! Tron's premise was a failure from it's inception, and the only reason why people liked the first one was because it premiered during a time on the precipice of computing technology, and everyone back then allowed themselves to believe that machines in twenty years would be doing everything from wiping our ass, to giving us blow jobs. Thirty years later, and from what we can see, computers, machines and robots though a bit further technologically, still can't wipe our ass our give us real life like blow jobs. I won't even waste space on my computer to D/L Tron Legacy either.

The Traveler starring Val Kilmer was a powerful film. Not at all predictable, and had a satisfying ending. I'd give you a review, but first you'd have to dress up in your ole' lady's knickers and shove a corn dog up your ass---use Google you fucking slobs and type: THE TRAVELER STARRING VAL KILMER REVIEW. I'm sure you'll find proper reviews done by smarter people than me.

Unthinkable starring, Samuel L. Jackson, Carrie-Anne Moss and Michael Sheen can not be described. It has to be viewed. I was terrified and eventually saddened by the ending. Though I approved of what had to be done at the end, I was saddened and horrified. And I don't give a shit about many things, so that's saying something for a movie to affect me that much. You can D/L it or you can support the makers and buy it for a few bucks. Whatever you do, watch this movie.

Devil is a AH SO movie, even though it had a somewhat cool ending. Can't say much about Devil because it was a bit too gimmicky, but it ended before it wore out it's welcome. Even though the revealing of the character who was the devil was interesting, it felt rush and not well made.

Stargate Universe got canceled. Sure we could blame the producers for fucking the Stargate franchise by canceling a show with almost two million viewers (Stargate Atlantis) and replacing it with a show which was supposed to be edgier, with actual sex, and lesbians, and drama and melancholy like bullshit, and SGU had half Atlantis' viewers (not to mention caused twice as much). But in the end, the real demon was SYFY, But who am I kidding, in the spirit of Gordon Gekko which SYFY is clearly following, you can't really blame them, because after all; greed is good. So who is to blame? Americans are to blame---You Glee watching Faggots!

Expletive 01-07-2011 04:03 PM

On Tuesday, myself, and a group of other losers, did our best to try and save Stargate Universe, by attempting to buy the episode Resurgence which aired sometime in November (on SyFy) of last year, and was supposed to tide us over until SGU returned in later January. Resurgence is the 10th episode of Season 2, which clearly showed a show getting better, despite it's lackluster first season. And the ratings for Resurgence wasn't as good as it could be, because SyFy decided to move the show from Friday night, and place it squarely in the bosom of Tuesday nights, to fight on even keel with Network heavyweights, in particular, the fag spectacle, Glee. Regardless, it had almost a million viewers; So SyFy decided to move the show to a place where it would surely fail, and canceled it. Sounds like Fox five to ten years ago. (I know my ideas are inconsistent and jumbled in this here bit of pseudo-jargon "fuck you all to hell repartee." But ask me if I gives a fuck, go ahead fuckers, ask me)
SGU got the can, because it cost more than any other show on SyFy, and cheaper shittier shows cost less; Eureka Warehouse 13 Ghost Hunters, and other such shitty fan fares I detest.
My beef though isn't the cancellation, or at least, it isn't my beef at the moment. At this very moment, my fucking beef is with whom ever won't allow me to LEGALLY PURCHASE on demand movies and shows from AMAZON, NETFLIX, ITUNES. Well true believers, imagine my surprise, when all these pencil pushing execs and their lawyers bitch bitch bitch about illegal downloads and the like, and the moment I try to get something legitimately, I'm blocked because I don't live in the united states. Or when I try to view some content, they block me because I'm not American. Well then, FUCK THAT SHIT, AND FUCK THOSE ASSHOLES, I'LL JUST DOWNLOAD THE MUTHA-FUCKA! No skin off of my teeth fuckers; I'll download the bitch.
But on Tuesday, it was different, I'm trying to save my show SGU. So I really wanted to show MGM, and all those other distributors that people exist outside of the United States that watch these shows. But fuck me, it didn't work. So I'll acquire my movies, my shows, my songs, my books, and shit I can't think of at the moment, free of charge. Fucking Idiots!

For one to be in the clear when they judge, it's only fair to give something a chance, to be sure, it is as you say it is. Being the guy that I am, I thought it best to give the movie a chance to stand up for it self. Thus, last night, I watched Tron Legacy.

No I didn't go to theatres, but I downloaded the bitch, And I gave it, my full and undivided attention. No porn or anything, I just watched Tron Legacy. But before I watched that, I watched another piece of brilliant scifi fantasy called ULTRAMARINES, it's based on the warhammer 40,000 mythos. And I must say, I wished I was able to pay for that digital download, because it was an awesome movie, even though it was CGI--- and the United Kingdom cast just added to the awesomeness.

Jeremy Jahns, the jewish kid on youstub, went on about how he hated Skyline, but fucking thought Tron Legacy was okay. The CGI, almost made it all better---well Jahns, the cum scene in porn makes the ending satisfying because you could relate to cumming and thinking; that's me finishing a load on/in that dame, but unless cumpilations is your thing, you would like to see, her suck your dick, you eat her cunt, she gets boned in her cunt, then her ass, followed by her blowing you to satisfaction. But the last few seconds of her blowing you to argggasm is cheap without the entire scene, and for me, there's no invested interest in her ample portions, or my pseudo-dick entering her areas and holes, if I don't get to see the whole thing.

Jahns complained Skyline had stupid lines and an even stupider plot. But Tron Legacy made sense? For fucks sake, Skyline had characters who grew up on the OC, Clueless and fucking Hip Hop, HIPPITY FUCKING HOP. Shakespeare, these mutha-fuckas ain't. Also, Skyline is about survival and the entire movie focused on that. And the bit about using human brains for power, well fucker, our brains is hundreds of times that of a super computer, so why wouldn't they use our brains for processing power? And the depth of a brain's ability to imagine the impossible, and to persevere especially when all is lost and it should fail, is only a testament to the overall movie for using brains to power their ship, and ultimately allowing them to reconstitute their mother ship when a nuke destroyed it.

Tron Legacy had horrible cheesing acting and Flynn was more The Dude than a scientific Hippie nerd, and nothing made sense. I understood what they were going for, but even then, it made little to no sense. I wanted this movie to be good, even though I predicted it would be awful, and it was just that, a pile of donkey shit. The dialogue when Flynn, his son, and the Iso, had dinner, made no fucking sense, and left me bored. The eye candy wasn't enough to save this movie for me, but the music, that 80's spectacular movie soundtrack, made it bearable. out of ten vagina's filled with milky curd like cheesy yeast goodness, I'll give this movie a 5.3, but it only deserves a fucking 4, but the CGI gets .3 and the music a full 1.

Expletive 01-08-2011 02:18 PM

The Heavy
The Heavy stars Adrian Paul, and Gary Stretch, with Stephen Rea, Vinnie Jones, Shannyn Sossamon, Christoper Lee and Lee Ryan as support. Firstly, it's a movie about honor, and knowing who to trust. And Secondly it's the most important British Crime movie I've watched since Layer Cake, and true believers, I'd dare say, it's better than layer Cake. Can't say much about this one, but Gary Stretch, Vinnie Jones and Lee Ryan owns the scenes they're in. Adrian Paul does so as well, with his nonchalant barely interested, yet heavily invested look; The look of the harmless before it's edge. Shannyn Sossamon plays her role well, and the brother Mason's mother, played by Jean Marsh is equally as powerful as a dutiful mom, for one of the brothers, and near heartless for the other.
Even though the fuckers at Amazon, Netflex, and Itunes won't allow my dimes so I could order the proper digital download, I'll look for a way to donate money to this one; these fuckers out did themselves, and by these fuckers I mean this bloke Marcus Warren. Gary Stretch was also in Deam Man's shoes, and I'm going to download that one and watch it, and if it's any good, i'll find a way to give those cats a few dimes for their efforts. Because boys and girls, if we don't give dimes to these chaps, then there will be no more flicks. So have at it, and mail in what you can. Because it's doubtful yous fucks got any currency other than dimes.

I'd post pictures for The Heavy, but first, you'd have to sniff your grandpas purple skeet up your fucking noses yous fags!

Expletive 01-11-2011 08:30 PM

Dead Man's Shoes stars Paddy Considine, Gary Stretch and Toby Kebbell.

What Can I say about Paddy Considine other than he like most UK artist, knocked that shit into the stratosphere. Gary Stretch was good, but this is Considine's movie. At the beginning, it all seemed sloppy and disjointed, and you get a bit irritated at the pacing, by it's end you're like MUTHA-FUCKA! Steal, d'l, kidnap, do what you have to, watch this movie. And if you can, mail in a few dimes to these chaps for making such an awesome movie. I'd say pay to download, but they've banned me from paying to download, So....

Altitude stars Jessica Lowndes, Julianna Guill and Ryan Donowho

Without giving too much away, I'd say it doesn't suck, and that it isn't a totally unpleasant experience, hell, it's pretty good. Like how having anal sex with Sasha Grey isn't that bad, even though you really wanted Megan Fox. But at the end of the day, you had some awesome cunny's asshole to skeet in, even if said asshole may have been filled with warts; cooties don't kill, aids do, so you're safe.


Expletive 01-18-2011 10:15 PM

To all of yous who'd ask, no I'm not

using Drunkenstepfather to write this

bit, nor am I using an actual Word

processor; that'd be cheating. I'm

using a text editor, and for yous lots

that don't know what that means; I'm

using notepad; Don't feel bad though, I

just got the fucking difference myself

but three four years ago; maybe if I

used the internets for more than porn,

I'd learn a lot of things; and I've been

using the inter webs for fourteen years

now, so you'd think I'd be a bit hipper

to shit by now.

Skeletons is a Scottish production

written and directed by Kevin Whitfield,

and like so many other movies I liked, I

find the thing to be indescribable. But

here goes; it's witty, and incredibly

original, and funny, and cool, and

brilliant, and so very sweet. And

that's about all I can say about

Skeletons. I loved it because it was

very, very good, brilliantly acted,

awesomely shot, incredibly witty, and

because of such a brilliant film, Ican't

wait to move to the Fatherland, aka the

U.K. to have me a little cottage on a

knoll some where and have ten point six

kids with a cockney talking lass who has

crooked stained teeth---paradise.

True Grit stars tracy Lords, Dick

Cheney and your fucking whore of a


The Warchowski's out did themselves

with this one, even the faggot brother

who isn't necessarily a faggot anymore

but is closer to a THE GAY becoming an

ambiguous thing called a shemale, which

isn't necessarily a man or woman if they

look feminine enough :P, if they still

look mannish then they're THE GAY, but

if not it's okay, I guess. But for

goodness sake, and always remember

kids, letting a shemale fuck you in the

ass, or sucking a shemale's penis will

make you THE GAY, but if they suck you

off, and you shank their bottom then it

isn't, I guess. I also guess you've

sucked your dad's penis as a child, so

let's continue yous faggots.

True Grit is the movie that will give

that guy from Tron and Tron Legacy an

academy award, though I doubt it, since

they'll most likely award it to a

faggot, which is sad because they're

always snubbing THE GAY and the jews,

but they give it to fags and African

skinned people, fucking unfair

hollywood, fucking unfair.

Jonah Hex and THE DUDE out did

themselves and so did Jason Bourne and

the fourteen year old who lost her arm

due to snake bite. When I get some more

money, I'll send a few dimes to both

studios for a tour de force.

Save stargate Universe, please Save

stargate universe, download it, buy the

dvd for season 2 when it's released,

don't buy the first season DVD because

though I hate everyone, I wouldn't put

my worst enemy through that shit.

Season 2 is infinitely better, and

surpassed my expectations.

Fuck me that came out wrong, but I'm so fucking fat and lazy, I can't fix it. What should I do?

jo_dile 01-18-2011 10:47 PM

What.................the fuck...............are you rambling about? :D

Expletive 01-28-2011 02:15 PM


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Sorry about that Jo, I've been so busy lately, trying to be relevant but ultimately failing like the loser that I am. I just wish i was out there making movies Jo, instead of being home with me mom, and everyone else. A fucking loser I am, but being the hateful loser, I tend to make fun of other stupid movies and concepts.

Expletive 02-01-2011 08:08 PM

A Serbian Film was supposedly an allegory for something in Serbia, though I don't see what raping new born babies, drugged men, or raping your own son while your brother rapes your drugged wife. Or having your wife smash your brother's face in for having raped her. Or, having your former porn partner's teeth removed then suffocating her with your penis, or raping a woman whose hogtied to a bed doggy style, then chop of her head to experience rigor mortis sex. Or, brutally killing the ones responsible for drugging you and forcing you into doing this shit, and shoving your penis in one of the bad men eye socket to kill him. Or at the end, the horrors you, your wife, and your son was ultimately so horrible, that you all commit suicide via gunshot, only for another film crew to come on the scene where your bodies are, to have the new director to tell a massive sized bloke to start having sex with the body's starting with the young one.

If you ask me, the director/writer is simply a sick fuck, and wanted to shock everyone, and by extension, he probably wanted to incur some emotion in his cold black unfeeling heart due to being jaded, or having lived through some soviet communist block off the ja hizzy bullshit, so horrible ( he claims it's based on shit the SERBIAN people endured ), that we in the west only have nightmares about such twisted shit. Or fool ourselves into believing, that such things could only exist in Hollywood, namely the movie Hostel 1&2 or Salo.

BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES FROM THE BEHEADING SEX MORTIS SCENE. This entire movie is just a fuck you to all of us. There is no reason or rhyme to any of this shit, this particular scene was troublesome for me.

I don't dig people getting killed, getting raped is a meh for me because you're alive, even though you're fucked. But getting killed while being raped, is a bit much. This movie though troublesome, hasn't raped my soul like that pussy over at bloodydisgusting claimed this film did to him; maybe that faggot needs to watch more glee.

edit: watch this movie at your own peril. I don't give a shit, but there may be those among you who hasn't the constitution for such things.

jo_dile 02-01-2011 08:32 PM

I heart you. Fuck everyone else and stop talking yourself down or I will whip you with my weave. Got it? :mad:


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Expletive 02-01-2011 11:09 PM


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Jo you got it :D --no more of that doomsday bullcrap. only positives from me. :)

jo_dile 02-01-2011 11:32 PM


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;) The only one who can make you happy is you, baby cakes. :) Everyday you have a cant change the hand you're dealt, but you can choose how you react to it. *hugs* :D

Expletive 02-12-2011 07:52 PM


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Jo you're awesome! Thank you so very much!

Joe Johnston
Andrew Kevin Walker (screenplay), David Self (screenplay), and 1 more credit ?
Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins and Emily Blunt

MacQueen: It was about twenty-five years ago now. My pa found him: Quinn Noddy and all his flock. Brains, guts and God-knows-what lying across the moor. And the look on Quinn's face. Like he'd been eaten alive. Whatever did it, it was big, had claws, and didn't mind a load of buckshot. After that, me father went home. He melted down my ma's wedding spoons, and cast silver bullets off 'em. He wouldn't leave the house on a full moon from then on.

That's poetry right there, and it's from an overlooked and underrated masterpiece called Wolfman. Many fuckers brags about the awesomeness of Avatar, and how James Cameron is the second coming, but to them I say nay, and again, thee never; fuck you lot---I say in case they're assholes and don't get it. Avatar was a bunch of donkey shit, 3d and all.
Andrew Kevin Walker who wrote Seven, 8MM, Sleepy Hollow and helped make Fight Club awesome, was definitely the gore master and scene density for Wolfman. Del Toro carries this movie, as he did in Che, even though he was seemingly stronger in Che than he was in this. Though Del Toro carried the movie, Anthony Hopkins owned every scene he was in, and the big revelation half way through wasn't that much of revelation for me, but it was still nicely done. I'll give it a four out of five, well done you lot, well done.

The Tourist

Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (screenplay), Christopher McQuarrie (screenplay), and 2 more credits ?
Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie and Paul Bettany

The Tourist, was boring, it was really really boring. Which surprises me because the director clearly loved shooting it, and the writer clearly loved writing the dense scenes. So why was it so boring? Why was it so utterly trivial and pointless? These questions keep me up at night people. Seriously, I don't sleep much.

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Edgar Wright
Michael Bacall (screenplay), Edgar Wright (screenplay), and 1 more credit ?
Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Kieran Culkin

Why was this movie made again? Seriously, why did they make this piece of shit cinema. It wasn't cool, nor funny, but maybe that's because my heart is onyx, and I who despised Legend of the Guardians and Toy Story 3 isn't the type of person---aw fuck it this was a bunch of shit. It didn't remind me of video games nor anime, nor manga characters, this was just fucking stupid.

August Underground

Fred Vogel
Fred Vogel, Allen Peters
Kyle Dealman, Casey Eganey and Alexa Iris

Not funny, not cool, not horrifying, nor terrifying, more like terrible and horrible. The camera work seems as if it was held by a retarded with Hodgkin disease. Don't see it, not because of the subject matter, but because it wasn't executed properly. I've kept a copy of the trilogy so as to remind myself how not to do it. But in contrast, I have Cloverfield on DVD to remind myself of how to do it right.

@Syfy Craig Engler
@DavidvanBrakel That's the series Brad & Robert wanted to create. If we chose a different take it would not have been a Stargate show.
11 Feb via web Favorite Retweet Reply

SyFY claims it's not their fault that Stargate Universe got brought to the table, and it isn't their fault that it was moved to Tuesday night to go head to head with network power houses like dancing, csi and the gay spectacle glee. Of course that's bullshit, and SyFy thought they could win with SGU like they did with SGA when they refused to bring back SG1 and to give Flash Gordon and Pain Killa Jane a chance. And we all remember how fucking awesome Flash Gordon and Pain Killa Jane was. Fuck, I remember when Dr Who with David Tennant ended (it was the first weeping angels episode) and Flash Gordon's episode The Hawk Man began. Now, I've seen some stupid donkey shit in my time, but to see, on Cable television, grown ass actors in a produced bit of fluff, stand around a fire make believing they're hawks going: Awww awwww awwww, fuck me syfy, you canceled SG1 for this shit? So naturally syfy jumped on the SGA band wagon because they felt that SG1 would loose fans in the coming years, and they thought; 'we need to have 2 million viewers,' but lo, syfy, lo, part of Stargates franchise power was that they were shown during off seasons and on Friday night when other Networks didn't have a solid answer for Fridays. But then the producers of SGA saw the awesomeness of BSG and thought they could do that, and decided to do a show where everyone was a universe away from it all (thus serious and shady, at least supposedly), and had nothing going for them other than the communication stones, and the producers loving the idea got excited and hoped that SyFy would carry both shows. But Syfy crying poor mouth, and saying they needed the money to bring better quality shows along the vein of Flash Gordon and Pain Killa Jane to the network, said that the producers had to choose between the beloved SGA, or the unknown SGU. So the producers fearing that after five years, SGA had no where to go, decided to do SGU, and as they say the rest is history. So the producers fucked up, big time. But it was SYFY that killed the show by deciding to bring it to television during regular season, and to move it to Tuesday nights. The show had good ratings Friday nights, dismal, but good. Tuesday nights; the show never broke a million. I never really liked SGU, I got to enjoy it, but I never really broke my back to go and see it. At least, not until the second season, which was much better.

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