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dusio22 08-07-2008 06:27 AM

Don't you just love blind patriotism and 'facts' quoted by one guy on the a forum that have never been reported anywhere else.

You telling me Fox News wouldn't have reported all those wmd finds?


Glen Quagmire 08-07-2008 07:30 AM

What I love is how these guys worship a deserter and a draft dodger as their great war leaders.

Choppie 08-07-2008 02:40 PM


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Any proof to back that load up?

dusio22 08-07-2008 03:21 PM


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Bravo! that's about as to the point as it gets.

Kyle E. Coyote 08-07-2008 04:12 PM

Google is our friend. :D


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Look for five minutes and you'll have more than enough information on Sarin bombs, nerve gas artillery shells. And here's pics of the MiGs, all 40 of them.


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And once again, using the newfangled Googler-hicky-mabober, here's info on a definitive link between Saddam and Al Qaeda.


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Kyle E. Coyote 08-07-2008 04:22 PM


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God dammit, when are you guys gonna stop saying this made up shit?

Bush had completed his flight training in the Air National Guard for the last six months of the Vietnam War. With six months to go in the war, he was going to be sent to South Vietnam. However, there was a problem; he didn't know how to fly an F-4 Phantom, just a Lockheed T/A-101. To be qualified to go to war, he had to know how to fly the Phantom. The training took six months to complete. By the time he had finished, troops were being sent home en masse. There was no reason for him to go, so he didn't.

According to Colonel William Campenni, then a lieutenant in the squadron: "The Bush excusal in 1972 was further facilitated by a change in the unit's mission, from an operational fighter squadron to a training squadron with a new airplane, the F-101, which required that more pilots be available for full-time instructor duty rather than part-time traditional reservists with outside employment."

Bush was a reservist with outside employment.

Also, PENTAGON RECORDS cleared Bush back in 2004.

Choppie 08-07-2008 05:51 PM


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I see plenty on the gas, but nothing on how it was supposed to be more of a threat now than ten years ago. Show me where it says he was capable of taking out our eastern seaboard. All I see is the planes, some old ass info on the chemical weapons WE KNEW they had, and some more conjecture.

Personally I think you've seen one too many sci-fi original pictures based on war.

Choppie 08-07-2008 05:52 PM


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About the same time you quit pulling "facts" out of your ass.

dusio22 08-07-2008 06:36 PM

I like the way he knows that Iraq and al qaeda were linked, yet the bush administration was forced to admit it never found a link.
They aren't even of the same sect of Islam. Saddam was afraid of al qaeda, they only reason he wanted the world to think he had WMD's was to stop Iran from invading him. His own intelligence chief said so.

Kyle E. Coyote 08-07-2008 07:04 PM


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Do you even watch the news? The CIA proved the link about two days ago.

Oh, and if one of Saddam's cronies said so....


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It was a threat eighteen years ago, that's why he was supposed to... no, was ordered to... have given it up by UN Resolution 687 in 1991. He instead buried them in the desert.

0.01 miligram/kg can kill a human. Sarin is an airborne gas that spreads everywhere the wind blows, has no known cure, is utterly irreversible and is 500 times more potent than cyanide. Saddam's MiGs, all 40, had two Sarin bombs totaling a half ton of the gas in liquid form. Scientists have estimated that one jet's payload could have taken out an area the size of New York state. Now multiply that by 40, and you have the whole eastern seaboard and then some. I'm not saying Saddam would have been coordinated enough to pull this off or that he would have succeded, but if he had it would've made 9/11 look like a bad car wreck.

Sarin has only claimed the lives of two Marines in Iraq so far thanks to our swiftness in invading.

Any more questions about Sarin's potency look up the Tokyo subway attacks.

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