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mr.brownfella 03-05-2010 09:26 PM 03-06-2010 11:53 PM

Foetus 03-07-2010 01:57 PM

kjshadow 03-08-2010 11:30 AM

A WWII POW story I never!
Monopoly - I did not know this!

(You'll never look at the game the same way again!)

Starting in 1941, an increasing number of British Airmen found
themselves as the involuntary guests of the Third Reich, and the Crown
was casting about for ways and means to facilitate their escape...

Now obviously, one of the most helpful aids to that end is a useful and
accurate map, one showing

not only where stuff was, but also showing the locations of 'safe
houses' where a POW on-the-lam could go for food and shelter.

Paper maps had some real drawbacks -- they make a lot of noise
when you open and fold them, they wear out rapidly, and if they get wet,
they turn into mush.

Someone in MI-5 (similar to America 's OSS ) got the idea of
printing escape maps on silk. It's durable, can be scrunched-up into
tiny wads, and unfolded as many times as needed, and makes no noise

At that time, there was only one manufacturer in Great Britain
that had perfected the technology of printing on silk, and that was John
Waddington, Ltd. When approached by the government, the firm was only
too happy to do its bit for the war effort.

By pure coincidence, Waddington was also the U.K. Licensee for
the popular American board game, Monopoly. As it happened, 'games and
pastimes' was a category of item qualified for insertion into 'CARE
packages', dispatched by the International Red Cross to prisoners of

Under the strictest of secrecy, in a securely guarded and
inaccessible old workshop on the grounds of Waddington's, a group of
sworn-to-secrecy employees began mass-producing escape maps, keyed to
each region of Germany or Italy where Allied POW camps were regional
system). When processed, these maps could be folded into such tiny dots
that they would actually fit inside a Monopoly playing piece.

As long as they were at it, the clever workmen at Waddington's
also managed to add:
1. A playing token, containing a small magnetic compass
2. A two-part metal file that could easily be screwed together
3. Useful amounts of genuine high-denomination German, Italian,
and French currency, hidden within the piles of Monopoly money!

British and American air crews were advised, before taking off
on their first mission, how to identify a 'rigged' Monopoly set -- by
means of a tiny red dot, one cleverly rigged to look like an ordinary
printing glitch, located in the corner of the Free Parking square.

Of the estimated 35,000 Allied POWS who successfully escaped, an
estimated one-third were aided in their flight by the rigged Monopoly
sets.. Everyone who did so was sworn to secrecy indefinitely, since the
British Government might want to use this highly successful ruse in
still another, future war.

The story wasn't declassified until 2007, when the surviving
craftsmen from Waddington's, as well as the firm itself, were finally
honored in a public ceremony.

It's always nice when you can play that 'Get Out of Jail' Free'

I realize most of you are (probably) too young to have any
personal connection to WWII (Dec. '41 to Aug. '45), but this is still

Foetus 03-09-2010 08:03 AM

Foetus 03-11-2010 06:15 AM

strommsarnac 03-11-2010 09:22 AM

Why isn't Bank/Financial Executive and Federal politician in there? They make lots more money than any of those jobs.

Foetus 03-11-2010 09:29 AM


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its not "highest paying jobs", its "best jobs"

Foetus 03-11-2010 09:51 AM


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REGISTER NOW to access all areas that are invisible to non-members.


Foetus 03-11-2010 10:33 AM

Moment of Death:
1) The heart stops
2) The skin gets tight and grey in colour
3) All the muscles relax
4) The bladder and bowels empty
5) The body?s temperature will typically drop 1.5 degrees F. per hour unless outside environment is a factor. The liver is the organ that stays warmest the longest, and this temperature is used to establish time of death if the body is found within that time frame.

After 30 minutes:
6) The skin gets purple and waxy
7) The lips, finger- and toe nails fade to a pale color or turn white as the blood leaves
8) Blood pools at the lowest parts of the body leaving a dark purple-black stain called lividity
9) The hands and feet turn blue
10) The eyes start to sink into the skull

After 4 hours:
11) Rigor mortis starts to set in
12) The purpling of the skin and pooling of blood continue
13) Rigor Mortis begins to tighten the muscles for about another 24 hours, then will reverse and the body will return to a limp state.

After 12 hours:
14) The body is in full rigor mortis.

After 24 hours:
15) The body is now the temperature of the surrounding environment
16) In males, the semen dies
17) The head and neck are now a greenish-blue color
18) The greenish-blue color continues to spread to the rest of the body
19) There is the strong smell of rotting meat
20) The face of the person is essentially no longer recognizable

After 3 days:
21) The gases in the body tissues form large blisters on the skin
22) The whole body begins to bloat and swell grotesquely. This process is speeded up if victim is in a hot environment, or in water
23) Fluids leak from the mouth, nose, eyes, ears, rectum and urinary opening

After 3 weeks:
24) The skin, hair, and nails are so loose they can be easily pulled off the corpse
25) The skin cracks and bursts open in many places because of the pressure of Internal gases and the breakdown of the skin itself
26) Decomposition will continue until body is nothing but skeletal remains, which can take as little as a month in hot climates and two months in cold climates. The teeth are often the only thing left, years and centuries later, because tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the body. The jawbone is the densest, so that usually will also remain

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