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jay92388 05-07-2009 09:09 PM

How wouldn't you want to die?
Which way do you think would be the worse way to die? Is there one particular way you never wish to die?

TheSNakE 05-07-2009 09:16 PM

you forgot "All of the above"

Boon 05-07-2009 09:24 PM

In prison

but worse would be drowning alone. in semen. in prison.

jay92388 05-07-2009 09:24 PM


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Well there you go, if you can't choose just one...just state "all of the above" on here...

Jacktion 05-07-2009 09:27 PM

I want my last words to be

"At least I never have to listen to another fucking song by Creed."

MEGADOUCHE 06-05-2009 03:11 PM

Airplane crash should have been on that list. When I watch "Castaway", I get totally freaked out by the crash scene.

Carlos Spicy Wiener 06-05-2009 03:51 PM

I would fucking hate being beheaded! Think about it having your throat cut and choking on your own blood and then not being able to breath and feeling your skin being cut and actually being alive during the whole thing.

Goat Gosselin 06-05-2009 03:57 PM

i think crushed may be the worst way to go, getting stuck and slooooooooowwwwwwwllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy having a huge weight crushing down on you feeling all the bones crack and break pressure on your lungs and heart feel your skull start to cave in. eyes bulging as the blood is finding the easy way to escape cuz it cant be compressed. alive the whole time till you are the thickness of a dime.

that or a fat chick sitting on my face suffocating me out

danieldamone 06-05-2009 04:10 PM

I guess its a toss up between beheadin gand crueshed for me. It really depends on the type of beheading , i think. I mean, if we're talking like, heavy axe to the back of the neck, sure, great, ill take it. but the way you see it nowdays on terrorist videos look like the absolute worst way to go ever. As far as crushing goes...what he ^ said.

jcaf41 06-05-2009 06:37 PM

Too soon I know, but I think a rope around my neck and package would be a horrible way to die....just saying.

But fire would be bad. Really really bad.

Boon 06-05-2009 07:26 PM


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Well then stop doing that when you're alone.

jcaf41 06-05-2009 09:06 PM


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Well if N2 is standing in the corner then how is that alone??

FortySuz&Two 06-05-2009 09:43 PM

i don't wanna drown or get burned up in a fire. those top my list.

maxbailey 06-06-2009 06:55 AM


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Me neither.

Boon 06-06-2009 07:34 AM


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Wouldn't it suck more to get burned badly in a fire, only to then drown in the water from the fire sprinklers?

FortySuz&Two 06-06-2009 12:53 PM


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yeah i suppose it would. :p when i was in middle school this guy in my class almost died playing with fire in his tree house. seeing him everyday until graduation really made me not want to burn up in a fire. :(

The Godfather 06-06-2009 02:14 PM


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McHookerino 06-06-2009 10:17 PM

All of the above for me

but if it had to be one, anything while reading DSF;)

d_b_99 06-07-2009 08:47 PM


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They probably weren't last words, but on his deathbed the priest gave Voltaire his last rights and asked if Voltaire would renounce satan. Voltaire said "Now is not the time to be making new enemies."

chilansl 06-08-2009 12:12 PM

Crucifixion or Scaphism would be high on my list.

The Godfather 06-08-2009 01:14 PM

I'm not going to die. I will be raptured up with the Savior.

Satchmo 06-10-2009 01:03 AM

Burning to Death (on fire) <---- Liars

Carlos Spicy Wiener 06-11-2009 12:38 AM

What about being tortured,raped and then skinned and throat cut. Where's that on the list.

Predator24 06-12-2009 08:45 PM


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Dude, I have a thread I think you'll be interested in checking out.

Friggin diarheah and shit.

That's nasty :eek:

Predator24 06-12-2009 08:48 PM

I will have to go with drowning.

I have regular dreams regarding drowning. They started out as nightmares but over the years and repeatedly having the same dream over the years I can anticipate what happens next and now when I have the dream the drowning isn't so bad.

Hell, I'll probably be hit by a Loch Ness Monster or something.

Kyle E. Coyote 06-13-2009 01:08 AM

Burning- BAD way to go. Probably second worst for me. Until your go into shock or suffocate (depending on where the fire is), it'll feel like putting out a cigarette on your nutsack... but everywhere.

Drowning- After the initial panic, it's a feeling of euphoria, wouldn't be a bad way to go.

Strangled- There's gotta be a Carradine joke in here somewhere. If people can get off doing this, it must not be that bad.

Shot- Been there, twice. Fucking hurt, but that's only because the camelfucker that shot me didn't do it right. If it was a bullet to the head, it'd be one of the best ways to go.

Stabbed- Again, depends on location. The heart? Not bad. The kidney? No thanks.

Beheaded- What're we talking about here? Head on a block, one shot from an axe (or the guillotine) and you're done? Or are we talking rusty hand saw? BIG distinction.

Crushed- Quick by, say, an anvil, or is it going to be some Giles Corey bullshit? Or do I have to watch as it's lowered down on top of me, like the robot in the first Terminator movie?

Poison- Wow, these are all really open to interpretation. If it's Cyanide, or some other kind of suicide pill, then sure. If it's Drano, not a chance.

Diseases- Nah, I'd want to die in a way more manly than that.

Alone- Not a lot scares me. I laugh in the face of sharks, bugs, death, public speaking and snakes. Dying alone terrifies me. And the worst part is, I know I will. It's not that I'm a bad person, or fat, or ugly, or dirty, or boring, nor do I posess any other flaws that would make me fundamentally unfuckable... that's the sad part. I pride myself on my skills with women. And I'm great in the sack. :D What gets me, though, are two contradictory fears... a crippling fear of commitment, AND the fear of dying alone. Man, I'm fucked.

MrTwist 06-13-2009 01:28 AM

I think the last way I'd want to die would be by being anally raped and beaten to death by a gorilla.

aliasgarner 06-14-2009 09:09 AM


cdb8457 06-15-2009 06:51 PM

I wanna say fire. I mean is there a point when you go into shock and feel no more pain or do you just burrrrrrrn?

Trips 06-15-2009 09:32 PM


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Everyone dies alone man, its a hard realization to come to. Except for me. I'm starting my own cult to make sure of it. :D

pmpn8ez112 06-15-2009 11:36 PM

Burned Alive would be the worst I think. But could you imagine falling into this shit :eek:

I dont know if this would classify as being crushed but the thought of falling into that thing scares the shit outta me.

dave49 10-01-2010 03:59 PM


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I saw one of them on Dirty Jobs eat a cow..That would not be a good way to go..

ThatHaole 10-01-2010 07:10 PM


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But certainly you deserve to for bumping a dead thread to say that you saw something on tv.

dave49 10-02-2010 12:27 PM


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Thanks now I'm going to have nightmares.

cdb8457 10-03-2010 11:24 AM

Crushed Ouch!

itsbrad79 10-03-2010 12:05 PM

I think Drowning is the worst. You want to take a breath and when you do the water pours into your lungs, slowly you suffocate while aware of it all.

Beer 10-18-2010 10:18 PM

being force fed a small sinker on fishing line then after passing through my system, having one of either ends attached to barbed wire and pulled all the way through.

cmetz 10-31-2010 01:42 AM


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lmao, people need to stop bringing up old ass threads

Stantz 10-31-2010 06:13 AM

floating off into space in an EVA suitwith no control or comms and a limited air supply.

luckily, this is very unlikely to happen

Foetus 10-31-2010 07:26 AM

choking on someone elses vomit

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