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smeegs 05-24-2010 01:06 AM

HAE quit smoking?
I'm going on 15 years and have given alot of thought to giving them up, anybody got any suggestions to the best way?

FAHQ 05-24-2010 03:39 AM

I am currently quitting smoking right now. I am taking Champix (Chantix in the states) and I am having no issues or negative side effects. I find it works quite well. Best of luck. Had to quit due to the fact that cigarettes are about 10 bucks a pack here in Canada.

McHookerino 05-24-2010 05:24 AM

I quit last November and I took Chantix as well.

Only side effect I had was that i remember my dreams now, in vivid detail as well. Some of them are effing weird too

Bam-Bam 05-24-2010 08:26 AM

I tried for many years with various methods. I was finally able to succeed 2 1/2 years ago, with no aids. You have to set your mind to it. You cannot rely on drugs, gum, nicotine patches, or anything else. You have to want to quit. Once your mind is set, its really just your own willpower.

Good Luck!

satan666 05-24-2010 08:47 AM


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Dodged a bullet there eh? :D

Bam-Bam 05-24-2010 09:03 AM


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Predator24 05-24-2010 12:29 PM


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I quit back in March and used determination and tons of Bupropion or otherwise known as "Wellbutrin". With everything else I was on, I was too fucking high to worry about smoking. I think some of my best posts on DSF we done while I was on wellbutrin.

Long story short, it worked and I havent smoked since March

ThatHaole 05-24-2010 02:21 PM


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I used the patch once before and it was just one more thing to quit. This last time (1.5 years ago) I said fuck it, I'm quitting. If I can quit the blow and the booze I know I have the ability to quit smoking - still it was a bitch! But it gets easier as time goes on.

NookieJunkie 05-24-2010 03:19 PM

It is widely believed that nicotene is harder to quit than hardcore shit such as herion and crack...

TheSNakE 05-24-2010 03:36 PM

like 20 times. but I always go back. Love smoking.

slipple 05-26-2010 03:58 PM

Almost 10 years ago using Nicotine gum. It was really hard and I relapsed a couple times. Exercising and playing sports got much easier and my allergies cleared up as well. That was enough to know the shit was fucking up my body big time.

The Godfather 05-26-2010 10:09 PM

Never smoked a cancer stick in my life but I did give up the sticky icky when I went corporate. It was replaced by diet sodas. Weird, I know.

jcn175 05-26-2010 10:30 PM

I'm using chantix right now. It's like flipping a switch. A month ago I could not have possibly had a drink without a smoke soon thereafter. Now I don't even think about it. I also tried the Buproprion (sp) but it jacked my bp so high i had to go back to the doc.

d_b_99 05-29-2010 06:22 PM

When I quit, I moved from a jurisdiction that had low cigarette taxes to a place that had high cigarette taxes. I didn't want to pay so much more (double for a pack of fewer cigarettes) so I quit. Simple, really.

MrGoutHimself 05-30-2010 12:28 AM

I quit smoking all the time. First time I quit was when I was in Boot Camp on Parris Island. 13 weeks, no tobacco. I quit for 2 and a half years during my first marriage, and most recently was quit for 5 years during the end of my second. It's not hard to pick back up though, the clerk at the nearest gas station sold me some Camel Blues and I was back in business!

Stantz 05-30-2010 06:41 AM

When I gave up I was smoking 20 a day. That was about 12 years ago and a packet was fast approaching ?3.50 a packet. At the time money was a bit tight so I smoked the last 3 in my last pack that morning (I worked nights) and stopped

Just like that, I stopped. Sugar free chewing gum helped but that was it. I tried the patches but they just made me feel ill.

toolittletodo 06-03-2010 04:03 PM

I was smoking almost 2 packs a day before I quit 1 year ago- Did it with the patch and will power. You have to genuinely WANT to quit or it won't work. After 2-3 weeks pass, you realize, "Hey, that was nothing, and I'm a giant pussy for not quitting earlier."

Stantz 06-05-2010 07:46 AM


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Amen brother. I notice all commercials for patches/gum have a disclaimer at the bottom; 'requires willpower'. I genuinely reckon a lot of people think that using substitutes will be a magical cure-all. Well, better patches and gum rather than those inhalator sticks that make you look like a 5-year old

decano67 06-05-2010 10:17 AM

I quit in January and I fell off the wagon this past weekend... I hope i can get back on soon...:(

Anonymous 06-05-2010 11:44 AM

everytime you have a smoke, let someone fuck you in the ass. after about 3 days of this you will associate smoking with being anally raped.

Anonymous 06-05-2010 12:35 PM


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Generally "raped" doesn't involve "letting" someone do it, douchebag.

danieldamone 06-05-2010 06:33 PM

I just recently cut back to 5 cigarettes a day. It's pretty good, considering I've been smoking since I was 14 and at a pack a day since I was 18. They way I did it was by making two rules for myself. No smoking in the car, and no smoking at work.

decano67 06-05-2010 07:09 PM


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Just reading this made me throw out half a pack...Thanks alot.:mad:

AngryManny 06-06-2010 12:51 AM

I guess you can sum up how to quit by how bad you want to quit. Will Power as others have put it...

If you want to quit for financial reasons, you need to think of all the money you'll be saving by not smoking.

If you want to quit for health reasons, quit for a couple of days and you'll notice how well you feel after those days.

I quit for a month and a half every year, and after the three day hump it's all psychological! But then I turn into an asshole! I start wanting to beat the shit out of the biggest guy at the gym, and cutting people off on the freeway just for the fuck of it! I get all jittery and talk shit to people...

In the long run even if smoking kills, it won't kill me off as fast as talking mad shit to the fuckin' gang bangers running around this shit hole.

You can't quit for anyone else, you gotta do it because you want to do it.

MrGoutHimself 06-06-2010 02:51 AM

Nurse friend of mine says that as long as you haven't permanently scarred or started any cancer cells in your lungs, that in 7 years of being quit you're back to healthy! So quit today, swallow some gum, and when you shit it out your lungs will be clean!

I only smoke while driving, so I need to force myself to quit or get a job closer to home. I'm at 2 packs a week, though, nowhere near as bad as my 2-pack-a-day days in the Corps

Anonymous 06-06-2010 08:56 PM

toastermcgee 07-11-2010 07:19 PM

i quit 3 yrs ago and it was one of the most violent times in my life. I was a bigger asshole than usual for months on and off because cold turkey is tough. holes punched through walls, fights started at bars, other stupid shit.

toastermcgee 07-11-2010 07:24 PM

oh and its strange how now i cant stand the smell of it. i will avoid bars that allow it inside. The distaste for it was one of the reasons that turned the last girlfriend i had into an ex. partially because i find it disgusting now and partially because after a couple/10 beers i am likely to grab one and light it up if i am not careful. the weakness/desire for it wont go away. and one smoke now amplifies any hangover waaay to much

Beer 11-24-2010 12:21 PM

Twice. I picked up the habit in high school because when I started smoking weed it was with friends and they smoked cigs after. Then after my accident when I took a road trip with 4 hot girls that I just met. They didn't know I smoked weed and after 2 hours of driving, my back was killing me. I had a cig and got so light headed with a numbing body buzz. So I started again for a few months.

Both times I quit cold turkey purely on decision. The first decision was that I should quit and the next was soon after and final. As soon as I stopped, they became disgusting.

moviephile 11-26-2010 10:51 PM

I quit for 6months to a year 4 times and always went back to a pack/pack and a half a day. last time I decided not to quit but just see how much I can cut back. I go all day through work and don't really crave a smoke at all, when I get home I'll have one and usually 2-3 through the night. As long as I know i can have a couple whan I want, I'm golden. If I think I cant have any I fall back into a pack a day in no time.

jp4 11-27-2010 10:29 AM

I lost a nice chunk of my right lung in '83. I was in the hospital for 6 weeks and couldn't even get out of bed for 4 weeks, so it was a case of just dealing with it. Afterwards, I smoked a pack in a week but then stopped when I realized how smoking killed my stamina.

smeegs 11-27-2010 01:08 PM

Well, since I started this poll I might as well tell you where I'm at. I officially put them down two weeks ago. I use the patch which helps a whole lot, but I still crave cigarettes. I just keep myself busy and don't think about it too much and I get through alright. The tough part is when I'm in the bars with my friends because they all still smoke. But really if I didn't have a desire to quit, I'd still be smoking. The biggest step was actually wanting to quit period.

jp4 11-27-2010 01:15 PM

It'll always be hard. It doesn't matter what the addiction might be. Giving it up and staying off takes a lot of will power and determination.

FAHQ 04-23-2012 06:51 PM

It's been a month, god I want a fucking SMOKE!!!!!!

TheSNakE 04-23-2012 07:00 PM


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haha, about 50 days or so for me, after smoking on and off for 35 years. It sucks donkey dick, but I am getting used to it. I no longer want to smoke, but I still miss it once in a while.

Eccles 04-23-2012 07:20 PM


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FAHQ 04-23-2012 08:04 PM


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Yeah I think its the cravings come and go. A few times I could actually taste smoke in my mouth. What an addiction to kick. Was taking the Champix, ran out and said fuck it I can do this myself. One thing for sure is some days are better than others.

TheSNakE 04-23-2012 08:40 PM


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read the whole thing. not bad.


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I used the lozenges the first few days, now I puff on an ecig once in a while. It feels and tastes a little like smoke, so it is a little satisfying. But I am using it less and less. I had 2 vivid dreams about smoking, that I can remember. In the dream I was so happy and it tasted so good. But now I feel like it would be weird to smoke. I've been working out like a maniac, and all my weights and reps have gone up since I quit. I can't go backwards. I hope I can smoke a cigar one day.

FAHQ 04-23-2012 09:01 PM


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I had 2 vivid sex dreams while on the Champix. Miss those. Don't miss the nausea that came from taking them. I found my working out has suffered a bit, cuz I feel that my body was used to me smoking. Ever since I stopped it's like I'm working out twice as hard. Does that make sense? Anyways haven't thought about ecigs, afraid i might get addicted to them lol.

TheSNakE 04-23-2012 09:12 PM


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the ecigs are not good enough to get addicted to them. At least for me. I tried Chantix years ago when I quit and I had weird dreams too. The nausea was controllable after awhile, but at first it really sucked. I hated being a zombie while I was on it. That's why I quit. Meanwhile, a lot of people found me more tolerable because Chantix is very similar to Wellbutrin, which is an antidepressant.
Sounds like your difficulties working out could be all in your head. You are getting more oxygen to your muscles and blood now. They have to be performing better. It might be that you need more vitamins, or maybe it is diet related.

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