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TheSNakE 02-27-2010 05:57 AM


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Thanks, apparently he didn't have a chance with that type of malaria. He went straight to India from Africa and was in China with me a few months before that and in Vietnam and Cuba in between that. It's amazing he didn't die of exhaustion.

strommsarnac 02-27-2010 10:39 AM

Single mum had sex 191 times with boy, 12
It's not just men who do shit and need serious asskicking
A single mum who kept a diary recording the 191 times she had sex with a 12-year-old was jailed yesterday for nine years.

Angela Sullivan, 36, used a star to mark each time she bedded her young victim.

She even rewarded him with a pair of trainers once they?d slept together 100 times, prosecutor Richard Bennett said.

The mum-of-one was caught after the boy started bragging online about his prowess, Teesside crown court heard.

In one posting he wrote about ?taking my bitch to bed? and described what he intended to do, the court heard.

Friends nicknamed the boy Manballs and there were rumours Sullivan was pregnant before police were eventually called in.

Mr Bennett told how the abuse started during a party at Sullivan?s home in Middlesbrough. He said: ?Alcohol, including spirits, was available and it seems the young children at the party were freely able to consume it. During the course of the party the defendant said to the boy, ?Are you daring? Are you a devil? Are you game?? She tried to kiss the boy but he pulled away.?

The boy, who cannot be named, had 10 bottles of vodka-based drink WKD and told police he was ?really drunk?.

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Mr Bennett said there was no doubt Sullivan knew the boy?s age when she took him upstairs and had intercourse.

The court heard the pair had sex 191 times over 10 months, with Sullivan often sending her son away at weekends so
that she could be with the boy.

Mr Bennett said Sullivan?s diary entry for May 17 when they?d had sex for the 76th time read: ?Come on.? On August 1 when they?d had sex for the 174th time she wrote: ?Got to reach 200.?

Mr Bennett said Sullivan?s son saw the pair in bed together and was also exposed to mobile footage of them having sex.

Andrew Turton, mitigating, said Sullivan accepted she had done wrong, but stressed that the boy was a ?willing participant?.

Judge John Walford, who ordered Sullivan to stay on the sex offenders? register for life, described the case as shocking.

He said: ?You took advantage of this boy?s age. I accept you did not ply him with drink, but to allow him to drink, to become intoxicated, is in my judgment shameful.?

The judge condemned Sullivan for the psychological effect her conduct would have on the victim and her own son.

Acting DI John Wrintmore, of Cleveland police, said outside court: ?Sullivan preyed on and took advantage of a vulnerable boy. This sentence clearly demonstrates the consequences of such actions.?

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