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n00batron 05-31-2008 03:22 AM

I didn't read every page (and I know this is a thread about bad tattoos), but does anyone here actually like tattoos? I know I do. 05-31-2008 03:26 AM


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most of us...

Jan and Scott 05-31-2008 06:49 AM

Yet another gem of pure artist genius that will be with someone for life...

Badhorsie 06-02-2008 07:25 PM

Ok, this is a test of if I have figured out how to post images. And a regretfull tattoo.

I do wonder what some of these people were thinking.
I have a huge tat on my back and one around my ankle, so I'm speaking from a tattooed perspective.... some of these make me cringe with embarrassment for the people who are sporting them!

Yalvulcon 06-02-2008 07:43 PM


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thats is really callin a spade a spade.............. but for some damn reason i love it

sportster 06-02-2008 09:24 PM


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Can we see? 06-02-2008 11:48 PM


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i'd like to see the front...:)

satan666 06-03-2008 01:52 AM

Yalvulcon 06-05-2008 08:58 PM

try explaining that one to mom

Choppie 06-05-2008 10:53 PM


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Well, at least it gives guys incentive to pull out and aim instead of planting that seed. I find it strangely attractive.

deadinabottle 06-05-2008 11:32 PM

now thats a beauty

BigMac63 06-05-2008 11:34 PM


I think we have a winner!

Yalvulcon 06-05-2008 11:38 PM

I think we have a weiner /\ /\ /\ /\

MickC 07-15-2008 01:35 AM

This one will appeal to the code geeks and l33t haxx0rs:

troup 07-15-2008 11:16 AM

Pfft, he is only a loser cos its not CSS.

salutationsb 07-15-2008 12:34 PM


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Not a spiderman fan, but i think that tat is pretty cool lookin.

SexyLion 07-15-2008 01:36 PM

Shasturbator 07-15-2008 01:36 PM


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just like the one on your ass!!!

satan666 07-16-2008 08:59 AM

SexyLion 07-16-2008 09:21 AM


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I wonder if his wife/Girlfriend has Joanie on her thigh...

SexyLion 07-18-2008 09:50 AM

Not bad, but did not know where else to put it

Geaux Saints 07-18-2008 10:24 AM


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Some people are seriously disturbed. Enjoy hell....

amylikewhoa 07-18-2008 10:49 AM

that picture makes me sick

DSF Guest 6 07-18-2008 11:40 AM


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What respectable tattoo artist would even agree to do something like that? I am in no way religious but that's just sick and distasteful....and that's saying something coming from a DSF forum member haha.

SexyLion 07-18-2008 11:42 AM

I actually think it is funny...but hey, I am a Christ Killer so what do you want.

amylikewhoa 07-18-2008 11:52 AM

theres nothing even remotely funny about that, even if you dont believe in jesus he never did shit to you its so pathetic to get something like that, or even think about it or thinks its funny.

its great that bc christianity is considered a majority religion its ok to attack it, i cant even really get into this.

DSF Guest 6 07-18-2008 11:53 AM


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Sure its funny to a certain extent. I could see like a shirt or something kinda like those "Holy Fucking Shit" shirts but to have that TATTOOED on your body, forever??? Come on.....

DSF Guest 6 07-18-2008 11:54 AM


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I'm with you on this one.

amylikewhoa 07-18-2008 11:57 AM


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4 out 5 of my tattoos are religious and when i was picking them out i saw some pretty offensive shit

SirLongFoot 07-18-2008 11:59 AM


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Now that is pretty sweet.

DSF Guest 6 07-18-2008 12:05 PM


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Although I can't say any of mine are religious, I really have not come across any really offensive ones in the parlors. Most of the shops I've been too are pretty respected in the area and some nationwide so they probably steer away from throwing anything in their flash that's gonna piss anyone off. But I'm sure if you were searching the internet, you prob did find some sick shit.

I don't know why, but this reminds me of a feature essay I wrote in college on a local tattoo artist. It's where my AC/DC tattoo came from haha. It's a good read, I'll upload it when I get home.

amylikewhoa 07-18-2008 12:47 PM


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There weren't any really sick ones, but a few with jesus on the cross naked and I'm sure irl he was naked but does anyone really need a tattoo with his dick on their body?

pinnerdude 07-18-2008 12:47 PM

Masturbating Nun

Yeah, I know this guy. Snapped this photo when his band played my 4th of july party.

troup 07-18-2008 01:10 PM


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Lol yeah, Christians get such a hard time. My heart truly bleeds.

Anyway, this isn't a religious debate, its about bad tattoos isn't it? I wouldn't get a tattoo like that one. The idea for a tatoo I have always had would incorporate a lot of religions together in some way. I used to wear a chain with symbols of major religions that I collected from various religious locations, supposed to kind of bring them together.

The wonderful thing about democracy is the ability to hate religion just as someone else can worship it. Just because people have this idea of the religious being "the good guys" maybe this guy got pissed off at all the hate that comes from it and decided "Well, Jesus can go fuck himself if he thinks i'm getting into that".

Just a thought.

Geaux Saints 07-18-2008 02:08 PM


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Seconded and thirdeded......Totally agree with you Amy.

Goat Gosselin 07-18-2008 02:56 PM

not sure if this one was on here, to bored to look back

Goat Gosselin 07-18-2008 02:59 PM

not a bad one but interesting

Goat Gosselin 07-18-2008 03:01 PM

what you think of this one?

Goat Gosselin 07-18-2008 03:05 PM


Goat Gosselin 07-18-2008 03:14 PM

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