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Sickboy76 06-03-2008 11:18 PM

What's the Last Movie You Watched? And how was it?
I myself rented Strange Wilderness. Funny movie but not better than Trailer Park boys the movie.

Nekyo 06-03-2008 11:29 PM

Two keys dot work, fid out which oes :P

At the moie theater, Idiaa Joes ....8/10

At home "the bucket list" ery ice moie, i'd say 9/10 although the criticts seem to thik otherwise :confused:

Badcat 06-03-2008 11:31 PM

I saw Iron Man at the theatre and I think it was "Knocked Up" at home

jbede22 06-03-2008 11:31 PM

blade trinity seen it before but rewatched it yesterday

jizzay 06-03-2008 11:33 PM

Just rented Into the Wild. Great movie.

gallow737 06-03-2008 11:36 PM

The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Really cool documentary. I have links up in the movie download thread. It's about a guy trying to achieve the world record in Donkey Kong and the douche bags in his way that try and prevent it from happening. It sounds nerdy, and it is, but it's actually very entertaining

Sickboy76 06-03-2008 11:38 PM


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DAMN-IT!! I totally forgot to watch that! I so am going to go see it.

sportster 06-03-2008 11:41 PM

Saw Indiana Jones yesterday.
It wasn't as good as I was hoping...

Marie-Eve Martinez 06-03-2008 11:41 PM

I'm watching Warriors right now, does that count?

If not, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade .

Sickboy76 06-03-2008 11:45 PM


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Creepy, I just finished watching the Warriors a couple of hours ago!
HA HA that's weird.

Sickboy76 06-03-2008 11:46 PM


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I was very impressed myself! Harrison is one of, if not my favorite actor of all time!

cybersteve 06-03-2008 11:51 PM

I saw The Strangers. What a jacked up movie... Way too predictable. A good movie to take a chick to because all of the scenes that made you jump. lol..

Sickboy76 06-04-2008 12:14 AM

I just finished watching the movie Next with Nick Cage and Jessica Biel. It's ok.
I love Biel and Julianne Moore they are so hot!

Soze 06-04-2008 12:17 AM

at home-heat-10/10
movie theater-forgetting sarah marshall-8/10

idahotransplant 06-04-2008 12:23 AM

Clerks. Just watched it today. At the theater - I Am Legend. Yeah, I get out a lot...

effjay 06-04-2008 12:25 AM

Last movie I caught in theaters was Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I totally dug that. At home, just got done watching RAMBO and I loved it. Classic Stallone. Hoping to catch either Prince Caspian or Indiana this weekend, just for shits and giggles. Got Semi-Pro coming in the mail and I might just have to watch that one first, though!

Sickboy76 06-04-2008 12:28 AM


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the new Indy movies is way cool!!!!! But I am a Huge George Lucas nerd!

StorageBag 06-04-2008 12:30 AM

CRANK for the 10th time. Love that movie,

"You haven't been tight since your brother fucked you in third grade ".

gallow737 06-04-2008 12:33 AM


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I have a couple of friends who worship that movie. And not in a "This movie is so cool" kind of a way, but in a "This is the greatest movie I've ever seen" kind of way. It's like The Godfather to them.

I liked Crank, but don't hold it on a pedestal like they do. They have a very... how do you say... bad taste in movies when it comes to what they think is good and bad

Sickboy76 06-04-2008 12:36 AM

"You haven't been tight since your brother fucked you in third grade ".

ROTFLMAO!!! that is such a great line!
Dwight Yoakam is the shit! Such a underrated actor!
also underrated in sling blade.

StorageBag 06-04-2008 12:38 AM


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Yeah, I can see that, I don't worship it that way at all. There are a ton of better movies out there, but it is the most recent movie I saw. On a scale of 1-10, I would probably give it a 6 or 6.5. I just like some of the action in it and kinda of a unique story line.

idahotransplant 06-04-2008 12:40 AM


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mmmmmm hmmmmmm.

gallow737 06-04-2008 12:46 AM


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Oh hell yeah, it was a total dude movie. Action packed, and it was all totally unrealistic and absurd, it's a fun watch, but they treated it like gospel, as if all movies should have taken note on how to make a good movie.

trondi 06-04-2008 12:52 AM

Diary of the Dead. Not bad for a Dead movie.
Children of Men Tonight. One of best movies out there.

I am all about home movies.
I can't pay 10 bucks for a movie. It is not right.

PANDAmonium 06-04-2008 12:55 AM

Kung Pow. . .


Nekyo 06-04-2008 01:08 AM

Diary of the dead is probably the best moie from George A Romero so far at least i my book.

ms. cellany 06-04-2008 01:12 AM

Funny, I just realized the last movie I saw in the theatre is the same as the last movie I watched at home- Darjeeling Limited.

Yeah, I don't go out to the movies very often, but I sure do like the ones by Wes Anderson.

PANDAmonium 06-04-2008 01:18 AM


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How was Darjeeling Limited by the way?

I really wanted to see it until one of my friends told me he didn't like it, and after that I just kind of decided it wasn't really on my list of movies to see anymore. Still curious, though. I haven't seen a good, worth-the-money-I-paid-for-it movie in a long time.

mhump23 06-04-2008 01:32 AM

National Treasure 2.

It was the exact same movie as the first one. It was fun the first time, it got old second time around. Quite disappointed.

Hopefully this weekend will be more promising. Taking the 2 little ones to see Kung Fu Panda. I hope it's good. I love Jack Black(Looking forward to Tropic Thunder too)

gallow737 06-04-2008 01:40 AM


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I loved it. Not as much as the original Dawn, but it was damn good IMO

ms. cellany 06-04-2008 01:51 AM


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I really liked it, it's very classic Wes Anderson... the three brothers' "spiritual" journey to India where they just go through the motions (quite likely how a lot of westerners spend their spiritual India treks) and can't get out of their own heads... all changed by a chance encounter.

Plus the soundtrack is amazing.

PANDAmonium 06-04-2008 02:10 AM


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Mmhmm, the soundtracks to most, if not all, Wes Anderson movies are great.

I'll have to see it sometime when I get a free moment to just sit and relax and watch a movie.

RvP 06-04-2008 06:35 AM

I saw Jumpers the other night, was alright nothing special

Striker 06-04-2008 08:13 AM

The Big Lebowski, last night, at work.

goonarms 06-04-2008 08:41 AM

Hotel Rwanda... Great movie

BigMac63 06-04-2008 09:06 AM

Death Proof

Certainly not my favorite Tarantino flick (Reservoir Dogs), but it was OK. Got half way through Planet Terror before I got distracted with other things.

Frothy Afterbirth 06-04-2008 11:09 AM


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I feel your pain. :mad:

bbanner 06-04-2008 12:07 PM

No country for old men. it was pretty good, don't know what's up with the ending tho. My brother tells me I have to see it more than once. Anybody get it?

tlock 06-04-2008 01:32 PM


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All time favorite

doubledip 06-04-2008 01:52 PM

Strange's random, but got some good spots!

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